
99 lines
3.1 KiB

{% set pypi_name = 'python-troveclient' %}
{% set upstream_version = upstream_version('8.2.1') %}
{% set rpm_release = '1' %}
{% set source = url_pypi() %}
Name: {{ py2name() }}
Version: {{ py2rpmversion() }}
Release: {{ py2rpmrelease() }}
Epoch: {{ epoch('python-troveclient') }}
Summary: Client library for OpenStack DBaaS API
License: {{ license('Apache-2.0') }}
Group: Development/Languages/Python
URL: https://docs.openstack.org/{{ pypi_name }}
Source0: {{ source }}
BuildRequires: openstack-macros
BuildRequires: {{ py3('PrettyTable') }}
BuildRequires: {{ py3('httplib2') }}
BuildRequires: {{ py3('keystoneauth1') }}
BuildRequires: {{ py3('python-mistralclient') }}
BuildRequires: {{ py3('python-openstackclient') }}
BuildRequires: {{ py3('oslo.utils') }}
BuildRequires: {{ py3('pbr') }}
BuildRequires: {{ py3('requests') }}
BuildRequires: {{ py3('requests-mock') }}
BuildRequires: {{ py3('simplejson') }}
BuildRequires: {{ py3('sphinxcontrib-apidoc') }}
BuildRequires: {{ py3('stestr') }}
BuildRequires: {{ py3('python-swiftclient') }}
BuildRequires: {{ py3('testscenarios') }}
BuildRequires: {{ py3('testtools') }}
BuildArch: noarch
This is a client for the Trove API. There's a Python API (the
troveclient module), and a command-line script (trove). Each
implements 100% (or less ;) ) of the Trove API.
%package -n python3-troveclient
Summary: Client library for OpenStack DBaaS API
Requires: {{ py3('Babel') }}
Requires: {{ py3('PrettyTable') }}
Requires: {{ py3('keystoneauth1') }}
Requires: {{ py3('python-mistralclient') }}
Requires: {{ py3('python-openstackclient') }}
Requires: {{ py3('osc-lib') }}
Requires: {{ py3('oslo.i18n') }}
Requires: {{ py3('oslo.utils') }}
Requires: {{ py3('pbr') }}
Requires: {{ py3('requests') }}
Requires: {{ py3('simplejson') }}
Requires: {{ py3('python-swiftclient') }}
%description -n python3-troveclient
This is a client for the Trove API. There's a Python API (the
troveclient module), and a command-line script (trove). Each
implements 100% (or less ;) ) of the Trove API.
This package contains the Python 3.x module.
%package -n python-troveclient-doc
Summary: Documentation for OpenStack DBaaS API.
Group: Documentation/HTML
BuildRequires: {{ py3('Sphinx') }}
BuildRequires: {{ py3('openstackdocstheme') }}
%description -n python-troveclient-doc
Documentation for the client library for interacting with Openstack
%autosetup -p1 -n {{ pypi_name }}-{{ upstream_version }}
# Generate html docs
PBR_VERSION={{ upstream_version }} %sphinx_build -b html doc/source doc/build/html
# Remove the Sphinx-build leftovers
rm -r doc/build/html/.{doctrees,buildinfo}
%files -n python3-troveclient
%doc README.rst
%license LICENSE
%files -n python-troveclient-doc
%doc doc/build/html
%license LICENSE