
350 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Generates a standard set of release notes for a repository."""
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import glob
import os
import random
import subprocess
import sys
import jinja2
from oslo_concurrency import processutils
import parawrap
from reno import defaults as reno_defaults
from reno import formatter
from reno import scanner
from releasetools import rst2txt
'tickled pink',
# The email headers for generating a message to go right into sendmail
# or msmtp.
{%- if email %}
From: {{email_from}}
To: {{email_to}}
Reply-To: {{email_reply_to}}
Subject: [release]{% if stable_series %}[stable]{% endif %}{{email_tags}} {{project}} {{end_rev}} release{% if series %} ({{series}}){% endif %}
{% endif %}
# This will be replaced with template values and then wrapped using parawrap
# to correctly wrap at paragraph boundaries...
We are {{ emotion }} to announce the release of:
{{ project }} {{ end_rev }}: {{ description }}
{% if first_release -%}
This is the first release of {{project}}.
{%- endif %}
{% if series -%}
This release is part of the {{series}} {% if stable_series %}stable {% endif %}release series.
{%- endif %}
{% if source_url %}
With source available at:
{{ source_url }}
{% endif %}
{% if pypi_url %}
With package available at:
{{ pypi_url }}
{% endif %}
{% if bug_url %}
Please report issues through launchpad:
{{ bug_url }}
{% endif %}
For more details, please see below.
# This will just be replaced with template values (no wrapping applied).
CHANGE_RELEASE_TPL = """{% if reno_notes %}{{ reno_notes }}{% endif %}
{{ change_header }}{% if skip_requirement_merges %}
NOTE: Skipping requirement commits...
{%- endif %}
{% for change in changes -%}
{{ change }}
{% endfor %}
{% if not first_release -%}
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
{% for change in diff_stats -%}
{{ change }}
{% endfor %}
{% if requirement_changes %}
Requirements updates
{% for change in requirement_changes -%}
{{ change }}
{% endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{% endif %}
CHANGES_ONLY_TPL = """{{ change_header }}
{% for change in changes -%}
{{ change }}
{% endfor %}
def parse_readme(library_path):
sections = {
'bug_url': '',
'source_url': '',
readme_path = os.path.join(library_path, 'README.rst')
with open(readme_path, 'r') as fh:
for line in fh:
for (name, key_name) in [("Bugs:", "bug_url"),
("Source:", 'source_url')]:
pieces = line.split(name, 1)
if len(pieces) == 2:
candidate = pieces[1].strip()
if 'http' in candidate:
sections[key_name] = candidate
for (k, v) in sections.items():
if not v:
what = k.replace("_", " ")
sys.stderr.write("WARNING: No %s found in '%s'\n"
% (what, readme_path))
return sections
def expand_template(contents, params):
if not params:
params = {}
tpl = jinja2.Template(source=contents, undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined)
return tpl.render(**params)
def run_cmd(cmd, cwd=None, encoding='utf-8'):
# Created since currently the 'processutils' function doesn't take a
# working directory, which we need in this example due to the different
# working directories we run programs in...
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(stdout=stdout,
return stdout.decode(encoding), stderr.decode(encoding)
def is_skippable_commit(skip_requirement_merges, line):
return (skip_requirement_merges and
line.lower().endswith('updated from global requirements'))
def generate_release_notes(library, library_path,
start_revision, end_revision,
show_dates, skip_requirement_merges,
is_stable, series,
email, email_from,
email_to, email_reply_to, email_tags,
"""Return the text of the release notes.
:param library: The name of the library.
:param library_path: Path to the library repository on disk.
:param start_revision: First reference for finding change log.
:param end_revision: Final reference for finding change log.
:param show_dates: Boolean indicating whether or not to show dates
in the output.
:param skip_requirement_merges: Boolean indicating whether to
skip merge commits for requirements changes.
:param is_stable: Boolean indicating whether this is a stable
series or not.
