# == Class: congress # # Module for managing congress config # # === Parameters # # [*keystone_password*] # (required) Password used to authentication. # # [*package_ensure*] # (optional) Desired ensure state of packages. # accepts latest or specific versions. # Defaults to present. # # [*client_package_ensure*] # (optional) Desired ensure state of the client package. # accepts latest or specific versions. # Defaults to present. # # [*bind_host*] # (optional) The IP address that congress binds to. # Default to ''. # # [*bind_port*] # (optional) Port that congress binds to. # Defaults to '1789' # # [*verbose*] # (optional) Rather congress should log at verbose level. # Defaults to undef. # # [*debug*] # (optional) Rather congress should log at debug level. # Defaults to undef. # # [*auth_type*] # (optional) Type is authorization being used. # Defaults to 'keystone' # # [*auth_uri*] # (optional) Complete public Identity API endpoint. # Defaults to false. # # [*identity_uri*] # (optional) Complete admin Identity API endpoint. # Defaults to: false # # [*keystone_tenant*] # (optional) Tenant to authenticate to. # Defaults to services. # # [*keystone_user*] # (optional) User to authenticate as with keystone. # Defaults to 'congress'. # # [*manage_service*] # (Optional) If Puppet should manage service startup / shutdown. # Defaults to true. # # [*enabled*] # (optional) If the congress services should be enabled. # Default to true. # # [*database_connection*] # (optional) Url used to connect to database. # Defaults to undef. # # [*database_idle_timeout*] # (optional) Timeout when db connections should be reaped. # Defaults to undef. # # [*database_max_retries*] # (optional) Maximum number of database connection retries during startup. # Setting -1 implies an infinite retry count. # (Defaults to undef) # # [*database_retry_interval*] # (optional) Interval between retries of opening a database connection. # (Defaults to undef) # # [*database_min_pool_size*] # (optional) Minimum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool. # Defaults to: undef # # [*database_max_pool_size*] # (optional) Maximum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool. # Defaults to: undef # # [*database_max_overflow*] # (optional) If set, use this value for max_overflow with sqlalchemy. # Defaults to: undef # # [*rpc_backend*] # (Optional) Use these options to configure the RabbitMQ message system. # Defaults to 'rabbit' # # [*control_exchange*] # (Optional) # Defaults to 'openstack'. # # [*rabbit_host*] # (Optional) IP or hostname of the rabbit server. # Defaults to '' # # [*rabbit_port*] # (Optional) Port of the rabbit server. # Defaults to 5672. # # [*rabbit_hosts*] # (Optional) Array of host:port (used with HA queues). # If defined, will remove rabbit_host & rabbit_port parameters from config # Defaults to undef. # # [*rabbit_userid*] # (Optional) User to connect to the rabbit server. # Defaults to 'guest' # # [*rabbit_password*] # (Required) Password to connect to the rabbit_server. # Defaults to empty. Required if using the Rabbit (kombu) # backend. # # [*rabbit_virtual_host*] # (Optional) Virtual_host to use. # Defaults to '/' # # [*rabbit_heartbeat_timeout_threshold*] # (optional) Number of seconds after which the RabbitMQ broker is considered # down if the heartbeat keepalive fails. Any value >0 enables heartbeats. # Heartbeating helps to ensure the TCP connection to RabbitMQ isn't silently # closed, resulting in missed or lost messages from the queue. # (Requires kombu >= 3.0.7 and amqp >= 1.4.0) # Defaults to 0 # # [*rabbit_heartbeat_rate*] # (optional) How often during the rabbit_heartbeat_timeout_threshold period to # check the heartbeat on RabbitMQ connection. (i.e. rabbit_heartbeat_rate=2 # when rabbit_heartbeat_timeout_threshold=60, the heartbeat will be checked # every 30 seconds. # Defaults to 2 # # [*rabbit_use_ssl*] # (optional) Connect over SSL for RabbitMQ # Defaults to false # # [*kombu_ssl_ca_certs*] # (optional) SSL certification authority file (valid only if SSL enabled). # Defaults to $::os_service_default # # [*kombu_ssl_certfile*] # (optional) SSL cert file (valid only if SSL enabled). # Defaults to $::os_service_default # # [*kombu_ssl_keyfile*] # (optional) SSL key file (valid only if SSL enabled). # Defaults to $::os_service_default # # [*kombu_ssl_version*] # (optional) SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled). # Valid values are TLSv1, SSLv23 and SSLv3. SSLv2 may be # available on some distributions. # Defaults to $::os_service_default # # [*kombu_reconnect_delay*] # (optional) How long to wait before reconnecting in response to an AMQP # consumer cancel notification. # Defaults to $::os_service_default # # [*amqp_durable_queues*] # Use durable queues in amqp. # (Optional) Defaults to false. # # [*service_provider*] # (optional) Provider, that can be used for congress service. # Default value defined in congress::params for given operation system. # If you use Pacemaker or another Cluster Resource Manager, you can make # custom service provider for changing start/stop/status behavior of service, # and set it here. # # [*service_name*] # (optional) Name of the service that will be providing the # server functionality of congress. # Defaults to '$::congress::params::service_name' # # [*sync_db*] # (Optional) Run db sync on the node. # Defaults to true # # == Dependencies # None # # == Examples # # class { 'congress': # keystone_password => 'congress', # keystone_tenant => 'service', # auth_uri => '', # identity_uri => '', # database_connection => 'mysql://congress:password@', # rabbit_host => '', # rabbit_password => 'guest', # } # # class { 'congress::db::mysql': # password => 'password', # host => '', # } # # class { 'congress::keystone::auth': # password => 'congress', # tenant => 'service', # admin_url => '', # internal_url => '', # public_url => '', # region => 'regionOne', # } # # == Authors # # Dan Radez # # == Copyright # # Copyright 2015 Red Hat Inc, unless otherwise noted. # class congress( $keystone_password, $package_ensure = 'present', $client_package_ensure = 'present', $bind_host = '', $bind_port = '1789', $verbose = undef, $debug = undef, $auth_type = 'keystone', $auth_uri = false, $identity_uri = false, $keystone_tenant = 'services', $keystone_user = 'congress', $manage_service = true, $enabled = true, $database_connection = undef, $database_idle_timeout = undef, $database_max_retries = undef, $database_retry_interval = undef, $database_min_pool_size = undef, $database_max_pool_size = undef, $database_max_overflow = undef, $rpc_backend = 'rabbit', $control_exchange = 'congress', $rabbit_host = '', $rabbit_port = 5672, $rabbit_hosts = false, $rabbit_virtual_host = '/', $rabbit_heartbeat_timeout_threshold = 0, $rabbit_heartbeat_rate = 2, $rabbit_userid = 'guest', $rabbit_password = false, $rabbit_use_ssl = false, $kombu_ssl_ca_certs = $::os_service_default, $kombu_ssl_certfile = $::os_service_default, $kombu_ssl_keyfile = $::os_service_default, $kombu_ssl_version = $::os_service_default, $kombu_reconnect_delay = $::os_service_default, $amqp_durable_queues = false, $service_provider = $::congress::params::service_provider, $service_name = $::congress::params::service_name, ) inherits congress::params { congress_config { 'DEFAULT/drivers' : value => 'congress.datasources.neutronv2_driver.NeutronV2Driver,congress.datasources.glancev2_driver.GlanceV2Driver,congress.datasources.nova_driver.NovaDriver,congress.datasources. keystone_driver.KeystoneDriver,congress.datasources.ceilometer_driver.CeilometerDriver,congress.datasources.cinder_driver.CinderDriver'; } if $identity_uri { congress_config { 'keystone_authtoken/identity_uri': value => $identity_uri; } congress_config { 'keystone_authtoken/auth_url' : value => $identity_uri; } } else { congress_config { 'keystone_authtoken/identity_uri': ensure => absent; } } if $auth_uri { congress_config { 'keystone_authtoken/auth_uri': value => $auth_uri; } } else { congress_config { 'keystone_authtoken/auth_uri': ensure => absent; } } if $auth_type == 'keystone' { congress_config { 'keystone_authtoken/project_name' : value => $keystone_tenant; 'keystone_authtoken/username' : value => $keystone_user; 'keystone_authtoken/password' : value => $keystone_password, secret => true; } } congress_config<||> ~> Service[$service_name] congress_config<||> ~> Exec<| title == 'congress-manage db_sync'|> include ::congress::db include ::congress::params if $sync_db { include ::congress::db::sync Class['::congress::db::sync'] ~> Service[$service_name] } if $rpc_backend == 'rabbit' { if ! $rabbit_password { fail('Please specify a rabbit_password parameter.') } congress_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_password': value => $rabbit_password, secret => true; 'DEFAULT/rabbit_userid': value => $rabbit_userid; 'DEFAULT/rabbit_virtual_host': value => $rabbit_virtual_host; 'DEFAULT/control_exchange': value => $control_exchange; #'DEFAULT/rabbit_use_ssl': value => $rabbit_use_ssl; #'DEFAULT/kombu_reconnect_delay': value => $kombu_reconnect_delay; #'DEFAULT/heartbeat_timeout_threshold': value => $rabbit_heartbeat_timeout_threshold; #'DEFAULT/heartbeat_rate': value => $rabbit_heartbeat_rate; #'DEFAULT/amqp_durable_queues': value => $amqp_durable_queues; } if $rabbit_use_ssl { congress_config { 'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_version' : value => $kombu_ssl_version; 'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_ca_certs' : value => $kombu_ssl_ca_certs; 'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_certfile' : value => $kombu_ssl_certfile; 'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_keyfile' : value => $kombu_ssl_keyfile; } } if $rabbit_hosts { congress_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_hosts': value => join($rabbit_hosts, ',') } congress_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_ha_queues': value => true } congress_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_host': ensure => absent } congress_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_port': ensure => absent } } else { congress_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_host': value => $rabbit_host } congress_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_port': value => $rabbit_port } congress_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_hosts': value => "${rabbit_host}:${rabbit_port}" } congress_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_ha_queues': value => false } } } package { 'congress': ensure => $package_ensure, name => $::congress::params::package_name, tag => ['openstack', 'congress-package'], } if $client_package_ensure == 'present' { include '::congress::client' } else { class { '::congress::client': ensure => $client_package_ensure, } } group { 'congress': ensure => present, system => true, require => Package['congress'], } user { 'congress': ensure => 'present', gid => 'congress', system => true, require => Package['congress'], } file { ['/etc/congress', '/var/log/congress', '/var/lib/congress']: ensure => directory, mode => '0750', owner => 'congress', group => 'congress', require => Package['congress'], notify => Service[$service_name], } file { '/etc/congress/congress.conf': ensure => present, mode => '0600', owner => 'congress', group => 'congress', require => Package['congress'], notify => Service[$service_name], } congress_config { 'DEFAULT/bind_host': value => $bind_host; 'DEFAULT/bind_port': value => $bind_port; } if $manage_service { if $enabled { $service_ensure = 'running' } else { $service_ensure = 'stopped' } } class { '::congress::service': ensure => $service_ensure, service_name => $service_name, enable => $enabled, hasstatus => true, hasrestart => true, provider => $service_provider, } }