tox 4 compatibility

Remove 'usedevelop = true' and 'skipsdist = true', the combination of
which now means we don't install dependencies. Also remove the
basepython setting, which is no longer needed since we don't have any
Python 2-first distros to worry about. Finally, remove the
lower-constraints job and we no longer test for these.

Change-Id: I5b4b8cc1facb6e18cf12d33ea8113d47a0a76235
Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <>
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Finucane 2023-02-16 10:24:37 +00:00
parent 58ff270a9c
commit 12900da15b
2 changed files with 15 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
- project:
- check-requirements
- openstack-lower-constraints-jobs
- openstack-python3-antelope-jobs
- osc-tox-unit-tips
- publish-openstack-docs-pti

View File

@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
minversion = 2.0
envlist = py38,pep8
skipsdist = True
ignore_basepython_conflict = true
minversion = 3.1
envlist = py3,pep8
basepython = python3
usedevelop = True
setenv =
@ -15,8 +11,8 @@ deps =
commands = stestr run {posargs}
whitelist_externals = stestr
commands =
stestr run {posargs}
commands =
@ -25,16 +21,17 @@ commands =
python -m pip install -q -e "git+file://{toxinidir}/../openstacksdk#egg=openstacksdk"
python -m pip freeze
stestr run {posargs}
whitelist_externals = stestr
deps =
hacking>=3.0.1,<3.1.0 # Apache-2.0
flake8-import-order>=0.17.1 # LGPLv3
commands = flake8
commands =
commands = {posargs}
commands =
commands =
@ -42,7 +39,8 @@ commands =
coverage report
commands = oslo_debug_helper -t osc_lib/tests {posargs}
commands =
oslo_debug_helper -t osc_lib/tests {posargs}
deps =
@ -55,7 +53,11 @@ commands =
sphinx-build -a -E -W -d doc/build/doctrees -b html doc/source doc/build/html
commands = sphinx-build -a -E -W -d releasenotes/build/doctrees -b html releasenotes/source releasenotes/build/html
deps =
commands =
sphinx-build -a -E -W -d releasenotes/build/doctrees -b html releasenotes/source releasenotes/build/html
show-source = True
@ -66,9 +68,3 @@ ignore = W504
import-order-style = pep8
application-import-names = osc_lib
filename = *.py
deps =