
620 lines
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2011 Citrix Systems
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Tyler Smith, Cisco Systems
import gettext
import httplib
import logging
import socket
import time
import urllib
# gettext must be initialized before any quantumclient imports
gettext.install('quantumclient', unicode=1)
from quantumclient.common import exceptions
from quantumclient.common.serializer import Serializer
from quantumclient.common import utils
net_filters_v11_opt = []
{'help': _('name filter'), }, })
{'help': _('op-status filter'), }, })
{'help': _('port-op-status filter'), }, })
{'help': _('port-state filter'), }, })
{'help': _('has-attachment filter'), }, })
{'help': _('attachment filter'), }, })
{'help': _('port filter'), }, })
port_filters_v11_opt = []
{'help': _('name filter'), }, })
{'help': _('op-status filter'), }, })
{'help': _('has-attachment filter'), }, })
{'help': _('attachment filter'), }, })
net_filters_v11 = []
for arg in net_filters_v11_opt:
for key in arg.iterkeys():
net_filters_v11.append(key.split('--', 2)[1])
port_filters_v11 = []
for arg in port_filters_v11_opt:
for key in arg.iterkeys():
port_filters_v11.append(key.split('--', 2)[1])
LOG = logging.getLogger('quantumclient')
def exception_handler_v10(status_code, error_content):
""" Exception handler for API v1.0 client
This routine generates the appropriate
Quantum exception according to the contents of the
response body
:param status_code: HTTP error status code
:param error_content: deserialized body of error response
quantum_error_types = {
420: 'networkNotFound',
421: 'networkInUse',
430: 'portNotFound',
431: 'requestedStateInvalid',
432: 'portInUse',
440: 'alreadyAttached', }
quantum_errors = {
400: exceptions.BadInputError,
401: exceptions.Unauthorized,
404: exceptions.NotFound,
420: exceptions.NetworkNotFoundClient,
421: exceptions.NetworkInUseClient,
430: exceptions.PortNotFoundClient,
431: exceptions.StateInvalidClient,
432: exceptions.PortInUseClient,
440: exceptions.AlreadyAttachedClient,
501: NotImplementedError, }
# Find real error type
error_type = None
if isinstance(error_content, dict):
error_type = quantum_error_types.get(status_code)
if error_type:
error_dict = error_content[error_type]
error_message = error_dict['message'] + "\n" + error_dict['detail']
error_message = error_content
# raise the appropriate error!
ex = quantum_errors[status_code](message=error_message)
ex.args = ([dict(status_code=status_code,
raise ex
def exception_handler_v11(status_code, error_content):
""" Exception handler for API v1.1 client
This routine generates the appropriate
Quantum exception according to the contents of the
response body
:param status_code: HTTP error status code
:param error_content: deserialized body of error response
quantum_errors = {
'NetworkNotFound': exceptions.NetworkNotFoundClient,
'NetworkInUse': exceptions.NetworkInUseClient,
'PortNotFound': exceptions.PortNotFoundClient,
'RequestedStateInvalid': exceptions.StateInvalidClient,
'PortInUse': exceptions.PortInUseClient,
'AlreadyAttached': exceptions.AlreadyAttachedClient,
'QuantumServiceFault': exceptions.QuantumClientException, }
error_dict = None
if isinstance(error_content, dict):
error_dict = error_content.get('QuantumError')
# Find real error type
if error_dict:
# If QuantumError key is found, it will definitely contain
# a 'message' and 'type' keys
error_type = error_dict['type']
error_message = (error_dict['message'] + "\n" +
# raise the appropriate error!
ex = quantum_errors[error_type](message=error_message)
ex.args = ([dict(status_code=status_code,
raise ex
# If we end up here the exception was not a quantum error
msg = "%s-%s" % (status_code, error_content)
raise exceptions.QuantumClientException(message=msg)
'1.0': exception_handler_v10,
'1.1': exception_handler_v11,
class ApiCall(object):
"""A Decorator to add support for format and tenant overriding"""
def __init__(self, function):
self.function = function
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
def with_params(*args, **kwargs):
Temporarily sets the format and tenant for this request
(format, tenant) = (instance.format, instance.tenant)
if 'format' in kwargs:
instance.format = kwargs['format']
if 'tenant' in kwargs:
instance.tenant = kwargs['tenant']
ret = self.function(instance, *args)
(instance.format, instance.tenant) = (format, tenant)
return ret
return with_params
class APIFilterCall(object):
def __init__(self, filters):
self.filters = filters
def __call__(self, f):
def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
Temporarily sets the format and tenant for this request
instance = args[0]
(format, tenant) = (instance.format, instance.tenant)
if 'format' in kwargs:
instance.format = kwargs['format']
if 'format' not in self.filters:
del kwargs['format']
if 'tenant' in kwargs:
instance.tenant = kwargs['tenant']
if 'tenant' not in self.filters:
del kwargs['tenant']
ret = f(*args, **kwargs)
(instance.format, instance.tenant) = (format, tenant)
return ret
return wrapped_f
class Client(object):
"""A base client class - derived from Glance.BaseClient"""
#Metadata for deserializing xml
_serialization_metadata = {
"application/xml": {
"attributes": {
"network": ["id", "name"],
"port": ["id", "state"],
"attachment": ["id"], },
"plurals": {
"networks": "network",
"ports": "port", }, }, }
# Action query strings
networks_path = "/networks"
network_path = "/networks/%s"
ports_path = "/networks/%s/ports"
port_path = "/networks/%s/ports/%s"
attachment_path = "/networks/%s/ports/%s/attachment"
detail_path = "/detail"
def __init__(self, host="", port=9696, use_ssl=False, tenant=None,
format="xml", testingStub=None, key_file=None, cert_file=None,
auth_token=None, logger=None,
Creates a new client to some service.
