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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
import jsonpatch
import operator
import time
import warnings
from import exc
from openstack import exceptions
from openstack.image import _base_proxy
from openstack.image.v2 import image as _image
from openstack.image.v2 import member as _member
from openstack.image.v2 import schema as _schema
from openstack.image.v2 import task as _task
from openstack import resource
from openstack import utils
# Rackspace returns this for intermittent import errors
_IMAGE_ERROR_396 = "Image cannot be imported. Error code: '396'"
_INT_PROPERTIES = ('min_disk', 'min_ram', 'size', 'virtual_size')
class Proxy(_base_proxy.BaseImageProxy):
def import_image(self, image, method='glance-direct', uri=None):
"""Import data to an existing image
Interoperable image import process are introduced in the Image API
v2.6. It mainly allow image importing from an external url and let
Image Service download it by itself without sending binary data at
image creation.
:param image: The value can be the ID of a image or a
:class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image` instance.
:param method: Method to use for importing the image.
A valid value is glance-direct or web-download.
:param uri: Required only if using the web-download import method.
This url is where the data is made available to the Image
:returns: None
image = self._get_resource(_image.Image, image)
# as for the standard image upload function, container_format and
# disk_format are required for using image import process
if not all([image.container_format, image.disk_format]):
raise exceptions.InvalidRequest(
"Both container_format and disk_format are required for"
" importing an image")
image.import_image(self, method=method, uri=uri)
def upload_image(self, container_format=None, disk_format=None,
data=None, **attrs):
"""Create and upload a new image from attributes
.. warning:
This method is deprecated - and also doesn't work very well.
Please stop using it immediately and switch to
:param container_format: Format of the container.
A valid value is ami, ari, aki, bare,
ovf, ova, or docker.
:param disk_format: The format of the disk. A valid value is ami,
ari, aki, vhd, vmdk, raw, qcow2, vdi, or iso.
:param data: The data to be uploaded as an image.
:param dict attrs: Keyword arguments which will be used to create
a :class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image`,
comprised of the properties on the Image class.
:returns: The results of image creation
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image`
warnings.warn("upload_image is deprecated. Use create_image instead.")
# container_format and disk_format are required to be set
# on the image by the time upload_image is called, but they're not
# required by the _create call. Enforce them here so that we don't
# need to handle a failure in _create, as upload_image will
# return a 400 with a message about disk_format and container_format
# not being set.
if not all([container_format, disk_format]):
raise exceptions.InvalidRequest(
"Both container_format and disk_format are required")
img = self._create(_image.Image, disk_format=disk_format,
# TODO(briancurtin): Perhaps we should run img.upload_image
# in a background thread and just return what is called by
# self._create, especially because the upload_image call doesn't
# return anything anyway. Otherwise this blocks while uploading
# significant amounts of image data. = data
return img
def _upload_image(
self, name, filename=None,
meta=None, **kwargs):
