
92 lines
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# class for installing and configuring tempest
# This manifest just sets up the basic config for
# tempest. After it is applied, the following still needs
# to be performed.
# - ensure that openstack::auth is also applied
# - bash /tmp/test_nova.sh (this will install an image)
# - capture the image name of the created image with `glance index`
# - fill in the XXXX in /var/lib/tempest/etc/tempest.conf with the image ID
# - run `nosetests temptest`
class tempest(
$identity_host = 'localhost',
$identity_port = '35357',
$identity_api_version = 'v2.0',
# non admin user
$username = 'user1',
$password = 'user1_password',
$tenant_name = 'tenant1',
# another non-admin user
$alt_username = 'user2',
$alt_password = 'user2_password',
$alt_tenant_name = 'tenant2',
# image information
$image_id = 'XXXXXXX',#<%= image_id %>,
$image_id_alt = 'XXXXXXX',#<%= image_id_alt %>,
$flavor_ref = 1,
$flavor_ref_alt = 2,
# the version of the openstack images api to use
$image_api_version = '1',
$image_host = 'localhost',
$image_port = '9292',
# this should be the username of a user with administrative privileges
$admin_username = 'admin',
$admin_password = 'ChangeMe',
$admin_tenant_name = 'openstack',
$git_protocol = 'git'
) {
include git
package { [
ensure => present,
vcsrepo { '/var/lib/tempest':
ensure => 'present',
source => "${git_protocol}://github.com/openstack/tempest.git",
revision => 'origin/stable/essex',
provider => 'git',
require => Class['git'],
file { '/var/lib/tempest/etc/tempest.conf':
content => template('tempest/tempest.conf.erb'),
require => Vcsrepo['/var/lib/tempest'],
keystone_tenant { $tenant_name:
ensure => present,
enabled => 'True',
description => 'admin tenant',
keystone_user { $username:
ensure => present,
enabled => 'True',
tenant => $tenant_name,
password => $password,
keystone_tenant { $alt_tenant_name:
ensure => present,
enabled => 'True',
description => 'admin tenant',
keystone_user { $alt_username:
ensure => present,
enabled => 'True',
tenant => $alt_tenant_name,
password => $alt_password,