# == Class glance::glare # # Configure Glare Glare service in glance. Deprecated. # # == Deprecated parameters # # [*package_ensure*] # [*bind_host*] # [*bind_port*] # [*backlog*] # [*workers*] # [*auth_strategy*] # [*pipeline*] # [*manage_service*] # [*enabled*] # [*cert_file*] # [*key_file*] # [*ca_file*] # [*stores*] # [*default_store*] # [*multi_store*] # [*os_region_name*] # class glance::glare( $package_ensure = undef, $bind_host = undef, $bind_port = undef, $backlog = undef, $workers = undef, $auth_strategy = undef, $pipeline = undef, $manage_service = undef, $enabled = undef, $cert_file = undef, $key_file = undef, $ca_file = undef, $stores = undef, $default_store = undef, $multi_store = undef, $os_region_name = undef, ) { warning("Class ::glance::glare is deprecated since Glare was removed from Glance. \ Now Glare is separated project and all configuration was moved to \ puppet-glare module as well.") }