
281 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/python -u
# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from io import StringIO
from unittest import main
from uuid import uuid4
from swiftclient import client
from swift.common import direct_client
from swift.common.manager import Manager
from test.probe.common import kill_nonprimary_server, \
kill_server, ReplProbeTest, start_server, ECProbeTest
class TestObjectAsyncUpdate(ReplProbeTest):
def test_main(self):
# Create container
container = 'container-%s' % uuid4()
client.put_container(self.url, self.token, container)
# Kill container servers excepting two of the primaries
cpart, cnodes = self.container_ring.get_nodes(self.account, container)
cnode = cnodes[0]
kill_nonprimary_server(cnodes, self.ipport2server)
kill_server((cnode['ip'], cnode['port']), self.ipport2server)
# Create container/obj
obj = 'object-%s' % uuid4()
client.put_object(self.url, self.token, container, obj, '')
# Restart other primary server
start_server((cnode['ip'], cnode['port']), self.ipport2server)
# Assert it does not know about container/obj
cnode, cpart, self.account, container)[1])
# Run the object-updaters
# Assert the other primary server now knows about container/obj
objs = [o['name'] for o in direct_client.direct_get_container(
cnode, cpart, self.account, container)[1]]
self.assertTrue(obj in objs)
class TestUpdateOverrides(ReplProbeTest):
Use an internal client to PUT an object to proxy server,
bypassing gatekeeper so that X-Backend- headers can be included.
Verify that the update override headers take effect and override
values propagate to the container server.
def _test_update_override_headers(self, override_headers):
# verify that update override headers are sent in container updates
int_client = self.make_internal_client()
container_name = 'c-%s' % uuid4()
obj_name = 'o-%s' % uuid4()
client.put_container(self.url, self.token, container_name,
override_headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
int_client.upload_object(StringIO(u'stuff'), self.account,
container_name, obj_name,
# Run the object-updaters to be sure updates are done
meta = int_client.get_object_metadata(
self.account, container_name, obj_name)
self.assertEqual('text/plain', meta['content-type'])
self.assertEqual('c13d88cb4cb02003daedb8a84e5d272a', meta['etag'])
self.assertEqual('5', meta['content-length'])
obj_iter = int_client.iter_objects(self.account, container_name)
for obj in obj_iter:
if obj['name'] == obj_name:
self.assertEqual('override-etag', obj['hash'])
self.assertEqual('override-type', obj['content_type'])
self.assertEqual(1999, obj['bytes'])
self.fail('Failed to find object %s in listing for %s' %
(obj_name, container_name))
def test_update_overrides(self):
headers = {
'X-Object-Sysmeta-Container-Update-Override-Etag': 'override-etag',
'X-Object-Sysmeta-Container-Update-Override-Size': '1999'
def test_update_overrides_backwards_compatibility(self):
# older proxies used these headers to override container update values
headers = {
'X-Backend-Container-Update-Override-Etag': 'override-etag',
'X-Backend-Container-Update-Override-Size': '1999'
class TestUpdateOverridesEC(ECProbeTest):
# verify that the container update overrides used with EC policies make
# it to the container servers when container updates are sync or async
# and possibly re-ordered with respect to object PUT and POST requests.
def test_async_update_after_PUT(self):
cpart, cnodes = self.container_ring.get_nodes(self.account, 'c1')
client.put_container(self.url, self.token, 'c1',
# put an object while one container server is stopped so that we force
# an async update to it
kill_server((cnodes[0]['ip'], cnodes[0]['port']), self.ipport2server)
content = u'stuff'
client.put_object(self.url, self.token, 'c1', 'o1', contents=content)
meta = client.head_object(self.url, self.token, 'c1', 'o1')
# re-start the container server and assert that it does not yet know
# about the object
start_server((cnodes[0]['ip'], cnodes[0]['port']), self.ipport2server)
cnodes[0], cpart, self.account, 'c1')[1])
