# Class heat # # heat base package & configuration # # == parameters # [*package_ensure*] # ensure state for package. Optional. Defaults to 'present' # [*verbose*] # should the daemons log verbose messages. Optional. Defaults to 'False' # [*debug*] # should the daemons log debug messages. Optional. Defaults to 'False' # # [*log_dir*] # (optional) Directory where logs should be stored. # If set to boolean false, it will not log to any directory. # Defaults to '/var/log/heat'. # # [*rabbit_host*] # ip or hostname of the rabbit server. Optional. Defaults to '' # [*rabbit_port*] # port of the rabbit server. Optional. Defaults to 5672. # [*rabbit_hosts*] # array of host:port (used with HA queues). Optional. Defaults to undef. # If defined, will remove rabbit_host & rabbit_port parameters from config # [*rabbit_userid*] # user to connect to the rabbit server. Optional. Defaults to 'guest' # [*rabbit_password*] # password to connect to the rabbit_server. Optional. Defaults to empty. # [*rabbit_virtual_host*] # virtual_host to use. Optional. Defaults to '/' # # (keystone authentication options) # [*auth_uri*] # Specifies the Authentication URI for Heat to use. Located in heat.conf # Optional. Defaults to false, which uses: # "${keystone_protocol}://${keystone_host}:5000/v2.0" # [*keystone_host*] # [*keystone_port*] # [*keystone_protocol*] # [*keystone_user*] # [*keystone_tenant*] # [*keystone_password*] # [*keystone_ec2_uri*] # # (optional) various QPID options # [*qpid_hostname*] # [*qpid_port*] # [*qpid_username*] # [*qpid_password*] # [*qpid_heartbeat*] # [*qpid_protocol*] # [*qpid_tcp_nodelay*] # [*qpid_reconnect*] # [*qpid_reconnect_timeout*] # [*qpid_reconnect_limit*] # [*qpid_reconnect_interval*] # [*qpid_reconnect_interval_min*] # [*qpid_reconnect_interval_max*] # # [*database_idle_timeout*] # (optional) Timeout before idle db connections are reaped. # Defaults to 3600 # # [*use_syslog*] # (optional) Use syslog for logging # Defaults to false # # [*log_facility*] # (optional) Syslog facility to receive log lines # Defaults to LOG_USER # # [*mysql_module*] # (optional) The mysql puppet module version. # Tested versions include 0.9 and 2.2 # Defaults to '0.9' # class heat( $auth_uri = false, $package_ensure = 'present', $verbose = false, $debug = false, $log_dir = '/var/log/heat', $keystone_host = '', $keystone_port = '35357', $keystone_protocol = 'http', $keystone_user = 'heat', $keystone_tenant = 'services', $keystone_password = false, $keystone_ec2_uri = '', $rpc_backend = 'heat.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu', $rabbit_host = '', $rabbit_port = 5672, $rabbit_hosts = undef, $rabbit_userid = 'guest', $rabbit_password = '', $rabbit_virtual_host = '/', $qpid_hostname = 'localhost', $qpid_port = 5672, $qpid_username = 'guest', $qpid_password = 'guest', $qpid_heartbeat = 60, $qpid_protocol = 'tcp', $qpid_tcp_nodelay = true, $qpid_reconnect = true, $qpid_reconnect_timeout = 0, $qpid_reconnect_limit = 0, $qpid_reconnect_interval_min = 0, $qpid_reconnect_interval_max = 0, $qpid_reconnect_interval = 0, $sql_connection = false, $database_idle_timeout = 3600, $use_syslog = false, $log_facility = 'LOG_USER', $mysql_module = '0.9', ) { include heat::params File { require => Package['heat-common'], } group { 'heat': name => 'heat', require => Package['heat-common'], } user { 'heat': name => 'heat', gid => 'heat', groups => ['heat'], system => true, require => Package['heat-common'], } file { '/etc/heat/': ensure => directory, owner => 'heat', group => 'heat', mode => '0750', } file { '/etc/heat/heat.conf': owner => 'heat', group => 'heat', mode => '0640', } package { 'heat-common': ensure => $package_ensure, name => $::heat::params::common_package_name, } Package['heat-common'] -> Heat_config<||> if $rpc_backend == 'heat.