# We can never have nice things. Glance v1 took "is_public" as a
# boolean. Glance v2 takes "visibility". If the user gives us
# is_public, we know what they mean. If they give us visibility, they
# know that they mean.
if 'is_public' in kwargs['properties']:
is_public = kwargs['properties'].pop('is_public')
if is_public:
kwargs['visibility'] = 'public'
kwargs['visibility'] = 'private'
# This makes me want to die inside
if self._connection.image_api_use_tasks:
return self._upload_image_task(
name, filename,
meta=meta, **kwargs)
return self._upload_image_put(
name, filename, meta=meta,
except exc.OpenStackCloudException:
self._connection.log.debug("Image creation failed", exc_info=True)
except Exception as e:
raise exc.OpenStackCloudException(
"Image creation failed: {message}".format(message=str(e)))
def _make_v2_image_params(self, meta, properties):
ret = {}
for k, v in iter(properties.items()):
ret[k] = int(v)
elif k == 'protected':
ret[k] = v
if v is None:
ret[k] = None
ret[k] = str(v)
return ret
def _upload_image_put(
self, name, filename, meta, wait, timeout, **image_kwargs):
image_data = open(filename, 'rb')
properties = image_kwargs.pop('properties', {})
image_kwargs.update(self._make_v2_image_params(meta, properties))
image_kwargs['name'] = name
data ='/images', json=image_kwargs)
image = self._connection._get_and_munchify(key=None, data=data)
response = self.put(
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'},
except Exception:
"Deleting failed upload of image %s", name)
response = self.delete(
except exc.OpenStackCloudHTTPError:
# We're just trying to clean up - if it doesn't work - shrug
"Failed deleting image after we failed uploading it.",
return self._connection._normalize_image(image)
def _upload_image_task(
self, name, filename,
wait, timeout, meta, **image_kwargs):
if not self._connection.has_service('object-store'):
raise exc.OpenStackCloudException(
"The cloud {cloud} is configured to use tasks for image"
" upload, but no object-store service is available."
" Aborting.".format(
properties = image_kwargs.pop('properties', {})
md5 = properties[self._connection._IMAGE_MD5_KEY]
sha256 = properties[self._connection._IMAGE_SHA256_KEY]
container = properties[
self._connection._IMAGE_OBJECT_KEY].split('/', 1)[0]
image_kwargs.pop('disk_format', None)
image_kwargs.pop('container_format', None)
container, name, filename,
md5=md5, sha256=sha256,
metadata={self._connection._OBJECT_AUTOCREATE_KEY: 'true'},
**{'content-type': 'application/octet-stream'})
# TODO(mordred): Can we do something similar to what nodepool does
# using glance properties to not delete then upload but instead make a
# new "good" image and then mark the old one as "bad"
task_args = dict(
type='import', input=dict(
container=container, name=name),
data ='/tasks', json=task_args)
glance_task = self._connection._get_and_munchify(key=None, data=data)
if wait:
start = time.time()
image_id = None
for count in utils.iterate_timeout(
"Timeout waiting for the image to import."):
if image_id is None:
response = self.get(
status = self._connection._get_and_munchify(
key=None, data=response)
if status['status'] == 'success':
image_id = status['result']['image_id']
image = self._connection.get_image(image_id)
if image is None:
image=image, meta=meta, **image_kwargs)
"Image Task %s imported %s in %s",, image_id, (time.time() - start))
# Clean up after ourselves. The object we created is not
# needed after the import is done.
self._connection.delete_object(container, name)
return self._connection.get_image(image_id)
elif status['status'] == 'failure':
if status['message'] == _IMAGE_ERROR_396:
glance_task ='/tasks', data=task_args)
# Clean up after ourselves. The image did not import
# and this isn't a 'just retry' error - glance didn't
# like the content. So we don't want to keep it for
# next time.
self._connection.delete_object(container, name)
raise exc.OpenStackCloudException(
"Image creation failed: {message}".format(
return glance_task
def _update_image_properties(self, image, meta, properties):
img_props =
for k, v in iter(self._make_v2_image_params(meta, properties).items()):
if image.get(k, None) != v:
img_props[k] = v
if not img_props:
return False
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/openstack-images-v2.1-json-patch'}
patch = sorted(list(jsonpatch.JsonPatch.from_diff(, img_props)), key=operator.itemgetter('value'))
# No need to fire an API call if there is an empty patch
if patch:
return True
def _existing_image(self, **kwargs):
return _image.Image.existing(connection=self._connection, **kwargs)
def download_image(self, image, stream=False):
"""Download an image
This will download an image to memory when ``stream=False``, or allow
streaming downloads using an iterator when ``stream=True``.
For examples of working with streamed responses, see
:param image: The value can be either the ID of an image or a
:class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image` instance.
