# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import itertools # loading keystonemiddleware opts because sahara uses these options in code from keystonemiddleware import opts # noqa from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from sahara import exceptions as ex from sahara.i18n import _ from sahara.plugins import opts as plugins_base from sahara.service.castellan import config as castellan from sahara.service.edp.data_sources import opts as data_source from sahara.service.edp.job_binaries import opts as job_binary from sahara.topology import topology_helper from sahara.utils.notification import sender from sahara.utils.openstack import cinder from sahara.utils.openstack import keystone from sahara.utils import remote from sahara import version cli_opts = [ cfg.HostAddressOpt('host', default='', help='Hostname or IP address that will be used ' 'to listen on.'), cfg.PortOpt('port', default=8386, help='Port that will be used to listen on.'), cfg.BoolOpt('log-exchange', default=False, help='Log request/response exchange details: environ, ' 'headers and bodies.') ] edp_opts = [ cfg.IntOpt('job_binary_max_KB', default=5120, help='Maximum length of job binary data in kilobytes that ' 'may be stored or retrieved in a single operation.'), cfg.IntOpt('job_canceling_timeout', default=300, help='Timeout for canceling job execution (in seconds). ' 'Sahara will try to cancel job execution during ' 'this time.'), cfg.BoolOpt('edp_internal_db_enabled', default=True, help='Use Sahara internal db to store job binaries.') ] db_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('db_driver', default='sahara.db', help='Driver to use for database access.') ] networking_opts = [ cfg.BoolOpt('use_floating_ips', default=True, help='If set to True, Sahara will use floating IPs to ' 'communicate with instances. To make sure that all ' 'instances have floating IPs assigned, make sure ' 'that all Node Groups have "floating_ip_pool" ' 'parameter defined.'), cfg.StrOpt('node_domain', default='novalocal', help="The suffix of the node's FQDN."), cfg.BoolOpt('use_namespaces', default=False, help="Use network namespaces for communication."), cfg.BoolOpt('use_rootwrap', default=False, help="Use rootwrap facility to allow non-root users to run " "the sahara services and access private network IPs " "(only valid to use in conjunction with " "use_namespaces=True)"), cfg.StrOpt('rootwrap_command', default='sudo sahara-rootwrap /etc/sahara/rootwrap.conf', help="Rootwrap command to leverage. Use in conjunction with " "use_rootwrap=True") ] dns_opts = [ cfg.BoolOpt('use_designate', default=False, help='Use Designate for internal and external hostnames ' 'resolution'), cfg.ListOpt('nameservers', default=[], help="IP addresses of Designate nameservers. " "This is required if 'use_designate' is True") ] accessible_ip_opts = [ cfg.IPOpt('identity_ip_accessible', default=None, help='IP address of Keystone endpoint, accessible by tenant' ' machines. If not set, the results of the DNS lookup' ' performed where Sahara services are running will be' ' used.'), cfg.IPOpt('object_store_ip_accessible', default=None, help='IP address of Swift endpoint, accessible by tenant' ' machines. If not set, the results of the DNS lookup' ' performed where Sahara services are running will be' ' used.'), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_cli_opts(cli_opts) CONF.register_opts(networking_opts) CONF.register_opts(edp_opts) CONF.register_opts(db_opts) CONF.register_opts(dns_opts) CONF.register_opts(accessible_ip_opts) log.register_options(CONF) sahara_default_log_levels = [ 'stevedore=INFO', 'eventlet.wsgi.server=WARN', 'paramiko=WARN', 'requests=WARN', 'neutronclient=INFO', ] log.set_defaults( default_log_levels=log.get_default_log_levels()+sahara_default_log_levels) def list_opts(): # NOTE (vgridnev): we make these import here to avoid problems # with importing unregistered options in sahara code. # As example, importing 'node_domain' in # sahara/conductor/objects.py from sahara.conductor import api from sahara import main as sahara_main from sahara.service import coordinator from sahara.service.edp import job_utils from sahara.service.heat import heat_engine from sahara.service.heat import templates from sahara.service import periodic from sahara.swift import swift_helper from sahara.utils import cluster_progress_ops as cpo from sahara.utils.openstack import base from sahara.utils.openstack import glance from sahara.utils.openstack import heat from sahara.utils.openstack import manila from sahara.utils.openstack import neutron from sahara.utils.openstack import nova from sahara.utils.openstack import swift from sahara.utils import poll_utils from sahara.utils import proxy from sahara.utils import ssh_remote return [ (None, itertools.chain(cli_opts, edp_opts, networking_opts, dns_opts, db_opts, accessible_ip_opts, plugins_base.opts, topology_helper.opts, keystone.opts, remote.ssh_opts, sahara_main.opts, job_utils.opts, periodic.periodic_opts, coordinator.coordinator_opts, proxy.opts, cpo.event_log_opts, base.opts, heat_engine.heat_engine_opts, templates.heat_engine_opts, ssh_remote.ssh_config_options, castellan.opts, data_source.opts, job_binary.opts)), (poll_utils.timeouts.name, itertools.chain(poll_utils.timeouts_opts)), (api.conductor_group.name, itertools.chain(api.conductor_opts)), (cinder.cinder_group.name, itertools.chain(cinder.opts)), (glance.glance_group.name, itertools.chain(glance.opts)), (heat.heat_group.name, itertools.chain(heat.opts)), (manila.manila_group.name, itertools.chain(manila.opts)), (neutron.neutron_group.name, itertools.chain(neutron.opts)), (nova.nova_group.name, itertools.chain(nova.opts)), (swift.swift_group.name, itertools.chain(swift.opts)), (keystone.keystone_group.name, itertools.chain(keystone.ssl_opts)), (keystone.trustee_group.name, itertools.chain(keystone.trustee_opts)), (base.retries.name, itertools.chain(base.opts)), (swift_helper.public_endpoint_cert_group.name, itertools.chain(swift_helper.opts)), (castellan.castellan_group.name, itertools.chain(castellan.castellan_opts)), (sender.notifier_opts_group, sender.notifier_opts) ] def parse_configs(conf_files=None): try: version_string = version.version_info.version_string() CONF(project='sahara', version=version_string, default_config_files=conf_files) except cfg.RequiredOptError as roe: raise ex.ConfigurationError( _("Option '%(option)s' is required for config group '%(group)s'") % {'option': roe.opt_name, 'group': roe.group.name})