:param series: String holding the name of the series.
:param email: Boolean indicating whether the output format should
be an email message.
:param email_from: String containing the sender email address.
:param email_to: String containing the email recipient.
:param email_reply_to: String containing the email reply-to address.
:param email_tags: String containing the email header topic tags to add.
:param include_pypi_link: Boolean indicating whether or not to
include an automatically generated link to the PyPI package
:param changes_only: Boolean indicating whether to limit output to
the list of changes, without any extra data.
:param first_release: Boolean indicating whether this is the first
release of the project
# Do not mention the series in independent model since there is none
if series == 'independent':
series = ''
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(library_path, "")):
raise RuntimeError("No '' file found in %s\n" % library_path)
if not email_from:
raise RuntimeError('No email-from specified')
# Get the python library/program description...
cmd = [sys.executable, '', '--description']
stdout, stderr = run_cmd(cmd, cwd=library_path)
description = stdout.strip()
# Get the python library/program name
cmd = [sys.executable, '', '--name']
stdout, stderr = run_cmd(cmd, cwd=library_path)
library_name = stdout.strip()
# Get the commits that are in the desired range...
git_range = "%s..%s" % (start_revision, end_revision)
if show_dates:
format = "--format=%h %ci %s"
format = "--oneline"
cmd = ["git", "log", "--no-color", format, "--no-merges", git_range]
stdout, stderr = run_cmd(cmd, cwd=library_path)
changes = []
for commit_line in stdout.splitlines():
commit_line = commit_line.strip()
if not commit_line or is_skippable_commit(skip_requirement_merges,
# Filter out any requirement file changes...
requirement_changes = []
requirement_files = list(glob.glob(os.path.join(library_path,
if requirement_files:
cmd = ['git', 'diff', '-U0', '--no-color', git_range]
stdout, stderr = run_cmd(cmd, cwd=library_path)
requirement_changes = [line.strip()
for line in stdout.splitlines() if line.strip()]
# Get statistics about the range given...
cmd = ['git', 'diff', '--stat', '--no-color', git_range]
stdout, stderr = run_cmd(cmd, cwd=library_path)
diff_stats = []
for line in stdout.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if not line or line.find("tests") != -1 or line.startswith("doc"):
# Extract + valdiate needed sections from readme...
readme_sections = parse_readme(library_path)
change_header = ["Changes in %s %s" % (library_name, git_range)]
change_header.append("-" * len(change_header[0]))
# Look for reno notes for this version.
branch = None
if is_stable and series:
branch = 'origin/stable/%s' % series
scanner_output = scanner.get_notes_by_version(
notesdir='%s/%s' % (reno_defaults.RELEASE_NOTES_SUBDIR,
if end_revision in scanner_output:
rst_notes = formatter.format_report(
reno_notes = rst2txt.convert(rst_notes)
reno_notes = ''
params = dict(readme_sections)
'project': library_name,
'description': description,
'end_rev': end_revision,
'range': git_range,
'lib': library_path,
'skip_requirement_merges': skip_requirement_merges,
'changes': changes,
'requirement_changes': requirement_changes,
'diff_stats': diff_stats,
'change_header': "\n".join(change_header),
'emotion': random.choice(EMOTIONS),
'stable_series': is_stable,
'series': series,
'email': email,
'email_from': email_from,
'email_to': email_to,
'email_reply_to': email_reply_to,
'email_tags': email_tags,
'reno_notes': reno_notes,
'first_release': first_release,
if include_pypi_link:
params['pypi_url'] = PYPI_URL_TPL % library_name
params['pypi_url'] = None
response = []
if changes_only:
response.append(expand_template(CHANGES_ONLY_TPL, params))
if email:
email_header = expand_template(EMAIL_HEADER_TPL.strip(), params)
header = expand_template(HEADER_RELEASE_TPL.strip(), params)
response.append(expand_template(CHANGE_RELEASE_TPL, params))
return '\n'.join(response)