.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode =========================== Return request ID to caller =========================== Currently there is no way to return `X-Openstack-Request-Id` to the user from individual python-clients, python-openstackclient and python-openstacksdk. Problem description =================== Most of the OpenStack RESTful API returns `X-Openstack-Request-Id` in the API response header but this request id is not available to the caller from the python client. When you run command on the command prompt using client with debug option, then it displays `X-Openstack-Request-Id` on the console but if I'm using python-client in some third party applications and if some api fails due to some unknown reason then there is no way to get `X-Openstack-Request-Id` from the client. This request id is very useful to get quick support from infrastructure support team. Use Cases --------- 1. Our users are asking for `X-Openstack-Request-Id` to be returned from python-clients which would help them to get support from service provider quickly. 2. Log request id of the caller and callee on the same log message in case of api request call crossing service boundaries. This particular use case is a future work once the above use case is implemented. Proposed change =============== Add a wrapper class around response to add a request id to it which can be returned back to the caller. We have analyzed 5 different python client libraries to understand what different types of return values are returned back to the caller. 1. python-novaclient - Version 2.26.0 2. python-glanceclient - Version 0.19.0 3. python-cinderclient - Version 1.2.3 4. python-keystoneclient - Version 1.6.0 5. python-neutronclient - Version 2.6.0 We have documented the details of return types in the below google spreadsheet. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1al6_XBHgKT8-N7HS7j_L2H5c4CFD0fB8xT93z6REkSk/edit?usp=sharing There are 9 different types of return values: **1 List** Presently, there is no way to return `X-Openstack-Request-Id` for list type. Add a new wrapper class inherited from list to return request-id back to the caller. .. code:: python class ListWithMeta(list): def __init__(self, values, req_id): super(ListWithMeta, self).__init__(values) self.request_ids = [] if isinstance(req_id, list): self.request_ids.extend(req_id) else: self.request_ids.append(req_id) **2 Dict** Similar to list type above, there is no way to return `X-Openstack-Request-Id` for dict type. Add a new wrapper class inherited from dict to return request-id back to the caller. .. code:: python class DictWithMeta(dict): def __init__(self, values, req_id): super(DictWithMeta, self).__init__(values) self.request_ids = [req_id] **3 Resource object** There are various methods that returns different resource objects from clients (volume/snapshot etc. from python-cinderclient). These resource class don't have request_ids attribute. Add a request_ids attribute to the resource class and populate it from the HTTP response object during instantiating resource objects. .. code:: python # code snippet to add request_id to Resource class class Resource(object): def __init__(self, manager, info, loaded=False, req_id=None): self.manager = manager self._info = info self._add_details(info) self._loaded = loaded self.request_ids = [req_id] **4 Tuple** Most of the actions returns tuple containing 'Response' object and 'response body'. Add a new wrapper class inherited from tuple to return request-id back to the caller. For few actions, it’s returning None at present. Make changes at all such places to return new wrapper class of tuple. .. code:: python class TupleWithMeta(tuple): def __new__(cls, values, request_id): obj = super(TupleWithMeta, cls).__new__(cls, values) obj.request_ids = [req_id] return obj **5 None** Mostly all delete/update methods don’t return any value back to the caller. In most of the clients response and body tuple is returned by api call but it is not returned back to the caller. Make changes at all such places and return TupleWithMetaData object which will have request_ids as a attribute for delete and update cases. There are some corner cases like deleting metadata where it’s not possible to return request-id back to the caller as internally it iterates through the list and deletes metadata key one by one. For such cases, list of request-id's will be returned back to the caller. **6 Exception** For python-cinderclient, python-keystoneclient and python-novaclient provision is made to pass request-id when exception is raised as base exception class has attribute request-id. Make similar changes in python-glanceclient, and python-neutronclient to add request-id to base exception class so that request-id will be available in case of failure. **7 Boolean (True/False)** Couple of python-keystoneclient methods for V3, like check_in_group to check user is in group or not are returning bool (True/False). Add new wrapper class inherited from int to return request-id back to the caller. .. code:: python class BoolWithMeta(int): def __new__(cls, value, req_id): obj = super(BoolWithMeta, cls).__new__(cls, bool(value)) obj.request_ids = [req_id] return obj def __repr__(self): return ['False', 'True'][self] **8 Generator** All list api's are returning generator from python-glanceclient. In order to return list of request id's in the generator, add a new wrapper class to wrap the existing generator and implement the iterator protocol. New wrapper class will have the attribute as 'request_id' of list type. In the next method of iterator (wrapper class), request_id will be added to the list based on page size and limit. .. code:: python # code snippet to add request_id to GeneratorWrapper class class GeneratorWrapper(object): def __init__(self, paginate_func, url, page_size, limit): self.paginate_func = paginate_func self.url = url self.limit = limit self.page_size = page_size self.generator = None self.request_ids = [] def _paginate(self): for obj, req_id in self.paginate_func( self.url, self.page_size, self.limit): yield obj, req_id def __iter__(self): return self # Python 3 compatibility def __next__(self): return self.next() def next(self): if not self.generator: self.generator = self._paginate() try: obj, req_id = self.generator.next() if req_id and (req_id not in self.request_ids): self.request_ids.append(req_id) except StopIteration: raise StopIteration() return obj **9 String** Couple of nova api's are returning String as a response to the user. Add a new wrapper class inherited from str to return request-id back to the caller. .. code:: python class StrWithMeta(str): def __new__(cls, value, req_id): obj = super(StrWithMeta, cls).__new__(cls, value) obj.request_ids = [req_id] return obj **Note:** To start with, we are proposing to implement this solution in two steps. *Step 1: Add request-id attribute to base exception class.