--- - hosts: all[0] tasks: #TODO(evrardjp): Add quay.io support when we have the appropriate credentials. #See also: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/624713/7/zuul.d/playbooks/publish.yml - name: Login to Docker Hub command: docker login -u {{ openstack_helm_images_publish_credentials.dockerhub_user }} -p {{ openstack_helm_images_publish_credentials.dockerhub_password }} no_log: True - name: List unique images of this build, in the format "registry:tag id" shell: docker images | awk '/openstackhelm/ {print $1 ":" $2 " " $3}' | uniq -f 1 changed_when: false register: detailed_image_list - name: Show found images debug: var: detailed_image_list.stdout_lines - name: Tag all images for publication to DockerHub shell: "docker tag {{ item.split(' ')[1] }} {{ item.split(' ')[0] | regex_replace('^.*openstackhelm/(.*)$', 'openstackhelm/\\1') }}" loop: "{{ detailed_image_list.stdout_lines }}" - name: Push images to Docker Hub command: "docker push {{ item.split(' ')[0] | regex_replace('^.*openstackhelm/(.*)$', 'openstackhelm/\\1') }}" loop: "{{ detailed_image_list.stdout_lines }}"