
423 lines
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# Copyright 2014 Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import datetime
import functools
import inspect
import socket
import threading
from oslo_utils import reflection
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from osprofiler import notifier
# NOTE(boris-42): Thread safe storage for profiler instances.
__local_ctx = threading.local()
def _clean():
__local_ctx.profiler = None
def _ensure_no_multiple_traced(traceable_attrs):
for attr_name, attr in traceable_attrs:
traced_times = getattr(attr, "__traced__", 0)
if traced_times:
raise ValueError("Can not apply new trace on top of"
" previously traced attribute '%s' since"
" it has been traced %s times previously"
% (attr_name, traced_times))
def init(hmac_key, base_id=None, parent_id=None):
"""Init profiler instance for current thread.
You should call profiler.init() before using osprofiler.
Otherwise profiler.start() and profiler.stop() methods won't do anything.
:param hmac_key: secret key to sign trace information.
:param base_id: Used to bind all related traces.
:param parent_id: Used to build tree of traces.
:returns: Profiler instance
if get() is None:
__local_ctx.profiler = _Profiler(hmac_key, base_id=base_id,
return __local_ctx.profiler
def get():
"""Get profiler instance.
:returns: Profiler instance or None if profiler wasn't inited.
return getattr(__local_ctx, "profiler", None)
def start(name, info=None):
"""Send new start notification if profiler instance is presented.
:param name: The name of action. E.g. wsgi, rpc, db, etc..
:param info: Dictionary with extra trace information. For example in wsgi
it can be url, in rpc - message or in db sql - request.
profiler = get()
if profiler:
profiler.start(name, info=info)
def stop(info=None):
"""Send new stop notification if profiler instance is presented."""
profiler = get()
if profiler:
def trace(name, info=None, hide_args=False, hide_result=True,
"""Trace decorator for functions.
Very useful if you would like to add trace point on existing function:
>> @profiler.trace("my_point")
>> def my_func(self, some_args):
>> #code
:param name: The name of action. E.g. wsgi, rpc, db, etc..
:param info: Dictionary with extra trace information. For example in wsgi
it can be url, in rpc - message or in db sql - request.
:param hide_args: Don't push to trace info args and kwargs. Quite useful
if you have some info in args that you wont to share,
e.g. passwords.
:param hide_result: Boolean value to hide/show function result in trace.
True - hide function result (default).
False - show function result in trace.
:param allow_multiple_trace: If the wrapped function has already been
traced either allow the new trace to occur
or raise a value error denoting that multiple
tracing is not allowed (by default allow).
if not info:
info = {}
info = info.copy()
info["function"] = {}
def decorator(f):
trace_times = getattr(f, "__traced__", 0)
if not allow_multiple_trace and trace_times:
raise ValueError("Function '%s' has already"
" been traced %s times" % (f, trace_times))
f.__traced__ = trace_times + 1
except AttributeError:
# Tries to work around the following:
# AttributeError: 'instancemethod' object has no
# attribute '__traced__'
f.im_func.__traced__ = trace_times + 1
except AttributeError: # nosec
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# NOTE(tovin07): Workaround for this issue
# F823 local variable 'info'
# (defined in enclosing scope on line xxx)
# referenced before assignment
info_ = info
if "name" not in info_["function"]:
# Get this once (as it should **not** be changing in
# subsequent calls).
info_["function"]["name"] = reflection.get_callable_name(f)
if not hide_args:
info_["function"]["args"] = str(args)
info_["function"]["kwargs"] = str(kwargs)
stop_info = None
start(name, info=info_)
result = f(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as ex:
stop_info = {"etype": reflection.get_class_name(ex)}
if not hide_result:
stop_info = {"function": {"result": repr(result)}}
return result
if stop_info:
return wrapper
return decorator
def trace_cls(name, info=None, hide_args=False, hide_result=True,
trace_private=False, allow_multiple_trace=True,
trace_class_methods=False, trace_static_methods=False):
"""Trace decorator for instances of class .
Very useful if you would like to add trace point on existing method:
>> @profiler.trace_cls("rpc")
>> RpcManagerClass(object):
>> def my_method(self, some_args):
>> pass
>> def my_method2(self, some_arg1, some_arg2, kw=None, kw2=None)
>> pass
:param name: The name of action. E.g. wsgi, rpc, db, etc..
:param info: Dictionary with extra trace information. For example in wsgi
it can be url, in rpc - message or in db sql - request.
:param hide_args: Don't push to trace info args and kwargs. Quite useful
if you have some info in args that you wont to share,
e.g. passwords.
:param hide_result: Boolean value to hide/show function result in trace.
True - hide function result (default).
False - show function result in trace.
:param trace_private: Trace methods that starts with "_". It wont trace
methods that starts "__" even if it is turned on.
:param trace_static_methods: Trace staticmethods. This may be prone to
issues so careful usage is recommended (this
is also why this defaults to false).
:param trace_class_methods: Trace classmethods. This may be prone to
issues so careful usage is recommended (this
is also why this defaults to false).