* request-id is most needed when api returns anything >= 400 error code. As of now python-cinderclient, python-keystoneclient and python-novaclient already has a mechanism to return request-id in exception. Make similar changes in remaining clients to return request-id in exception. *Step 2: Add request-id for remaining return types* Add new wrapper class in common package of oslo-incubator (apiclient/base.py) and sync oslo-incubator in python-clients to return request-id for remaining return types. Alternatives ------------ **Alternative Solution #1** Step 1: We are proposing to add 'get_previous_request_id()' method in python-clients, python-openstackclient and python-openstacksdk to return request id to the user. Design When a caller make a call and get a response from the OpenStack service, it will extract `X-Openstack-Request-Id` from the response header and store it in the thread local storage (TLS). Add a new method 'get_previous_request_id()' in the client to return `X-Openstack-Request-Id` stored in the thread local storage to the caller. We need to store request id in the TLS because same client object could be used in multi-threaded application to interact with the OpenStack services. .. code:: python from cinderclient import client cinder = client.Client('2', 'demo', 'admin', 'demo', '') cinder.volumes.list() [, ] cinder.get_previous_request_id() 'req-a9b74258-0b21-49c2-8ce8-673b420e20cc' Notes: 1. If authentication fails or succeeds, in both the cases, request_id is set to None in thread local storage because authenticate method will give a call to the keystone service, and response header returned will contain request_id of keystone service. 2. There might be possibility that request might fail with an exception (timeout, service down etc.) before it gets response with the request_id. In this case get_previous_request_id() will return request_id of previous request and not of current request. To avoid these kind of issues, request_id need to be set to None in thread local storage before new request is made. Pros: * Doesn't break compatibility. * Minimal changes are required in the client. Cons: * Liable to bugs where folk make two calls and then look at the wrong id or deletes where N calls are involved - that implies buffering lots of ids on the client, which implies an API for resetting it. Step 2: Logging request-id of the caller and callee on the same log message. Once step 1 is implemented and `X-Openstack-Request-Id` is made available in the python-client, it will be an easy change to log request id of the caller and callee on the same log message in OpenStack core services where API request call is crossing service boundaries. This is a future work for which we will create another specs if required but it's worth mentioning it here to explain the usefulness of returning `X-Openstack-Request-Id` from python-clients. **Alternative Solution #2** An alternative is to register a callback method with the client which will be invoked after it gets a response from the OpenStack service. This callback method will contain the response object which contains `X-Openstack-Request-Id` and URL. .. code:: python def callback_method(response): # get `X-Openstack-Request-Id` and URL from response and log # it for trouble shooting. c = cinder.Client(...) c.register_request_id_callback(request_id_mapping) volumes = c.list_volumes() Pros: * Doesn't break compatibility (meaning OpenStack services consuming python client libraries requires no changes in the code if a newer version of client library is used). * Minimal changes are required in the client. * With this approach, we can log caller and callee request-id in the same log message. Cons: * Forces consumers to try to match the call they made to the event, which is complex. Data model impact ----------------- None REST API impact --------------- None Security impact --------------- None Notifications impact -------------------- None Other end user impact --------------------- None Performance Impact ------------------ None Other deployer impact --------------------- None Developer impact ---------------- None Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: abhijeet-malawade(abhijeet.malawade@nttdata.com) Other contributors: ankitagrawal(ankit11.agrawal@nttdata.com) Work Items ---------- * Add request_id attribute in base exception for following projects: 1) python-glanceclient 2) python-neutronclient * Add new wrapper classes in oslo-incubator openstack/common/apiclient to add request-id to the caller. **Note:** All of the new wrapper classes will be added in the common package of oslo-incubator (openstack/common/apiclient/) and later synced with individual python clients. It is decided in cross-project meeting [*] to mark openstack package as private mainly in python clients which is syncing apiclient python package from oslo-incubator project. For example, oslo-incubator/openstack should be synced with python-glanceclient as glanceclient/_openstack/common/apiclient. For syncing, we will add a new config parameter '--private-pkg' in update.py of oslo-incubator. Marking openstack python package as private will have impact on all import statements which will be refactored in the individual python clients. * Sync openstack.common.apiclient.common module of oslo-incubator with following projects: 1) python-cinderclient 2) python-glanceclient 3) python-novaclient 4) python-neutronclient 5) python-keystoneclient Dependencies ============ None Testing ======= * Unittests for coverage Documentation Impact ==================== None References ========== [*] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/crossproject/2015/crossproject.2015-08-04-21.01.log.html Etherpad https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/request-id Blueprints/Bugs [1] Return request ID to caller(Cinder) https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-cinderclient/+spec/return-req-id [2] Return request ID to caller(Glance) https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-glanceclient/+spec/expose-get-x-openstack-request-id [3] Return request ID to caller(Neutron) https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-neutronclient/+spec/expose-get-x-openstack-request-id [4] Return request ID to caller(Nova) https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-novaclient/+spec/expose-get-x-openstack-request-id [5] Return request ID to caller(Keystone) https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-keystoneclient/+spec/expose-get-x-openstack-request-id [6] python-openstackclient and python-openstacksdk bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-openstacksdk/+bug/1465817 Discussions on cross-project weekly meeting [1] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/crossproject/2015/crossproject.2015-07-28-21.03.log.html #topic Return request-id to caller (use thread local to store request-id)