:param bool stream: When ``True``, return a :class:`requests.Response`
instance allowing you to iterate over the
response data stream instead of storing its entire
contents in memory. See
:meth:`requests.Response.iter_content` for more
details. *NOTE*: If you do not consume
the entirety of the response you must explicitly
call :meth:`requests.Response.close` or otherwise
risk inefficiencies with the ``requests``
library's handling of connections.
When ``False``, return the entire
contents of the response.
:returns: The bytes comprising the given Image when stream is
False, otherwise a :class:`requests.Response`
image = self._get_resource(_image.Image, image)
return, stream=stream)
def delete_image(self, image, ignore_missing=True):
"""Delete an image
:param image: The value can be either the ID of an image or a
:class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image` instance.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the image does not exist.
When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when
attempting to delete a nonexistent image.
:returns: ``None``
self._delete(_image.Image, image, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
def find_image(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True):
"""Find a single image
:param name_or_id: The name or ID of a image.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the resource does not exist.
When set to ``True``, None will be returned when
attempting to find a nonexistent resource.
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image` or None
return self._find(_image.Image, name_or_id,
def get_image(self, image):
"""Get a single image
:param image: The value can be the ID of a image or a
:class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image` instance.
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
return self._get(_image.Image, image)
def images(self, **query):
"""Return a generator of images
:param kwargs query: Optional query parameters to be sent to limit
the resources being returned.
:returns: A generator of image objects
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image`
return self._list(_image.Image, **query)
def update_image(self, image, **attrs):
"""Update a image
:param image: Either the ID of a image or a
:class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image` instance.
:attrs kwargs: The attributes to update on the image represented
by ``value``.
:returns: The updated image
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image`
return self._update(_image.Image, image, **attrs)
def deactivate_image(self, image):
"""Deactivate an image
:param image: Either the ID of a image or a
:class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image` instance.
:returns: None
image = self._get_resource(_image.Image, image)
def reactivate_image(self, image):
"""Deactivate an image
:param image: Either the ID of a image or a
:class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image` instance.
:returns: None
image = self._get_resource(_image.Image, image)
def add_tag(self, image, tag):
"""Add a tag to an image
:param image: The value can be the ID of a image or a
:class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image` instance
that the member will be created for.
:param str tag: The tag to be added
:returns: None
image = self._get_resource(_image.Image, image)
image.add_tag(self, tag)
def remove_tag(self, image, tag):
"""Remove a tag to an image
:param image: The value can be the ID of a image or a
:class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image` instance
that the member will be created for.
:param str tag: The tag to be removed
:returns: None
image = self._get_resource(_image.Image, image)
image.remove_tag(self, tag)
def add_member(self, image, **attrs):
"""Create a new member from attributes
:param image: The value can be the ID of a image or a
:class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image` instance
that the member will be created for.
:param dict attrs: Keyword arguments which will be used to create
a :class:`~openstack.image.v2.member.Member`,
comprised of the properties on the Member class.
:returns: The results of member creation
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.image.v2.member.Member`
image_id = resource.Resource._get_id(image)
return self._create(_member.Member, image_id=image_id, **attrs)
def remove_member(self, member, image, ignore_missing=True):
"""Delete a member
:param member: The value can be either the ID of a member or a
:class:`~openstack.image.v2.member.Member` instance.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the member does not exist.
When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when
attempting to delete a nonexistent member.
:returns: ``None``
image_id = resource.Resource._get_id(image)
member_id = resource.Resource._get_id(member)
self._delete(_member.Member, member_id=member_id, image_id=image_id,
def find_member(self, name_or_id, image, ignore_missing=True):
"""Find a single member
:param name_or_id: The name or ID of a member.
:param image: This is the image that the member belongs to,
the value can be the ID of a image or a
:class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image` instance.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the resource does not exist.
When set to ``True``, None will be returned when
attempting to find a nonexistent resource.