:param host: The host where service resides
:param port: The port where service resides
:param use_ssl: True to use SSL, False to use HTTP
:param tenant: The tenant ID to make requests with
:param format: The format to query the server with
:param testingStub: A class that stubs basic server methods for tests
:param key_file: The SSL key file to use if use_ssl is true
:param cert_file: The SSL cert file to use if use_ssl is true
:param auth_token: authentication token to be passed to server
:param logger: Logger object for the client library
:param action_prefix: prefix for request URIs
:param retries: How many times to retry a failed connection attempt
:param retry_interval: The # of seconds between connection attempts
""" = host
self.port = port
self.use_ssl = use_ssl
self.tenant = tenant
self.format = format
self.connection = None
self.testingStub = testingStub
self.key_file = key_file
self.cert_file = cert_file
self.logger = logger
if not self.logger:
self.logger = LOG
self.auth_token = auth_token
self.version = version
self.action_prefix = "/v%s%s" % (version, uri_prefix)
self.retries = retries
self.retry_interval = retry_interval
def _handle_fault_response(self, status_code, response_body):
# Create exception with HTTP status code and message
error_message = response_body
LOG.debug("Server returned error: %s", status_code)
LOG.debug("Error message: %s", error_message)
# Add deserialized error message to exception arguments
des_error_body = Serializer().deserialize(error_message,
# If unable to deserialized body it is probably not a
# Quantum error
des_error_body = {'message': error_message}
# Raise the appropriate exception
EXCEPTION_HANDLERS[self.version](status_code, des_error_body)
def get_connection_type(self):
Returns the proper connection type
if self.testingStub:
return self.testingStub
if self.use_ssl:
return httplib.HTTPSConnection
return httplib.HTTPConnection
def _send_request(self, conn, method, action, body, headers):
# Salvatore: Isolating this piece of code in its own method to
# facilitate stubout for testing
if self.logger:
self.logger.debug("Quantum Client Request:\n"
+ method + " " + action + "\n")
if body:
conn.request(method, action, body, headers)
return conn.getresponse()
def do_request(self, method, action, body=None,
headers=None, params=None):
Connects to the server and issues a request.
Returns the result data, or raises an appropriate exception if
HTTP status code is not 2xx
:param method: HTTP method ("GET", "POST", "PUT", etc...)
:param body: string of data to send, or None (default)
:param headers: mapping of key/value pairs to add as headers
:param params: dictionary of key/value pairs to add to append
to action
:raises: ConnectionFailed
LOG.debug("Client issuing request: %s", action)
# Ensure we have a tenant id
if not self.tenant:
raise Exception("Tenant ID not set")
# Add format and tenant_id
action += ".%s" % self.format
action = self.action_prefix + action
action = action.replace('{tenant_id}', self.tenant)
if type(params) is dict:
action += '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
if body:
body = self.serialize(body)
connection_type = self.get_connection_type()
headers = headers or {"Content-Type":
"application/%s" % self.format}
# if available, add authentication token
if self.auth_token:
headers[AUTH_TOKEN_HEADER] = self.auth_token
# Open connection and send request, handling SSL certs
certs = {'key_file': self.key_file, 'cert_file': self.cert_file}
certs = dict((x, certs[x]) for x in certs if certs[x] is not None)
if self.use_ssl and len(certs):
conn = connection_type(, self.port, **certs)
conn = connection_type(, self.port)
res = self._send_request(conn, method, action, body, headers)
status_code = self.get_status_code(res)
data =
utils.http_log(LOG, [method, action],
{'body': body,
'headers': headers,
}, res, data)
if self.logger:
self.logger.debug("Quantum Client Reply (code = %s) :\n %s" %
(str(status_code), data))
if status_code in (httplib.OK,
return self.deserialize(data, status_code)
self._handle_fault_response(status_code, data)
except (socket.error, IOError), e:
exc = exceptions.ConnectionFailed(reason=str(e))
raise exc
def get_status_code(self, response):
Returns the integer status code from the response, which
can be either a Webob.Response (used in testing) or httplib.Response
if hasattr(response, 'status_int'):
return response.status_int
return response.status
def serialize(self, data):
Serializes a dictionary with a single key (which can contain any
structure) into either xml or json
if data is None:
return None
elif type(data) is dict:
return Serializer().serialize(data, self.content_type())
raise Exception("unable to serialize object of type = '%s'" %
def deserialize(self, data, status_code):
Deserializes a an xml or json string into a dictionary
if status_code == 204:
return data
return Serializer(self._serialization_metadata).deserialize(
data, self.content_type())
def content_type(self, format=None):
Returns the mime-type for either 'xml' or 'json'. Defaults to the
currently set format
if not format:
format = self.format
return "application/%s" % (format)
def retry_request(self, method, action, body=None,
headers=None, params=None):
Call do_request with the default retry configuration. Only
idempotent requests should retry failed connection attempts.
