
196 lines
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# == class: keystone::federation::openidc [70/1473]
# == Parameters
# [*methods*]
# A list of methods used for authentication separated by comma or an array.
# The allowed values are: 'external', 'password', 'token', 'oauth1', 'saml2',
# and 'openid'
# (Required) (string or array value).
# Note: The external value should be dropped to avoid problems.
# [*idp_name*]
# The name name associated with the IdP in Keystone.
# (Required) String value.
# [*openidc_provider_metadata_url*]
# The url that points to your OpenID Connect metadata provider
# (Required) String value.
# [*openidc_client_id*]
# The client ID to use when handshaking with your OpenID Connect provider
# (Required) String value.
# [*openidc_client_secret*]
# The client secret to use when handshaking with your OpenID Connect provider
# (Required) String value.
# [*openidc_crypto_passphrase*]
# Secret passphrase to use when encrypting data for OpenID Connect handshake
# (Optional) String value.
# Defaults to 'openstack'
# [*openidc_response_type*]
# Response type to be expected from the OpenID Connect provider.
# (Optional) String value.
# Defaults to 'id_token'
# [*openidc_cache_type*]
# (Optional) mod_auth_openidc cache type. Can be any cache type
# supported by mod_auth_openidc (shm, file, memcache, redis).
# Defaults to undef.
# [*openidc_cache_shm_max*]
# (Optional) The maximum number of name/value pair entries that can
# be cached when using the 'shm' cache type. Defaults to undef.
# [*openidc_cache_shm_entry_size*]
# (Optional) The maximum size for a single shm cache entry in bytes
# with a minimum of 8464 bytes. Defaults to undef.
# [*openidc_cache_dir*]
# (Optional) Directory that holds cache files; must be writable
# for the Apache process/user. Defaults to undef.
# [*openidc_cache_clean_interval*]
# (Optional) Cache file clean interval in seconds (only triggered
# on writes). Defaults to undef.
# [*openidc_enable_oauth*]
# (Optional) Set to true to enable oauthsupport.
# [*openidc_introspection_endpoint*]
# (Required if oauth is enabled) Oauth introspection endpoint url.
# [*memcached_servers*]
# (Optional) A list of memcache servers. Defaults to undef.
# [*redis_server*]
# (Optional) Specifies the Redis server used for caching as
# <hostname>[:<port>]. Defaults to undef.
# [*redis_password*]
# (Optional) Password to be used if the Redis server requires
# authentication. When not specified, no authentication is
# performed. Defaults to undef.
# [*remote_id_attribute*]
# (Optional) Value to be used to obtain the entity ID of the Identity
# Provider from the environment.
# [*template_order*]
# This number indicates the order for the concat::fragment that will apply
# the shibboleth configuration to Keystone VirtualHost. The value should
# The value should be greater than 330 an less then 999, according to:
# https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache/blob/master/manifests/vhost.pp
# The value 330 corresponds to the order for concat::fragment "${name}-filters"
# and "${name}-limits".
# The value 999 corresponds to the order for concat::fragment "${name}-file_footer".
# (Optional) Defaults to 331.
# [*package_ensure*]
# (Optional) Desired ensure state of packages.
# accepts latest or specific versions.
# Defaults to present.
# [*keystone_url*]
# (optional) URL to keystone endpoint.
# [*admin_port*]
# A boolean value to ensure that you want to configure openidc Federation
# using Keystone VirtualHost on port 35357.
# (Optional) Defaults to undef.
# [*main_port*]
# A boolean value to ensure that you want to configure openidc Federation
# using Keystone VirtualHost on port 5000.
# (Optional) Defaults to undef.
class keystone::federation::openidc (
$openidc_crypto_passphrase = 'openstack',
$openidc_response_type = 'id_token',
$openidc_cache_type = undef,
$openidc_cache_shm_max = undef,
$openidc_cache_shm_entry_size = undef,
$openidc_cache_dir = undef,
$openidc_cache_clean_interval = undef,
$openidc_enable_oauth = false,
$openidc_introspection_endpoint = undef,
$memcached_servers = undef,
$redis_server = undef,
$redis_password = undef,
$remote_id_attribute = undef,
$template_order = 331,
$package_ensure = present,
$keystone_url = undef,
$admin_port = undef,
$main_port = undef,
) {
include ::apache
include ::keystone::deps
include ::keystone::params
# TODO(tobias-urdin): Make keystone_url required when keystone::public_endpoint is removed.
# Dont forget to change the keystone_url_real variable in the templates/openidc.conf.rb file.
# The fail statement below can also be removed since keystone_url will be a required parameter.
$keystone_url_real = pick($keystone_url, $::keystone::public_endpoint)
if $keystone_url_real == undef or is_service_default($keystone_url_real) {
fail('You must set either keystone_url or keystone::public_endpoint')
if $admin_port or $main_port {
warning('keystone::federation::openidc::admin_port and main_port are deprecated and have no effect')
if $openidc_enable_oauth and !$openidc_introspection_endpoint {
fail('You must set openidc_introspection_endpoint when enabling oauth support')
$memcached_servers_real = join(any2array($memcached_servers), ' ')
# Note: if puppet-apache modify these values, this needs to be updated
if $template_order <= 330 or $template_order >= 999 {
fail('The template order should be greater than 330 and less than 999.')
if ('external' in $methods ) {
fail('The external method should be dropped to avoid any interference with openid.')
if !('openid' in $methods ) {
fail('Methods should contain openid as one of the auth methods.')
keystone_config {
'auth/methods': value => join(any2array($methods),',');
'auth/openid': ensure => absent;
if $remote_id_attribute {
keystone_config {
'openid/remote_id_attribute': value => $remote_id_attribute;
ensure_packages([$::keystone::params::openidc_package_name], {
ensure => $package_ensure,
tag => 'keystone-support-package',
concat::fragment { 'configure_openidc_keystone':
target => "${keystone::wsgi::apache::priority}-keystone_wsgi.conf",
content => template('keystone/openidc.conf.erb'),
order => $template_order,