
44 lines
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# == Class: glance::keystone::glare_auth
# Sets up glare users, service and endpoint for Glance Glare. Deprecated.
# == Deprecated parameters
# [*password*]
# [*email*]
# [*auth_name*]
# [*configure_endpoint*]
# [*configure_user*]
# [*configure_user_role*]
# [*service_name*]
# [*service_type*]
# [*service_description*]
# [*region*]
# [*tenant*]
# [*public_url*]
# [*admin_url*]
# [*internal_url*]
class glance::keystone::glare_auth(
$password = undef,
$email = undef,
$auth_name = undef,
$configure_endpoint = undef,
$configure_user = undef,
$configure_user_role = undef,
$service_name = undef,
$service_type = undef,
$region = undef,
$tenant = undef,
$service_description = undef,
$public_url = undef,
$admin_url = undef,
$internal_url = undef,
) {
warning("Class ::glance::keystone::glare_auth is deprecated since Glare was \
removed from Glance. Now Glare is separated project and all configuration was \
moved to puppet-glare module as well.")