--- # tacker horizon dashboard setup # tacker horizon depends on tacker client - name: Clone tacker client git: repo: "{{ tackerclient_git_url }}" version: "{{ tacker_git_branch }}" dest: /tmp/python-tackerclient force: yes register: tackerclient_git_clone delegate_to: "{{ item }}" with_items: - "{{ groups['horizon_all'] }}" until: tackerclient_git_clone|success retries: 5 delay: 2 tags: - tacker-horizon-install - name: Install tacker client into venv command: python setup.py install args: chdir: /tmp/python-tackerclient creates: /usr/local/bin/tacker delegate_to: "{{ item }}" with_items: - "{{ groups['horizon_all'] }}" tags: - tacker-horizon-install - name: Clone tacker horizon source git: repo: "{{ tacker_horizon_git }}" version: stable/liberty dest: /tmp/python-tacker-horizon force: yes register: tackerhorizon_git_clone delegate_to: "{{ item }}" with_items: - "{{ groups['horizon_all'] }}" until: tackerhorizon_git_clone|success retries: 5 delay: 2 tags: - tacker-horizon-install #NOTE: not sure if this is the right way to do this - name: Install tacker horizon into venv command: "{{ tacker_horizon_venv_bin }}/python setup.py install" args: chdir: /tmp/python-tacker-horizon creates: "{{ tacker_horizon_venv_bin }}/../lib/python2.7/site-packages/tacker_horizon" delegate_to: "{{ item }}" notify: Restart apache with_items: - "{{ groups['horizon_all'] }}" tags: - tacker-horizon-install - name: Enable tacker in openstack dashboard command: cp openstack_dashboard_extensions/_80_nfv.py {{ tacker_horizon_enable_path }}/_80_nfv.py args: chdir: /tmp/python-tacker-horizon creates: "{{ tacker_horizon_enable_path }}/_80_nfv.py" delegate_to: "{{ item }}" notify: Restart apache with_items: - "{{ groups['horizon_all'] }}" tags: - tacker-horizon-install