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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_versionedobjects import base
from oslo_versionedobjects import fields
from os_vif import vnic_types
# Constants for dictionary keys in the 'vif_details' field in the VIF
# class
VIF_DETAILS_OVS_HYBRID_PLUG = 'ovs_hybrid_plug'
# The following two constants define the SR-IOV related fields in the
# 'vif_details'. 'profileid' should be used for VIF_TYPE_802_QBH,
# 'vlan' for VIF_TYPE_HW_VEB
# Constants for vhost-user related fields in 'vif_details'.
# vhost-user socket path
# Specifies whether vhost-user socket should be plugged
# into ovs bridge. Valid values are True and False
VIF_DETAILS_VHOSTUSER_OVS_PLUG = 'vhostuser_ovs_plug'
# Constants for vhost-user related fields in 'vif_details'.
# Sets mode on vhost-user socket, valid values are 'client'
# and 'server'
# Constant for max length of network interface names
# eg 'bridge' in the Network class or 'devname' in
# the VIF class
class VIF(base.VersionedObject):
"""Represents a virtual network interface."""
# Version 1.0: Initial version
VERSION = '1.0'
fields = {
'id': fields.UUIDField(),
'instance_info': fields.ObjectField('InstanceInfo'),
'ovs_interfaceid': fields.StringField(),
# MAC address
'address': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'network': fields.ObjectField('Network', nullable=True),
# The name or alias of the plugin that should handle the VIF
'plugin': fields.StringField(),
'details': fields.DictOfStringsField(nullable=True),
'profile': fields.DictOfStringsField(nullable=True),
'devname': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'vnic_type': fields.StringField(),
'active': fields.BooleanField(),
'preserve_on_delete': fields.BooleanField(),
def __init__(self, id=None, address=None, network=None, plugin=None,
details=None, devname=None, ovs_interfaceid=None,
qbh_params=None, qbg_params=None, active=False,
vnic_type=vnic_types.NORMAL, profile=None,
preserve_on_delete=False, instance_info=None):
details = details or {}
ovs_id = ovs_interfaceid or id
if not devname:
devname = ("nic" + id)[:_NIC_NAME_LEN]
super(VIF, self).__init__(id=id, address=address, network=network,
plugin=plugin, details=details,
qbg_params=qbg_params, qbh_params=qbh_params,
active=active, vnic_type=vnic_type,
def devname_with_prefix(self, prefix):
"""Returns the device name for the VIF, with the a replaced prefix."""
return prefix + self.devname[3:]
# TODO(jaypipes): It's silly that there is a br_name and a (different)
# bridge_name attribute, but this comes from the original libvirt/vif.py.
# Clean this up and use better names for the attributes.
def bridge_name(self):
return self.network.bridge
def br_name(self):
return ("qbr" + self.id)[:_NIC_NAME_LEN]
def veth_pair_names(self):
return (("qvb%s" % self.id)[:_NIC_NAME_LEN],
("qvo%s" % self.id)[:_NIC_NAME_LEN])
def ovs_hybrid_plug(self):
return self.details.get(VIF_DETAILS_OVS_HYBRID_PLUG, False)
def physical_network(self):
phy_network = self.network['meta'].get('physical_network')
if not phy_network:
phy_network = self.details.get(VIF_DETAILS_PHYSICAL_NETWORK)
return phy_network
def profileid(self):
return self.details.get(VIF_DETAILS_PROFILEID)
def vlan(self):
return self.details.get(VIF_DETAILS_VLAN)
def vhostuser_mode(self):
return self.details.get(VIF_DETAILS_VHOSTUSER_MODE)
def vhostuser_socket(self):
return self.details.get(VIF_DETAILS_VHOSTUSER_SOCKET)
def vhostuser_ovs_plug(self):
return self.details.get(VIF_DETAILS_VHOSTUSER_OVS_PLUG)
def fixed_ips(self):
return [fixed_ip for subnet in self.network['subnets']
for fixed_ip in subnet['ips']]
def floating_ips(self):
return [floating_ip for fixed_ip in self.fixed_ips
for floating_ip in fixed_ip['floating_ips']]