
67 lines
2.5 KiB

import datetime
import icalendar
def json2ical(db, include_teams="ALL"):
teams = {}
slots = {}
eventid = db["eventid"]
# FIXME: The unused label and the _slots here are irritating.
for label, _slots in db["slots"].items():
for slot in _slots:
slots[slot["name"]] = slot
for location, schedule in db["schedule"].items():
for slot in schedule:
team = schedule[slot]
# FIXME: This is possibly wrong as teams can globally override the
# VC url and ignore the setting in the room/slot/table
if slot == "url" or team == "":
teams.setdefault(team, []).append((location, slot))
if include_teams in ["ALL", "ptg"]:
include_teams = list(teams.keys())
if isinstance(include_teams, str):
include_teams = [include_teams]
c = icalendar.Calendar()
c.add("prodid", "-//Opendev PTGBot//")
c.add("version", "2.0")
for team in include_teams:
default_etherpad = f"{eventid}-{team}"
for booking in teams.get(team, []):
location, slot = booking
url = (db["urls"].get(team) or
db["schedule"].get(location, {}).get("url", ""))
etherpad = db["etherpads"].get(team, default_etherpad)
time = slots.get(slot, {}).get("realtime")
# TODO(tonyb): 60 mins is a default picked to make the existing
# DB work unchanged. We can leave this as is or pick another
# number. Longer term we could also potentially add a
# 'default_duration' to the DB as a per-event not hard-coded
# value to save adding a 'duration' to each slot.
duration = slots.get(slot, {}).get("duration", 60)
dtstart = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(time)
name = summary = "[PTG] " + team
desc = "Etherpad: " + etherpad + "\n"
uid = (dtstart.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M") + "/" + location +
e = icalendar.Event()
e.add("name", name)
e.add("summary", summary)
e.add("description", desc)
e.add("dtstart", dtstart)
e.add("dtend", dtstart + datetime.timedelta(minutes=duration))
e.add("priority", 0)
e.add("uid", uid)
e.add("location", icalendar.vText(url))
return c.to_ical()