:raises: ConnectionFailed if the maximum # of retries is exceeded
max_attempts = self.retries + 1
for i in xrange(max_attempts):
return self.do_request(method, action, body=body,
headers=headers, params=params)
except exceptions.ConnectionFailed:
# Exception has already been logged by do_request()
if i < self.retries:
LOG.debug(_('Retrying connection to quantum service'))
raise exceptions.ConnectionFailed(reason=_("Maximum attempts reached"))
def delete(self, action, body=None, headers=None, params=None):
return self.retry_request("DELETE", action, body=body,
headers=headers, params=params)
def get(self, action, body=None, headers=None, params=None):
return self.retry_request("GET", action, body=body,
headers=headers, params=params)
def post(self, action, body=None, headers=None, params=None):
# Do not retry POST requests to avoid the orphan objects problem.
return self.do_request("POST", action, body=body,
headers=headers, params=params)
def put(self, action, body=None, headers=None, params=None):
return self.retry_request("PUT", action, body=body,
headers=headers, params=params)
def list_networks(self):
Fetches a list of all networks for a tenant
return self.get(self.networks_path)
def list_networks_details(self):
Fetches a detailed list of all networks for a tenant
return self.get(self.networks_path + self.detail_path)
def show_network(self, network):
Fetches information of a certain network
return self.get(self.network_path % (network))
def show_network_details(self, network):
Fetches the details of a certain network
return self.get((self.network_path + self.detail_path) % (network))
def create_network(self, body=None):
Creates a new network
return, body=body)
def update_network(self, network, body=None):
Updates a network
return self.put(self.network_path % (network), body=body)
def delete_network(self, network):
Deletes the specified network
return self.delete(self.network_path % (network))
def list_ports(self, network):
Fetches a list of ports on a given network
return self.get(self.ports_path % (network))
def list_ports_details(self, network):
Fetches a detailed list of ports on a given network
return self.get((self.ports_path + self.detail_path) % (network))
def show_port(self, network, port):
Fetches the information of a certain port
return self.get(self.port_path % (network, port))
def show_port_details(self, network, port):
Fetches the details of a certain port
return self.get((self.port_path + self.detail_path) % (network, port))
def create_port(self, network, body=None):
Creates a new port on a given network
return % (network), body=body)
def delete_port(self, network, port):
Deletes the specified port from a network
return self.delete(self.port_path % (network, port))
def update_port(self, network, port, body=None):
Sets the attributes of the specified port
return self.put(self.port_path % (network, port), body=body)
def show_port_attachment(self, network, port):
Fetches the attachment-id associated with the specified port
return self.get(self.attachment_path % (network, port))
def attach_resource(self, network, port, body=None):
Sets the attachment-id of the specified port
return self.put(self.attachment_path % (network, port), body=body)
def detach_resource(self, network, port):
Removes the attachment-id of the specified port
return self.delete(self.attachment_path % (network, port))
class ClientV11(Client):
This class overiddes some methods of the Client class in order to deal with
features specific to API v1.1 such as filters
def list_networks(self, **filters):
Fetches a list of all networks for a tenant
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.get(self.networks_path, params=filters)
def list_networks_details(self, **filters):
Fetches a detailed list of all networks for a tenant
return self.get(self.networks_path + self.detail_path, params=filters)
def list_ports(self, network, **filters):
Fetches a list of ports on a given network
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.get(self.ports_path % (network), params=filters)
def list_ports_details(self, network, **filters):
Fetches a detailed list of ports on a given network
return self.get((self.ports_path + self.detail_path) % (network),