
427 lines
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Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2015 All Rights Reserved
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
Limitations under the License.
15-Jul-2014 evgenyl Initial implementation.
21-Jul-2014 evgenyl Extending API: create_service_datagram,
28-Jul-2014 evgenyl Bugfix in create_service_datagram - meta shall be
dictionary of dictionaries
import json
import os
import syslog
from SBusFileDescription import SBUS_FD_OUTPUT_OBJECT
from SBusStorletCommand import SBUS_CMD_NOP
class SBusDatagram(object):
'''@summary: This class aggregates data to be transferred
using SBus functionality.
command_dict_key_name_ = 'command'
task_id_dict_key_name_ = 'taskId'
def __init__(self):
'''@summary: CTOR
@ivar e_command_ : A command to Storlet Daemon.
@type e_command_ : Integer. SBusStorletCommand enumerated value.
@ivar h_files_: List of open file descriptors.
@type h_files_: List of integers.
@ivar n_files_: Quantity of file descriptors.
@type n_files_: Integer.
@ivar files_metadata_: Meta-data for the file descriptors.
@type files_metadata_: List of Dictionaries String-to-String.
@ivar exec_params_: Auxiliary parameters for e_command_.
@type exec_params_: Dictionary String-to-String.
@invariant: Quantity of entries in files_metadata_ list
is the same as in h_files_, i.e. n_files_.
self.e_command_ = SBUS_CMD_NOP
self.task_id_ = None
self.h_files_ = None
self.n_files_ = 0
self.files_metadata_ = None
self.exec_params_ = None
def create_service_datagram(command,
'''@summary: Datagram static factory.
Create "service" datagram, i.e.
- command shall be one of
- single output file descriptor
@param command: Command to send
@type command: SBusStorletCommand
@param outfd: Output stream for command execution results
@type outfd: File descriptor or Integer
@return: A datagram with the required data
@rtype: SBusDatagram
dtg = SBusDatagram()
meta = {}
meta[0] = {'type': SBUS_FD_OUTPUT_OBJECT}
files = []
if isinstance(outfd, file):
return dtg
def from_raw_data(self,
'''@summary: CTOR
Construct object from file list and
two JSON-encoded strings.
@param h_files: List of file descriptors.
@type h_files: List of integers.
@param str_json_metadata: JSON encoding of file descriptors meta-data.
@type str_json_metadata: String.
@param str_json_params: JSON encoding for execution parameters.
@type str_json_params: String.
@rtype: void
def extract_metadata(self,
'''@summary: Extract files_metadata array
of dictionaries form a JSON string
@requires: n_files_ has to be se
@param str_json_metadata: JSON encoding of file descriptors meta-data.
@type str_json_metadata: String.
@rtype: void
if self.get_num_files() > 0:
all_metadata = json.loads(str_json_metadata)
self.files_metadata_ = []
for i in range(self.get_num_files()):
str_curr_metadata = all_metadata[str(i)]
def extract_params(self, str_json_params):
'''@summary: Extract command field and exec_params
dictionary form a JSON string
@param str_json_params: JSON encoding for the execution parameters.
@type str_json_params: string.
@rtype: void
ext_params = json.loads(str_json_params)
cmd = self.command_dict_key_name_
tid = self.task_id_dict_key_name_
if cmd in ext_params:
self.e_command_ = ext_params[cmd]
ext_params.pop(cmd, None)
elif tid in ext_params:
self.task_id_ = ext_params[tid]
ext_params.pop(tid, None)
self.e_command_ = SBUS_CMD_NOP
b_exec_params_is_not_empty = len(ext_params.keys()) > 0
if b_exec_params_is_not_empty:
self.exec_params_ = ext_params.copy()
self.exec_params_ = None
def get_params_and_cmd_as_json(self):
'''@summary: Convert command field and execution parameters
dictionary into JSON as the following -
1. Copy exec_params_. Initialize the combined dictionary.
2. Push the next pair into the combined dictionary
key - 'command'
value - e_command_
@return: JSON encoded representation of exec_params_ and command_
@rtype: string
exec_params = {}
if self.exec_params_:
exec_params = self.exec_params_.copy()
cmd = self.command_dict_key_name_
exec_params[cmd] = self.e_command_
if self.task_id_:
tid = self.task_id_dict_key_name_
exec_params[tid] = self.task_id_
str_result = json.dumps(exec_params)
return str_result
def get_files_metadata_as_json(self):
'''@summary: Encode the list of dictionaries into JSON as the following
1. Create a combined dictionary (Integer-to-String)
Key - index in the original list
Value - JSON encoding of the certain dictionary
2. Encode the combined dictionary into JSON
@return: List of dictionaries into a JSON string.