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu' { if $rabbit_hosts { heat_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_host': ensure => absent } heat_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_port': ensure => absent } heat_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_hosts': value => join($rabbit_hosts, ',') } } else { heat_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_host': value => $rabbit_host } heat_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_port': value => $rabbit_port } heat_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_hosts': value => "${rabbit_host}:${rabbit_port}" } } if size($rabbit_hosts) > 1 { heat_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_ha_queues': value => true } } else { heat_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_ha_queues': value => false } } heat_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_userid' : value => $rabbit_userid; 'DEFAULT/rabbit_password' : value => $rabbit_password; 'DEFAULT/rabbit_virtual_host' : value => $rabbit_virtual_host; } } if $rpc_backend == 'heat.openstack.common.rpc.impl_qpid' { heat_config { 'DEFAULT/qpid_hostname' : value => $qpid_hostname; 'DEFAULT/qpid_port' : value => $qpid_port; 'DEFAULT/qpid_username' : value => $qpid_username; 'DEFAULT/qpid_password' : value => $qpid_password; 'DEFAULT/qpid_heartbeat' : value => $qpid_heartbeat; 'DEFAULT/qpid_protocol' : value => $qpid_protocol; 'DEFAULT/qpid_tcp_nodelay' : value => $qpid_tcp_nodelay; 'DEFAULT/qpid_reconnect' : value => $qpid_reconnect; 'DEFAULT/qpid_reconnect_timeout' : value => $qpid_reconnect_timeout; 'DEFAULT/qpid_reconnect_limit' : value => $qpid_reconnect_limit; 'DEFAULT/qpid_reconnect_interval_min' : value => $qpid_reconnect_interval_min; 'DEFAULT/qpid_reconnect_interval_max' : value => $qpid_reconnect_interval_max; 'DEFAULT/qpid_reconnect_interval' : value => $qpid_reconnect_interval; } } if $auth_uri { heat_config { 'keystone_authtoken/auth_uri': value => $auth_uri; } } else { heat_config { 'keystone_authtoken/auth_uri': value => "${keystone_protocol}://${keystone_host}:5000/v2.0"; } } heat_config { 'DEFAULT/rpc_backend' : value => $rpc_backend; 'DEFAULT/debug' : value => $debug; 'DEFAULT/verbose' : value => $verbose; 'ec2authtoken/auth_uri' : value => $keystone_ec2_uri; 'keystone_authtoken/auth_host' : value => $keystone_host; 'keystone_authtoken/auth_port' : value => $keystone_port; 'keystone_authtoken/auth_protocol' : value => $keystone_protocol; 'keystone_authtoken/admin_tenant_name' : value => $keystone_tenant; 'keystone_authtoken/admin_user' : value => $keystone_user; 'keystone_authtoken/admin_password' : value => $keystone_password; } # Log configuration if $log_dir { heat_config { 'DEFAULT/log_dir' : value => $log_dir; } } else { heat_config { 'DEFAULT/log_dir' : ensure => absent; } } if $sql_connection { validate_re($sql_connection, '(sqlite|mysql|postgresql):\/\/(\S+:\S+@\S+\/\S+)?') case $sql_connection { /^mysql:\/\//: { $backend_package = false if ($mysql_module >= 2.2) { require mysql::bindings require mysql::bindings::python } else { include mysql::python } } /^postgresql:\/\//: { $backend_package = 'python-psycopg2' } /^sqlite:\/\//: { $backend_package = 'python-pysqlite2' } default: { fail('Unsupported backend configured') } } if $backend_package and !defined(Package[$backend_package]) { package {'heat-backend-package': ensure => present, name => $backend_package, } } heat_config { 'DEFAULT/sql_connection': value => $sql_connection; 'database/idle_timeout': value => $database_idle_timeout; } Heat_config['DEFAULT/sql_connection'] ~> Exec['heat-dbsync'] exec { 'heat-dbsync': command => $::heat::params::dbsync_command, path => '/usr/bin', user => 'heat', refreshonly => true, logoutput => on_failure, } } # Syslog configuration if $use_syslog { heat_config { 'DEFAULT/use_syslog': value => true; 'DEFAULT/syslog_log_facility': value => $log_facility; } } else { heat_config { 'DEFAULT/use_syslog': value => false; } } }