Andy McCrae 601a9957cb Update paste, policy and rootwrap configurations 2016-12-02
This patch also removes the pip install of oslo.db since it is a
requirement of ceilometer it will get installed.

This patch adds oslo.vmware as a dependency. This can be removed once
Iaf51101bbaa5eba49f78e950152095913951430e merges.

Change-Id: I8edcb71f360abf9233c0b2b8d505a5fb8cd4178c
2016-12-08 14:54:30 +00:00
api_paste.ini.j2 Update paste, policy and rootwrap configurations 2016-12-02 2016-12-08 14:54:30 +00:00 Roll-up of multiple fixes for os_ceilometer role 2016-10-20 10:06:04 -07:00
ceilometer-httpd.conf.j2 Serve the ceilometer-api using mod_wsgi 2016-09-14 17:24:49 -07:00
ceilometer-ports.conf.j2 Serve the ceilometer-api using mod_wsgi 2016-09-14 17:24:49 -07:00
ceilometer-systemd-init.j2 Install ceilometer-polling on compute nodes 2016-11-03 17:45:45 -07:00
ceilometer-systemd-tmpfiles.j2 Fix tmpfiles.d when multiple service are running 2016-11-04 14:56:12 -04:00
ceilometer-upstart-init.j2 Install ceilometer-polling on compute nodes 2016-11-03 17:45:45 -07:00
ceilometer.conf.j2 Remove deprecated ansible_ssh_host variable 2016-10-25 19:41:41 +00:00
event_definitions.yaml.j2 Update paste, policy and rootwrap configurations 2016-11-18 2016-11-18 10:05:52 +00:00
event_pipeline.yaml.j2 Update paste, policy and rootwrap configurations 2016-04-03 2016-04-03 11:58:10 +01:00
gnocchi_resources.yaml.j2 Update paste, policy and rootwrap configurations 2016-10-12 2016-10-20 17:50:05 +00:00
loadbalancer_v2_meter_definitions.yaml.j2 Update role for stable/mitaka testing 2016-03-23 22:14:49 +00:00
osprofiler_event_definitions.yaml.j2 Update Master SHAs - 17 Jan 2016 2016-01-18 23:58:48 +00:00
pipeline.yaml.j2 Make ceilometer sample interval configurable 2016-10-27 17:38:55 +02:00
policy.json.j2 Update role for stable/mitaka testing 2016-03-23 22:14:49 +00:00
rootwrap.conf.j2 Update role for stable/mitaka testing 2016-03-23 22:14:49 +00:00