
59 lines
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# Configures the heat database
# This class will install the required libraries depending on the driver
# specified in the connection_string parameter
# == Parameters
# [*database_connection*]
# the connection string. format: [driver]://[user]:[password]@[host]/[database]
class heat::db (
$database_connection = 'mysql://heat:heat@localhost/heat'
) {
include heat::params
Package<| title == 'heat-common' |> -> Class['heat::db']
case $database_connection {
/^mysql:\/\//: {
$backend_package = false
include mysql::python
/^postgres:\/\//: {
$backend_package = 'python-psycopg2'
/^sqlite:\/\//: {
$backend_package = 'python-pysqlite2'
default: {
fail('Unsupported backend configured')
if $backend_package and !defined(Package[$backend_package]) {
package {'heat-backend-package':
ensure => present,
name => $backend_package,
heat_engine_config {
'DEFAULT/database_connection': value => $database_connection;
heat_engine_config['DEFAULT/database_connection'] ~> Exec['heat-dbsync']
exec { 'heat-db-setup':
command => $::heat::params::dbsync_command,
path => '/usr/bin',
user => $::heat::params::username,
refreshonly => true,
logoutput => on_failure,
subscribe => heat_engine_config['DEFAULT/database_connection']