# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import argparse import logging import sys import mock import six from six.moves import builtins import testtools from senlinclient import client as senlin_client from senlinclient.common import exc from senlinclient.common.i18n import _ from senlinclient.common import sdk from senlinclient.common import utils from senlinclient import shell from senlinclient.tests.unit import fakes class HelpFormatterTest(testtools.TestCase): def test_start_section(self): fmtr = shell.HelpFormatter('senlin') res = fmtr.start_section(('heading', 'text1', 30)) self.assertIsNone(res) h = fmtr._current_section.heading self.assertEqual("HEADING('text1', 30)", h) class TestArgs(testtools.TestCase): def __init__(self): self.auth_url = 'http://fakeurl/v3' self.auth_plugin = 'test_plugin' self.username = 'test_user_name' self.user_id = 'test_user_id' self.token = 'test_token' self.project_id = 'test_project_id' self.project_name = 'test_project_name' self.tenant_id = 'test_tenant_id' self.tenant_name = 'test_tenant_name' self.password = 'test_password' self.user_domain_id = 'test_user_domain_id' self.user_domain_name = 'test_user_domain_name' self.project_domain_id = 'test_project_domain_id' self.project_domain_name = 'test_project_domain_name' self.domain_name = 'test_domain_name' self.domain_id = 'test_domain_id' self.verify = 'test_verify' self.user_preferences = 'test_preferences' self.trust_id = 'test_trust' class ShellTest(testtools.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(ShellTest, self).setUp() def SHELL(self, func, *args, **kwargs): orig_out = sys.stdout sys.stdout = six.StringIO() func(*args, **kwargs) output = sys.stdout.getvalue() sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = orig_out return output @mock.patch.object(logging, 'basicConfig') @mock.patch.object(logging, 'getLogger') def test_setup_logging_debug(self, x_get, x_config): sh = shell.SenlinShell() sh._setup_logging(True) x_config.assert_called_once_with( format="%(levelname)s (%(module)s) %(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG) mock_calls = [ mock.call('iso8601'), mock.call().setLevel(logging.WARNING), mock.call('urllib3.connectionpool'), mock.call().setLevel(logging.WARNING), ] x_get.assert_has_calls(mock_calls) @mock.patch.object(logging, 'basicConfig') @mock.patch.object(logging, 'getLogger') def test_setup_logging_no_debug(self, x_get, x_config): sh = shell.SenlinShell() sh._setup_logging(False) x_config.assert_called_once_with( format="%(levelname)s (%(module)s) %(message)s", level=logging.WARNING) mock_calls = [ mock.call('iso8601'), mock.call().setLevel(logging.WARNING), mock.call('urllib3.connectionpool'), mock.call().setLevel(logging.WARNING), ] x_get.assert_has_calls(mock_calls) def test_setup_verbose(self): sh = shell.SenlinShell() sh._setup_verbose(True) self.assertEqual(1, exc.verbose) sh._setup_verbose(False) self.assertEqual(1, exc.verbose) def test_find_actions(self): sh = shell.SenlinShell() sh.subcommands = {} subparsers = mock.Mock() x_subparser1 = mock.Mock() x_subparser2 = mock.Mock() x_add_parser = mock.Mock(side_effect=[x_subparser1, x_subparser2]) subparsers.add_parser = x_add_parser # subparsers.add_parser = mock.Mock(return_value=x_subparser) sh._find_actions(subparsers, fakes) self.assertEqual({'command-bar': x_subparser1, 'command-foo': x_subparser2}, sh.subcommands) add_calls = [ mock.call('command-bar', help='This is the command doc.', description='This is the command doc.', add_help=False, formatter_class=shell.HelpFormatter), mock.call('command-foo', help='Pydoc for command foo.', description='Pydoc for command foo.', add_help=False, formatter_class=shell.HelpFormatter), ] x_add_parser.assert_has_calls(add_calls) calls_1 = [ mock.call('-h', '--help', action='help', help=argparse.SUPPRESS), mock.call('-F', '--flag', metavar='', help='Flag desc.'), mock.call('arg1', metavar='', help='Arg1 desc') ] x_subparser1.add_argument.assert_has_calls(calls_1) x_subparser1.set_defaults.assert_called_once_with( func=fakes.do_command_bar) calls_2 = [ mock.call('-h', '--help', action='help', help=argparse.SUPPRESS), ] x_subparser2.add_argument.assert_has_calls(calls_2) x_subparser2.set_defaults.assert_called_once_with( func=fakes.do_command_foo) def test_do_bash_completion(self): sh = shell.SenlinShell() sc1 = mock.Mock() sc2 = mock.Mock() sc1._optionals._option_string_actions = ('A1', 'A2', 'C') sc2._optionals._option_string_actions = ('B1', 'B2', 'C') sh.subcommands = { 'command-foo': sc1, 'command-bar': sc2, 'bash-completion': None, } output = self.SHELL(sh.do_bash_completion, None) output = output.split('\n')[0] output_list = output.split(' ') for option in ('A1', 'A2', 'C', 'B1', 'B2', 'command-foo', 'command-bar'): self.assertIn(option, output_list) def test_do_add_profiler_args(self): sh = shell.SenlinShell() parser = mock.Mock() sh.add_profiler_args(parser) if shell.osprofiler_profiler: self.assertEqual(1, parser.add_argument.call_count) else: self.assertEqual(0, parser.add_argument.call_count) @mock.patch.object(utils, 'import_versioned_module') @mock.patch.object(shell.SenlinShell, '_find_actions') def test_get_subcommand_parser(self, x_find, x_import): x_base = mock.Mock() x_module = mock.Mock() x_import.return_value = x_module sh = shell.SenlinShell() res = sh.get_subcommand_parser(x_base, 'v100') self.assertEqual(x_base, res) x_base.add_subparsers.assert_called_once_with( metavar='') x_subparsers = x_base.add_subparsers.return_value x_import.assert_called_once_with('v100', 'shell') find_calls = [ mock.call(x_subparsers, x_module), mock.call(x_subparsers, sh) ] x_find.assert_has_calls(find_calls) @mock.patch.object(argparse.ArgumentParser, 'print_help') def test_do_help(self, mock_print): sh = shell.SenlinShell() args = mock.Mock() args.command = mock.Mock() sh.subcommands = {args.command: argparse.ArgumentParser} sh.do_help(args) self.assertTrue(mock_print.called) sh.subcommands = {} ex = self.assertRaises(exc.CommandError, sh.do_help, args) msg = _("'%s' is not a valid subcommand") % args.command self.assertEqual(msg, six.text_type(ex)) @mock.patch.object(builtins, 'print') def test_check_identity_arguments(self, mock_print): sh = shell.SenlinShell() # auth_url is not specified. args = TestArgs() args.auth_url = None ex = self.assertRaises(exc.CommandError, sh._check_identity_arguments, args) msg = _('You must provide an auth url via --os-auth-url (or ' ' env[OS_AUTH_URL])') self.assertEqual(msg, six.text_type(ex)) # username, user_id and token are not specified. args = TestArgs() args.username = None args.user_id = None args.token = None msg = _('You must provide a user name, a user_id or a ' 'token for authentication') ex = self.assertRaises(exc.CommandError, sh._check_identity_arguments, args) self.assertEqual(msg, six.text_type(ex)) # Both username and user_id are specified. args = TestArgs() args.project_id = None args.tenant_id = None sh._check_identity_arguments(args) msg = _('WARNING: Both user name and user ID are specified, ' 'Senlin will use user ID for authentication') mock_print.assert_called_with(msg) # 'v3' in auth_url but neither user_domain_id nor user_domain_name # is specified. args = TestArgs() args.user_id = None args.user_domain_id = None args.user_domain_name = None msg = _('Either user domain ID (--user-domain-id / ' 'env[OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID]) or user domain name ' '(--user-domain-name / env[OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME]) ' 'must be specified, because user name may not be ' 'unique.') ex = self.assertRaises(exc.CommandError, sh._check_identity_arguments, args) self.assertEqual(msg, six.text_type(ex)) # user_id, project_id, project_name, tenant_id and tenant_name are all # not specified. args = TestArgs() args.project_id = None args.project_name = None args.tenant_id = None args.tenant_name = None args.user_id = None msg = _('Either project/tenant ID or project/tenant name ' 'must be specified, or else Senlin cannot know ' 'which project to use.') ex = self.assertRaises(exc.CommandError, sh._check_identity_arguments, args) self.assertEqual(msg, six.text_type(ex)) args.user_id = 'test_user_id' sh._check_identity_arguments(args) msg = _('Neither project ID nor project name is specified. ' 'Senlin will use user\'s default project which may ' 'result in authentication error.') mock_print.assert_called_with(_('WARNING: %s') % msg) # Both project_name and project_id are specified args = TestArgs() args.user_id = None sh._check_identity_arguments(args) msg = _('Both project/tenant name and project/tenant ID are ' 'specified, Senlin will use project ID for ' 'authentication') mock_print.assert_called_with(_('WARNING: %s') % msg) # Project name may not be unique args = TestArgs() args.user_id = None args.project_id = None args.tenant_id = None args.project_domain_id = None args.project_domain_name = None msg = _('Either project domain ID (--project-domain-id / ' 'env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID]) orr project domain name ' '(--project-domain-name / ' 'env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME]) must be specified, ' 'because project/tenant name may not be unique.') ex = self.assertRaises(exc.CommandError, sh._check_identity_arguments, args) self.assertEqual(msg, six.text_type(ex)) @mock.patch.object(sdk, 'create_connection') def test_setup_senlinclient(self, mock_conn): USER_AGENT = 'python-senlinclient' args = TestArgs() kwargs = { 'auth_plugin': args.auth_plugin, 'auth_url': args.auth_url, 'project_name': args.project_name or args.tenant_name, 'project_id': args.project_id or args.tenant_id, 'domain_name': args.domain_name, 'domain_id': args.domain_id, 'project_domain_name': args.project_domain_name, 'project_domain_id': args.project_domain_id, 'user_domain_name': args.user_domain_name, 'user_domain_id': args.user_domain_id, 'username': args.username, 'user_id': args.user_id, 'password': args.password, 'verify': args.verify, 'token': args.token, 'trust_id': args.trust_id, } sh = shell.SenlinShell() conn = mock.Mock() mock_conn.return_value = conn conn.session = mock.Mock() sh._setup_senlin_client('1', args) mock_conn.assert_called_once_with(prof=None, user_agent=USER_AGENT, **kwargs) client = mock.Mock() senlin_client.Client = mock.Mock(return_value=client) self.assertEqual(client, sh._setup_senlin_client('1', args))