@rtype: string
all_metadata = {}
str_result = None
for i in range(self.get_num_files()):
all_metadata[str(i)] = json.dumps(self.files_metadata_[i])
if self.get_num_files() > 0:
str_result = json.dumps(all_metadata)
return str_result
def get_num_files(self):
'''@summary: Getter.
@return: The quantity of file descriptors.
@rtype: integer
return self.n_files_
def get_files(self):
'''@summary: Getter.
@return: The list of file descriptors.
@rtype: List of integers
return self.h_files_
def set_files(self, h_files):
'''@summary: Setter.
Assign file handlers list and update n_files_ field
@param h_files: File descriptors.
@type h_files: List of integers
@rtype: void
if not h_files:
self.n_files_ = 0
self.n_files_ = len(h_files)
self.h_files_ = None
if 0 < self.n_files_:
self.h_files_ = []
for i in range(self.n_files_):
if isinstance(h_files[i], file):
def get_first_file_of_type(self, file_type):
'''@summary: Iterate through file list and metadata.
Find the first file with the required type
@param file_type: The file type to look for
@type file_type: Integer, SBusFileDescription enumerator
@return: File descriptor or None if not found
@rtype: File
required_file = None
for i in range(self.get_num_files()):
if (self.get_metadata()[i])['type'] == file_type:
required_file = os.fdopen(self.get_files()[i], 'w')
except IOError as err:
'Failed to open file: %s' % err.strerror)
return required_file
def get_metadata(self):
'''@summary: Getter.
@return: The list of meta-data dictionaries.
@rtype: List of dictionaries
return self.files_metadata_
def set_metadata(self, metadata):
'''@summary: Setter.
Assign file_metadata_ field
@param metadata: File descriptors meta-data dictionaries.
@type metadata: List of dictionaries
@rtype: void
self.files_metadata_ = metadata
def get_exec_params(self):
'''@summary: Getter.
@return: The execution parameters dictionary.
@rtype: Dictionary
return self.exec_params_
def set_exec_params(self, params):
'''@summary: Setter.
Assign execution parameters dictionary.
@param params: Execution parameters to assign
@type params: Dictionary
@rtype: void
self.exec_params_ = params
def add_exec_param(self, param_name, param_value):
'''@summary: Add a single pair to the exec_params_ dictionary
Don't change if the parameter exists already
@param param_name: Execution parameter name to be added
@type param_name: string
@param param_value: Execution parameter value
@type param_value: Unknown
@return: False if param_name exists already
@rtype: boolean
b_status = True
if not self.get_exec_params():
exec_params = {}
exec_params[param_name] = param_value
elif param_name in self.get_exec_params():
b_status = False
self.get_exec_params()[param_name] = param_value
return b_status
def get_command(self):
'''@summary: Getter.
@return: The Storlet Daemon command.
@rtype: SBusStorletCommand
return self.e_command_
def set_command(self, cmd):
'''@summary: Setter.
Assign Storlet Daemon command.
@param cmd: Command to assign
@type cmd: SBusStorletCommand enumerator
@rtype: void
self.e_command_ = cmd
def get_task_id(self):
'''@summary: Getter.
@return: The task id.
@rtype: string
return self.task_id_
def set_task_id(self, taskId):
'''@summary: Setter.
Assign task id
@param taskId: Command to assign
@type taskId: string
@rtype: void
self.task_id_ = taskId
def dictionaies_equal(d1, d2):
'''@summary: Check whether two dictionaries has the same content.
The order of the entries is not considered.
@return: The answer to the above
@rtype: boolean.
diffr = set(d1.items()) ^ set(d2.items())
return (0 == len(diffr))
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