
115 lines
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# == Class: ceph::rgw::keystone::auth
# Configures RGW user, service and endpoint in Keystone V3.
# === Parameters
# [*password*]
# Password for the RGW user.
# Defaults to ceph::profile::params::rgw_keystone_admin_password
# [*user*]
# Username for the RGW user. Optional.
# Defaults to ceph::profile::params::rgw_keystone_admin_use
# [*email*]
# Email for the RGW user. Optional.
# Defaults to 'rgwuser@localhost'
# [*roles*]
# Accepted RGW roles. Optional.
# Defaults to ['admin', 'Member']
# [*public_url*]
# The public URL. Optional.
# Defaults to '
# [*admin_url*]
# The admin URL. Optional.
# Defaults to '
# [*internal_url*]
# The internal URL. Optional.
# Defaults to '
# [*region*]
# Region for endpoint. Optional.
# Defaults to 'RegionOne'
# [*tenant*]
# Tenant for user. Optional.
# Defaults to ceph::profile::params::rgw_keystone_admin_project
# [*service_description*]
# (Optional) Description of the service.
# Default to 'Ceph RGW Service'
# [*service_name*]
# (Optional) Name of the service.
# Defaults to 'swift'.
# [*service_type*]
# (Optional) Type of service.
# Defaults to 'object-store'.
# [*rgw_service*]
# Name of the keystone service used by RGW
# Defaults to undef
class ceph::rgw::keystone::auth (
$password = $ceph::profile::params::rgw_keystone_admin_password,
$user = $ceph::profile::params::rgw_keystone_admin_user,
$email = 'rgwuser@localhost',
$roles = ['admin', 'Member'],
$public_url = '',
$admin_url = '',
$internal_url = '',
$region = 'RegionOne',
$tenant = $ceph::profile::params::rgw_keystone_admin_project,
$service_description = 'Ceph RGW Service',
$service_name = 'swift',
$service_type = 'object-store',
$rgw_service = undef,
) {
include openstacklib::openstackclient
if $rgw_service {
warning('The rgw_service parameter is deprecated')
$rgw_service_real = $rgw_service
} else {
$rgw_service_real = "${service_name}::${service_type}"
ensure_resource('keystone_service', $rgw_service_real, {
'ensure' => 'present',
'description' => $service_description,
} )
ensure_resource('keystone_endpoint', "${region}/${rgw_service_real}", {
'ensure' => 'present',
'public_url' => $public_url,
'admin_url' => $admin_url,
'internal_url' => $internal_url,
} )
keystone_user { $user:
ensure => present,
password => $password,
email => $email,
ensure_resource('keystone_role', $roles, {
'ensure' => 'present'
} )
keystone_user_role { "${user}@${tenant}":
ensure => present,
roles => $roles,