#! /usr/bin/env bash ARG=$1 export USER_AUTH_SETTING=$(echo $OS_AUTH_URL) function pre_hook() { export WITHOUT_AUTH="True" IS_TEMPEST=$(pip freeze | grep tempest) if [ -z "$IS_TEMPEST" ] then echo "$(tput setaf 4)No such module 'tempest' in the system. Before running this script please install tempest module using : pip install git+http://github.com/openstack/tempest.git$(tput sgr 0)" fi } function run_tests_by_version() { export OS_AUTH_URL="" echo "$(tput setaf 4)Running integration CLI and python-mistralclient tests for v$1$(tput sgr 0)" export VERSION="v$1" nosetests -v mistralclient/tests/functional/cli/v$1/ nosetests -v mistralclient/tests/functional/client/v$1/ unset VERSION } function run_tests() { if [ -z "$ARG" ] then run_tests_by_version 1 run_tests_by_version 2 elif [ "$ARG" == "v1" ] then run_tests_by_version 1 elif [ "$ARG" == "v2" ] then run_tests_by_version 2 fi } function post_hook () { unset LOCAL_RUN export OS_AUTH_URL=$USER_AUTH_SETTING unset USER_AUTH_SETTING } #----------main-part---------- echo "$(tput setaf 4)Preparation for tests running...$(tput sgr 0)" pre_hook echo "$(tput setaf 4)Running tests...$(tput sgr 0)" run_tests post_hook