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# == Class: cinder::volume::hpe3par
# Configures Cinder volume HPE 3par driver.
# Parameters are particular to each volume driver.
# === Parameters
# [*volume_driver*]
# (optional) Setup cinder-volume to use HPE 3par volume driver.
# Defaults to 'cinder.volume.drivers.hpe.hpe_3par_fc.HPE3PARFCDriver'
# [*san_ip*]
# (required) IP address of HPE 3par service processor.
# [*san_login*]
# (required) Username for HPE 3par account.
# [*san_password*]
# (required) Password for HPE 3par account.
# [*hpe3par_api_url*]
# (required) url for api access to 3par - expample
# https://10.x.x.x:8080/api/v1
# [*hpe3par_username*]
# (required) Username for HPE3par admin user
# [*hpe3par_password*]
# (required) Password for hpe3par_username
# [*hpe3par_iscsi_ips*]
# (required) iscsi ip addresses for the HPE 3par array
# [*hpe3par_iscsi_chap_enabled*]
# (required) setting to false by default
# [*hpe3par_cpg_snap*]
# (optional) set to hpe3par_cfg by default in the cinder driver
# [*hpe3par_snapshot_retention*]
# (required) setting to 48 hours as default expiration - ensures snapshot
# cannot be deleted prior to expiration
# [*hpe3par_snapshot_expiration*]
# (required) setting to 72 hours as default (must be larger than retention)
# [*extra_options*]
# (optional) Hash of extra options to pass to the backend stanza
# Defaults to: {}
# Example :
# { 'h3par_iscsi_backend/param1' => { 'value' => value1 } }
class cinder::volume::hpe3par_iscsi(
$volume_driver = 'cinder.volume.drivers.hpe.hpe_3par_iscsi.HPE3PARISCSIDriver',
$hpe3par_iscsi_chap_enabled = false,
$hpe3par_cpg_snap = 'userCPG',
$hpe3par_snapshot_retention = 48,
$hpe3par_snapshot_expiration = 72,
$extra_options = {},
) {
include ::cinder::deps
warning('Usage of cinder::volume::hpe3par_iscsi is deprecated, please use
cinder::backend::hpe3par_iscsi instead.')
cinder::backend::hpe3par_iscsi { 'DEFAULT':
volume_driver => $volume_driver,
hpe3par_username => $hpe3par_username,
hpe3par_password => $hpe3par_password,
san_ip => $san_ip,
san_login => $san_login,
san_password => $san_password,
hpe3par_iscsi_ips => $hpe3par_iscsi_ips,
hpe3par_api_url => $hpe3par_api_url,
hpe3par_cpg_snap => $hpe3par_cpg_snap,
hpe3par_snapshot_retention => $hpe3par_snapshot_retention,
hpe3par_snapshot_expiration => $hpe3par_snapshot_expiration,
extra_options => $extra_options,