
276 lines
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# Copyright 2018 Rackspace, US Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import socket
import time
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
import tenacity
from octavia_lib.api.drivers import data_models
from octavia_lib.api.drivers import exceptions as driver_exceptions
from octavia_lib.common import constants
DEFAULT_STATUS_SOCKET = '/var/run/octavia/status.sock'
DEFAULT_STATS_SOCKET = '/var/run/octavia/stats.sock'
DEFAULT_GET_SOCKET = '/var/run/octavia/get.sock'
class DriverLibrary():
stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(30), reraise=True,
wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=1, max=5),
def _check_for_socket_ready(self, socket):
if not os.path.exists(socket):
raise driver_exceptions.DriverAgentNotFound(
fault_string=('Unable to open the driver agent '
'socket: {}'.format(socket)))
def __init__(self, status_socket=DEFAULT_STATUS_SOCKET,
get_socket=DEFAULT_GET_SOCKET, **kwargs):
self.status_socket = status_socket
self.stats_socket = stats_socket
self.get_socket = get_socket
def _recv(self, sock):
size_str = b''
begin = time.time()
while True:
char = sock.recv(1)
except socket.timeout:
# We could have an overloaded DB and the query may take too
# long, so as long as DRIVER_AGENT_TIMEOUT hasn't expired,
# let's keep trying while not blocking everything.
if char == b'\n':
size_str += char
if time.time() - begin > DRIVER_AGENT_TIMEOUT:
raise driver_exceptions.DriverAgentTimeout(
fault_string=('The driver agent did not respond in {} '
# Give the CPU a break from polling
payload_size = int(size_str)
mv_buffer = memoryview(bytearray(payload_size))
next_offset = 0
begin = time.time()
while payload_size - next_offset > 0:
recv_size = sock.recv_into(mv_buffer[next_offset:],
payload_size - next_offset)
next_offset += recv_size
if time.time() - begin > DRIVER_AGENT_TIMEOUT:
raise driver_exceptions.DriverAgentTimeout(
fault_string=('The driver agent did not respond in {} '
# Give the CPU a break from polling
return jsonutils.loads(mv_buffer.tobytes())
def _send(self, socket_path, data):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
json_data = jsonutils.dump_as_bytes(data)
len_str = '{}\n'.format(len(json_data)).encode('utf-8')
response = self._recv(sock)
return response
def update_loadbalancer_status(self, status):
"""Update load balancer status.
:param status: dictionary defining the provisioning status and
operating status for load balancer objects, including pools,
members, listeners, L7 policies, and L7 rules.
iod (string): ID for the object.
provisioning_status (string): Provisioning status for the object.
operating_status (string): Operating status for the object.
:type status: dict
:raises: UpdateStatusError
:returns: None
response = self._send(self.status_socket, status)
except Exception as e:
raise driver_exceptions.UpdateStatusError(fault_string=str(e))
if response[constants.STATUS_CODE] != constants.DRVR_STATUS_CODE_OK:
raise driver_exceptions.UpdateStatusError(
fault_string=response.pop(constants.FAULT_STRING, None),
status_object=response.pop(constants.STATUS_OBJECT, None),
status_record=response.pop(constants.STATUS_RECORD, None))
def update_listener_statistics(self, statistics):
"""Update listener statistics.
:param statistics: Statistics for listeners:
id (string): ID for listener.
active_connections (int): Number of currently active connections.
bytes_in (int): Total bytes received.
bytes_out (int): Total bytes sent.
request_errors (int): Total requests not fulfilled.
total_connections (int): The total connections handled.
:type statistics: dict
:raises: UpdateStatisticsError
:returns: None
response = self._send(self.stats_socket, statistics)
except Exception as e:
raise driver_exceptions.UpdateStatisticsError(
fault_string=str(e), stats_object=constants.LISTENERS)
if response[constants.STATUS_CODE] != constants.DRVR_STATUS_CODE_OK:
raise driver_exceptions.UpdateStatisticsError(
fault_string=response.pop(constants.FAULT_STRING, None),
stats_object=response.pop(constants.STATS_OBJECT, None),
stats_object_id=response.pop(constants.STATS_OBJECT_ID, None),
stats_record=response.pop(constants.STATS_RECORD, None))
def _get_resource(self, resource, id):
return self._send(self.get_socket, {constants.OBJECT: resource,
constants.ID: id})
except driver_exceptions.DriverAgentTimeout:
except Exception as e:
raise driver_exceptions.DriverError() from e
def get_loadbalancer(self, loadbalancer_id):
"""Get a load balancer object.
:param loadbalancer_id: The load balancer ID to lookup.
:type loadbalancer_id: UUID string
:raises DriverAgentTimeout: The driver agent did not respond
inside the timeout.
:raises DriverError: An unexpected error occurred.
:returns: A LoadBalancer object or None if not found.
data = self._get_resource(constants.LOADBALANCERS, loadbalancer_id)
if data:
return data_models.LoadBalancer.from_dict(data)
return None
def get_listener(self, listener_id):
"""Get a listener object.
:param listener_id: The listener ID to lookup.
:type listener_id: UUID string
:raises DriverAgentTimeout: The driver agent did not respond
inside the timeout.
:raises DriverError: An unexpected error occurred.
:returns: A Listener object or None if not found.
data = self._get_resource(constants.LISTENERS, listener_id)
if data:
return data_models.Listener.from_dict(data)
return None
def get_pool(self, pool_id):
"""Get a pool object.
:param pool_id: The pool ID to lookup.
:type pool_id: UUID string
:raises DriverAgentTimeout: The driver agent did not respond
inside the timeout.
:raises DriverError: An unexpected error occurred.
:returns: A Pool object or None if not found.
data = self._get_resource(constants.POOLS, pool_id)
if data:
return data_models.Pool.from_dict(data)
return None
def get_healthmonitor(self, healthmonitor_id):
"""Get a health monitor object.
:param healthmonitor_id: The health monitor ID to lookup.
:type healthmonitor_id: UUID string
:raises DriverAgentTimeout: The driver agent did not respond
inside the timeout.
:raises DriverError: An unexpected error occurred.
:returns: A HealthMonitor object or None if not found.
data = self._get_resource(constants.HEALTHMONITORS, healthmonitor_id)
if data:
return data_models.HealthMonitor.from_dict(data)
return None
def get_member(self, member_id):
"""Get a member object.
:param member_id: The member ID to lookup.
:type member_id: UUID string
:raises DriverAgentTimeout: The driver agent did not respond
inside the timeout.
:raises DriverError: An unexpected error occurred.
:returns: A Member object or None if not found.
data = self._get_resource(constants.MEMBERS, member_id)
if data:
return data_models.Member.from_dict(data)
return None
def get_l7policy(self, l7policy_id):
"""Get a L7 policy object.
:param l7policy_id: The L7 policy ID to lookup.
:type l7policy_id: UUID string
:raises DriverAgentTimeout: The driver agent did not respond
inside the timeout.
:raises DriverError: An unexpected error occurred.
:returns: A L7Policy object or None if not found.
data = self._get_resource(constants.L7POLICIES, l7policy_id)
if data:
return data_models.L7Policy.from_dict(data)
return None
def get_l7rule(self, l7rule_id):
"""Get a L7 rule object.
:param l7rule_id: The L7 rule ID to lookup.
:type l7rule_id: UUID string
:raises DriverAgentTimeout: The driver agent did not respond
inside the timeout.
:raises DriverError: An unexpected error occurred.
:returns: A L7Rule object or None if not found.
data = self._get_resource(constants.L7RULES, l7rule_id)
if data:
return data_models.L7Rule.from_dict(data)
return None