{ "plugin": { "name": "vanilla", "versions": [ "1.2.1", "2.4.1", "2.6.0" ], "description": "The Apache Vanilla plugin provides the ability to launch upstream Vanilla Apache Hadoop cluster without any management consoles. It can also deploy the Oozie component.", "required_image_tags": [ "vanilla", "2.6.0" ], "node_processes": { "JobFlow": [ "oozie" ], "HDFS": [ "namenode", "datanode", "secondarynamenode" ], "YARN": [ "resourcemanager", "nodemanager" ], "MapReduce": [ "historyserver" ], "Hadoop": [], "Hive": [ "hiveserver" ] }, "configs": [ { "default_value": "/tmp/hadoop-${user.name}", "name": "hadoop.tmp.dir", "priority": 2, "config_type": "string", "applicable_target": "HDFS", "is_optional": true, "scope": "node", "description": "A base for other temporary directories." }, { "default_value": true, "name": "hadoop.native.lib", "priority": 2, "config_type": "bool", "applicable_target": "HDFS", "is_optional": true, "scope": "node", "description": "Should native hadoop libraries, if present, be used." }, { "default_value": 1024, "name": "NodeManager Heap Size", "config_values": null, "priority": 1, "config_type": "int", "applicable_target": "YARN", "is_optional": false, "scope": "node", "description": null }, { "default_value": true, "name": "Enable Swift", "config_values": null, "priority": 1, "config_type": "bool", "applicable_target": "general", "is_optional": false, "scope": "cluster", "description": null }, { "default_value": true, "name": "Enable MySQL", "config_values": null, "priority": 1, "config_type": "bool", "applicable_target": "general", "is_optional": true, "scope": "cluster", "description": null } ], "title": "Vanilla Apache Hadoop" } }