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# Copyright 2017 Cloudbase Solutions SRL
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import time
from oslo_log import log as logging
from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
from oswin_tempest_plugin.clients import wsman
from oswin_tempest_plugin import config
from oswin_tempest_plugin import exceptions
from oswin_tempest_plugin.tests._mixins import migrate
from oswin_tempest_plugin.tests._mixins import resize
from oswin_tempest_plugin.tests import test_base
CONF = config.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class HyperVClusterTest(test_base.TestBase,
"""The test suite for the Hyper-V Cluster.
This test suite will test the functionality of the Hyper-V Cluster Driver
in OpenStack. The tests will force a failover on its newly created
instance, and asserts the following:
* the instance moves to another host.
* the nova instance's host is properly updated.
* the instance's network connection still works.
* different nova operations can be performed properly.
This test suite relies on the fact that there are at least 2 compute nodes
available, that they are clustered, and have WSMan configured.
The test suite contains the following tests:
* test_check_clustered_vm
* test_check_migration
* test_check_resize
* test_check_resize_negative
_BIGGER_FLAVOR = {'disk': 1}
_BAD_FLAVOR = {'disk': -1}
def skip_checks(cls):
super(HyperVClusterTest, cls).skip_checks()
# check if the cluster Tests can be run.
conf_opts = ['cluster_enabled', 'username', 'password']
for conf_opt in conf_opts:
if not getattr(CONF.hyperv, conf_opt):
msg = ('The config option "hyperv.%s" has not been set. '
'Skipping.' % conf_opt)
raise cls.skipException(msg)
if not CONF.compute.min_compute_nodes >= 2:
msg = 'Expected at least 2 compute nodes.'
raise cls.skipException(msg)
def _failover_server(self, server_name, host_ip):
"""Triggers the failover for the given server on the given host."""
resource_name = "Virtual Machine %s" % server_name
cmd = "Test-ClusterResourceFailure -Name '%s'" % resource_name
# NOTE(claudiub): we issue the failover command twice, because on
# the first failure, the Hyper-V Cluster will prefer the current
# node, and will try to reactivate the VM on the it, and it will
# succeed. On the 2nd failure, the VM will failover to another
# node. Also, there needs to be a delay between commands, so the
# original failover has time to finish.
wsman.run_wsman_ps(host_ip, CONF.hyperv.username,
CONF.hyperv.password, cmd, True)
wsman.run_wsman_ps(host_ip, CONF.hyperv.username,
CONF.hyperv.password, cmd, True)
def _wait_for_failover(self, server, original_host):
"""Waits for the given server to failover to another host.
:raises TimeoutException: if the given server did not failover to
another host within the configured "CONF.hyperv.failover_timeout"
LOG.debug('Waiting for server %(server)s to failover from '
'compute node %(host)s',
dict(server=server['id'], host=original_host))
start_time = int(time.time())
timeout = CONF.hyperv.failover_timeout
while True:
elapsed_time = int(time.time()) - start_time
admin_server = self._get_server_as_admin(server)
current_host = admin_server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']
if current_host != original_host:
LOG.debug('Server %(server)s failovered from compute node '
'%(host)s in %(seconds)s seconds.',
dict(server=server['id'], host=original_host,
if elapsed_time >= timeout:
msg = ('Server %(server)s did not failover in the given '
'amount of time (%(timeout)s s).')
raise lib_exc.TimeoutException(
msg % dict(server=server['id'], timeout=timeout))
def _get_hypervisor(self, hostname):
hypervisors = self.admin_hypervisor_client.list_hypervisors(
hypervisor = [h for h in hypervisors if
h['hypervisor_hostname'] == hostname]
if not hypervisor:
raise exceptions.NotFoundException(resource=hostname,
return hypervisor[0]
def _create_server(self):
server_tuple = super(HyperVClusterTest, self)._create_server()
server = server_tuple.server
admin_server = self._get_server_as_admin(server)
server_name = admin_server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name']
hostname = admin_server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']
host_ip = self._get_hypervisor(hostname)['host_ip']
self._failover_server(server_name, host_ip)
self._wait_for_failover(server, hostname)
return server_tuple
def test_clustered_vm(self):
server_tuple = self._create_server()