# {{ ansible_managed }} description "{{ item.value.service_name }}" author "Kevin Carter " start on runlevel [2345] stop on runlevel [016] respawn respawn limit 10 5 # Set the RUNBIN environment variable env RUNBIN="{{ nova_bin }}/{{ item.value.service_name }}" # Change directory to service users home chdir "{{ nova_system_home_folder }}" # Pre start actions pre-start script mkdir -p "/var/run/{{ item.value.service_name }}" chown {{ nova_system_user_name }}:{{ nova_system_group_name }} "/var/run/{{ item.value.service_name }}" mkdir -p "/var/lock/{{ item.value.service_name }}" chown {{ nova_system_user_name }}:{{ nova_system_group_name }} "/var/lock/{{ item.value.service_name }}" . {{ nova_bin }}/activate end script # Post stop actions post-stop script rm "/var/run/{{ item.value.service_name }}/{{ item.value.service_name }}.pid" end script # Run the start up job exec start-stop-daemon --start \ --chuid {{ nova_system_user_name }} \ --make-pidfile \ --pidfile /var/run/{{ item.value.service_name }}/{{ item.value.service_name }}.pid \ --exec "{{ program_override|default('$RUNBIN') }}" \ -- {{ program_config_options|default('') }} \ --log-file=/var/log/{{ nova_service_name }}/{{ item.value.service_name }}.log