# Run the object-updaters to be sure updates are done
# check the re-started container server got same update as others.
# we cannot assert the actual etag value because it may be encrypted
listing_etags = set()
for cnode in cnodes:
obj = direct_client.direct_get_container(
cnode, cpart, self.account, 'c1')[1][0]
self.assertEqual(len(content), obj['bytes'])
self.assertEqual(1, len(listing_etags))
# check that listing meta returned to client is consistent with object
# meta returned to client
hdrs, listing = client.get_container(self.url, self.token, 'c1')
self.assertEqual(1, len(listing))
self.assertEqual('o1', listing[0]['name'])
self.assertEqual(len(content), listing[0]['bytes'])
self.assertEqual(meta['etag'], listing[0]['hash'])
def test_update_during_POST_only(self):
# verify correct update values when PUT update is missed but then a
# POST update succeeds *before* the PUT async pending update is sent
cpart, cnodes = self.container_ring.get_nodes(self.account, 'c1')
client.put_container(self.url, self.token, 'c1',
# put an object while one container server is stopped so that we force
# an async update to it
kill_server((cnodes[0]['ip'], cnodes[0]['port']), self.ipport2server)
content = u'stuff'
client.put_object(self.url, self.token, 'c1', 'o1', contents=content)
meta = client.head_object(self.url, self.token, 'c1', 'o1')
# re-start the container server and assert that it does not yet know
# about the object
start_server((cnodes[0]['ip'], cnodes[0]['port']), self.ipport2server)
cnodes[0], cpart, self.account, 'c1')[1])
# use internal client for POST so we can force fast-post mode
int_client = self.make_internal_client(object_post_as_copy=False)
self.account, 'c1', 'o1', {'X-Object-Meta-Fruit': 'Tomato'})
int_client.get_object_metadata(self.account, 'c1', 'o1')
['x-object-meta-fruit']) # sanity
# check the re-started container server got same update as others.
# we cannot assert the actual etag value because it may be encrypted
listing_etags = set()
for cnode in cnodes:
obj = direct_client.direct_get_container(
cnode, cpart, self.account, 'c1')[1][0]
self.assertEqual(len(content), obj['bytes'])
self.assertEqual(1, len(listing_etags))
# check that listing meta returned to client is consistent with object
# meta returned to client
hdrs, listing = client.get_container(self.url, self.token, 'c1')
self.assertEqual(1, len(listing))
self.assertEqual('o1', listing[0]['name'])
self.assertEqual(len(content), listing[0]['bytes'])
self.assertEqual(meta['etag'], listing[0]['hash'])
# Run the object-updaters to send the async pending from the PUT
# check container listing metadata is still correct
for cnode in cnodes:
obj = direct_client.direct_get_container(
cnode, cpart, self.account, 'c1')[1][0]
self.assertEqual(len(content), obj['bytes'])
self.assertEqual(1, len(listing_etags))
def test_async_updates_after_PUT_and_POST(self):
# verify correct update values when PUT update and POST updates are
# missed but then async updates are sent
cpart, cnodes = self.container_ring.get_nodes(self.account, 'c1')
client.put_container(self.url, self.token, 'c1',
# PUT and POST to object while one container server is stopped so that
# we force async updates to it
kill_server((cnodes[0]['ip'], cnodes[0]['port']), self.ipport2server)
content = u'stuff'
client.put_object(self.url, self.token, 'c1', 'o1', contents=content)
meta = client.head_object(self.url, self.token, 'c1', 'o1')
# use internal client for POST so we can force fast-post mode
int_client = self.make_internal_client(object_post_as_copy=False)
self.account, 'c1', 'o1', {'X-Object-Meta-Fruit': 'Tomato'})
int_client.get_object_metadata(self.account, 'c1', 'o1')
['x-object-meta-fruit']) # sanity
# re-start the container server and assert that it does not yet know
# about the object
start_server((cnodes[0]['ip'], cnodes[0]['port']), self.ipport2server)
cnodes[0], cpart, self.account, 'c1')[1])
# Run the object-updaters to send the async pendings
# check the re-started container server got same update as others.
# we cannot assert the actual etag value because it may be encrypted
listing_etags = set()
for cnode in cnodes:
obj = direct_client.direct_get_container(
cnode, cpart, self.account, 'c1')[1][0]
self.assertEqual(len(content), obj['bytes'])
self.assertEqual(1, len(listing_etags))
# check that listing meta returned to client is consistent with object
# meta returned to client
hdrs, listing = client.get_container(self.url, self.token, 'c1')
self.assertEqual(1, len(listing))
self.assertEqual('o1', listing[0]['name'])
self.assertEqual(len(content), listing[0]['bytes'])
self.assertEqual(meta['etag'], listing[0]['hash'])
if __name__ == '__main__':