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.image.v2.member.Member` or None
image_id = resource.Resource._get_id(image)
return self._find(_member.Member, name_or_id, image_id=image_id,
def get_member(self, member, image):
"""Get a single member on an image
:param member: The value can be the ID of a member or a
:class:`~openstack.image.v2.member.Member` instance.
:param image: This is the image that the member belongs to.
The value can be the ID of a image or a
:class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image` instance.
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.image.v2.member.Member`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
member_id = resource.Resource._get_id(member)
image_id = resource.Resource._get_id(image)
return self._get(_member.Member, member_id=member_id,
def members(self, image):
"""Return a generator of members
:param image: This is the image that the member belongs to,
the value can be the ID of a image or a
:class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image` instance.
:returns: A generator of member objects
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.image.v2.member.Member`
image_id = resource.Resource._get_id(image)
return self._list(_member.Member, image_id=image_id)
def update_member(self, member, image, **attrs):
"""Update the member of an image
:param member: Either the ID of a member or a
:class:`~openstack.image.v2.member.Member` instance.
:param image: This is the image that the member belongs to.
The value can be the ID of a image or a
:class:`~openstack.image.v2.image.Image` instance.
:attrs kwargs: The attributes to update on the member represented
by ``value``.
:returns: The updated member
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.image.v2.member.Member`
member_id = resource.Resource._get_id(member)
image_id = resource.Resource._get_id(image)
return self._update(_member.Member, member_id=member_id,
image_id=image_id, **attrs)
def get_images_schema(self):
"""Get images schema
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.image.v2.schema.Schema`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
return self._get(_schema.Schema, requires_id=False,
def get_image_schema(self):
"""Get single image schema
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.image.v2.schema.Schema`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
return self._get(_schema.Schema, requires_id=False,
def get_members_schema(self):
"""Get image members schema
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.image.v2.schema.Schema`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
return self._get(_schema.Schema, requires_id=False,
def get_member_schema(self):
"""Get image member schema
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.image.v2.schema.Schema`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
return self._get(_schema.Schema, requires_id=False,
def tasks(self, **query):
"""Return a generator of tasks
:param kwargs query: Optional query parameters to be sent to limit
the resources being returned.
:returns: A generator of task objects
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.image.v2.task.Task`
return self._list(_task.Task, **query)
def get_task(self, task):
"""Get task details
:param task: The value can be the ID of a task or a
:class:`~openstack.image.v2.task.Task` instance.
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.image.v2.task.Task`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
return self._get(_task.Task, task)
def create_task(self, **attrs):
"""Create a new task from attributes
:param dict attrs: Keyword arguments which will be used to create
a :class:`~openstack.image.v2.task.Task`,
comprised of the properties on the Task class.
:returns: The results of task creation
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.image.v2.task.Task`
return self._create(_task.Task, **attrs)
def wait_for_task(self, task, status='success', failures=None,
interval=2, wait=120):
"""Wait for a task to be in a particular status.
:param task: The resource to wait on to reach the specified status.
The resource must have a ``status`` attribute.
:type resource: A :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` object.
:param status: Desired status.
:param failures: Statuses that would be interpreted as failures.
:type failures: :py:class:`list`
:param interval: Number of seconds to wait before to consecutive
checks. Default to 2.
:param wait: Maximum number of seconds to wait before the change.
Default to 120.
:returns: The resource is returned on success.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceTimeout` if transition
to the desired status failed to occur in specified seconds.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceFailure` if the resource
has transited to one of the failure statuses.
:raises: :class:`~AttributeError` if the resource does not have a
``status`` attribute.
failures = ['failure'] if failures is None else failures
return resource.wait_for_status(
self, task, status, failures, interval, wait)
def get_tasks_schema(self):
"""Get image tasks schema
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.image.v2.schema.Schema`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
return self._get(_schema.Schema, requires_id=False,
def get_task_schema(self):
"""Get image task schema
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.image.v2.schema.Schema`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
return self._get(_schema.Schema, requires_id=False,