:param allow_multiple_trace: If wrapped attributes have already been
traced either allow the new trace to occur
or raise a value error denoting that multiple
tracing is not allowed (by default allow).
def trace_checker(attr_name, to_be_wrapped):
if attr_name.startswith("__"):
# Never trace really private methods.
return (False, None)
if not trace_private and attr_name.startswith("_"):
return (False, None)
if isinstance(to_be_wrapped, staticmethod):
if not trace_static_methods:
return (False, None)
return (True, staticmethod)
if isinstance(to_be_wrapped, classmethod):
if not trace_class_methods:
return (False, None)
return (True, classmethod)
return (True, None)
def decorator(cls):
clss = cls if inspect.isclass(cls) else cls.__class__
mro_dicts = [c.__dict__ for c in inspect.getmro(clss)]
traceable_attrs = []
traceable_wrappers = []
for attr_name, attr in inspect.getmembers(cls):
if not (inspect.ismethod(attr) or inspect.isfunction(attr)):
wrapped_obj = None
for cls_dict in mro_dicts:
if attr_name in cls_dict:
wrapped_obj = cls_dict[attr_name]
should_wrap, wrapper = trace_checker(attr_name, wrapped_obj)
if not should_wrap:
traceable_attrs.append((attr_name, attr))
if not allow_multiple_trace:
# Check before doing any other further work (so we don't
# halfway trace this class).
for i, (attr_name, attr) in enumerate(traceable_attrs):
wrapped_method = trace(name, info=info, hide_args=hide_args,
wrapper = traceable_wrappers[i]
if wrapper is not None:
wrapped_method = wrapper(wrapped_method)
setattr(cls, attr_name, wrapped_method)
return cls
return decorator
class TracedMeta(type):
"""Metaclass to comfortably trace all children of a specific class.
Possible usage:
>>> @six.add_metaclass(profiler.TracedMeta)
>>> class RpcManagerClass(object):
>>> __trace_args__ = {'name': 'rpc',
>>> 'info': None,
>>> 'hide_args': False,
>>> 'hide_result': True,
>>> 'trace_private': False}
>>> def my_method(self, some_args):
>>> pass
>>> def my_method2(self, some_arg1, some_arg2, kw=None, kw2=None)
>>> pass
Adding of this metaclass requires to set __trace_args__ attribute to the
class we want to modify. __trace_args__ is the dictionary with one
mandatory key included - "name", that will define name of action to be
traced - E.g. wsgi, rpc, db, etc...
def __init__(cls, cls_name, bases, attrs):
super(TracedMeta, cls).__init__(cls_name, bases, attrs)
trace_args = dict(getattr(cls, "__trace_args__", {}))
trace_private = trace_args.pop("trace_private", False)
allow_multiple_trace = trace_args.pop("allow_multiple_trace", True)
if "name" not in trace_args:
raise TypeError("Please specify __trace_args__ class level "
"dictionary attribute with mandatory 'name' key - "
"e.g. __trace_args__ = {'name': 'rpc'}")
traceable_attrs = []
for attr_name, attr_value in attrs.items():
if not (inspect.ismethod(attr_value) or
if attr_name.startswith("__"):
if not trace_private and attr_name.startswith("_"):
traceable_attrs.append((attr_name, attr_value))
if not allow_multiple_trace:
# Check before doing any other further work (so we don't
# halfway trace this class).
for attr_name, attr_value in traceable_attrs:
setattr(cls, attr_name, trace(**trace_args)(getattr(cls,
class Trace(object):
def __init__(self, name, info=None):
"""With statement way to use profiler start()/stop().
>> with profiler.Trace("rpc", info={"any": "values"})
>> some code
instead of
>> profiler.start()
>> try:
>> your code
>> finally:
self._name = name
self._info = info
def __enter__(self):
start(self._name, info=self._info)
def __exit__(self, etype, value, traceback):
if etype:
info = {"etype": reflection.get_class_name(etype)}
class _Profiler(object):
def __init__(self, hmac_key, base_id=None, parent_id=None):
self.hmac_key = hmac_key
if not base_id:
base_id = str(uuidutils.generate_uuid())
self._trace_stack = collections.deque([base_id, parent_id or base_id])
self._name = collections.deque()
self._host = socket.gethostname()
def get_base_id(self):
"""Return base id of a trace.
Base id is the same for all elements in one trace. It's main goal is
to be able to retrieve by one request all trace elements from storage.
return self._trace_stack[0]
def get_parent_id(self):
"""Returns parent trace element id."""
return self._trace_stack[-2]
def get_id(self):
"""Returns current trace element id."""
return self._trace_stack[-1]
def start(self, name, info=None):
"""Start new event.
Adds new trace_id to trace stack and sends notification
to collector. With "info" and 3 ids:
base_id - to be able to retrieve all trace elements by one query
parent_id - to build tree of events (not just a list)
trace_id - current event id.
:param name: name of trace element (db, wsgi, rpc, etc..)
:param info: Dictionary with any useful information related to this
trace element. (sql request, rpc message or url...)
info = info or {}
info["host"] = self._host
self._notify("%s-start" % name, info)
def stop(self, info=None):
"""Finish latest event.
Same as a start, but instead of pushing trace_id to stack it pops it.
:param info: Dict with useful info. It will be send in notification.
info = info or {}
info["host"] = self._host
self._notify("%s-stop" % self._name.pop(), info)
def _notify(self, name, info):
payload = {
"name": name,
"base_id": self.get_base_id(),
"trace_id": self.get_id(),
"parent_id": self.get_parent_id(),
"timestamp": datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime(
if info:
payload["info"] = info