
74 lines
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# == Class: heat::keystone::domain
# Configures heat domain in Keystone.
# Note: Implementation is done by heat-keystone-setup-domain script temporarily
# because currently puppet-keystone does not support v3 API
# === Parameters
# [*auth_url*]
# Keystone auth url
# [*keystone_admin*]
# Keystone admin user
# [*keystone_password*]
# Keystone admin password
# [*keystone_tenant*]
# Keystone admin tenant name
# [*domain_name*]
# Heat domain name. Defaults to 'heat'.
# [*domain_admin*]
# Keystone domain admin user which will be created. Defaults to 'heat_admin'.
# [*domain_password*]
# Keystone domain admin user password. Defaults to 'changeme'.
class heat::keystone::domain (
$auth_url = undef,
$keystone_admin = undef,
$keystone_password = undef,
$keystone_tenant = undef,
$domain_name = 'heat',
$domain_admin = 'heat_admin',
$domain_password = 'changeme',
) {
include heat::params
$cmd_evn = [
exec { 'heat_domain_create':
path => '/usr/bin',
command => 'heat-keystone-setup-domain &>/dev/null',
environment => $cmd_evn,
require => Package['heat-common'],
heat_domain_id_setter { 'heat_domain_id':
ensure => present,
domain_name => $domain_name,
auth_url => $auth_url,
auth_username => $keystone_admin,
auth_password => $keystone_password,
auth_tenant_name => $keystone_tenant,
require => Exec['heat_domain_create'],
heat_config {
'DEFAULT/stack_domain_admin': value => $domain_admin;
'DEFAULT/stack_domain_admin_password': value => $domain_password;