
567 lines
22 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Rackspace
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import copy
from functools import reduce
import importlib
import json
import re
import sys
import types
import uuid
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
from oslo_config import cfg
import six
from six.moves import html_parser
from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse
from syntribos._i18n import _
_iterators = {}
_string_var_objs = {}
class RequestCreator(object):
EXTERNAL = r"CALL_EXTERNAL\|([^:]+?):([^:]+?):([^|]+?)\|"
METAVAR = r"(\|[^\|]*\|)"
FUNC_WITH_ARGS = r"([^:]+):([^:]+):(\[.+\])"
FUNC_NO_ARGS = r"([^:]+):([^:]+)"
def create_request(cls, string, endpoint, meta_vars=None):
"""Parse the HTTP request template into its components
:param str string: HTTP request template
:param str endpoint: URL of the target to be tested
:param dict meta_vars: Default None, dict parsed from meta.json
:rtype: :class:`syntribos.clients.http.parser.RequestObject`
:returns: RequestObject with method, url, params, etc. for use by
if meta_vars:
cls.meta_vars = meta_vars
string = cls.call_external_functions(string)
action_field = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", "")
string = string.replace(cls.ACTION_FIELD, action_field)
lines = string.splitlines()
for index, line in enumerate(lines):
if line == "":
if lines[index] != "":
index = index + 1
method, url, params, version = cls._parse_url_line(lines[0], endpoint)
headers = cls._parse_headers(lines[1:index])
data = cls._parse_data(lines[index + 1:])
return RequestObject(
method=method, url=url, headers=headers, params=params, data=data,
def _create_var_obj(cls, var, prefix="", suffix=""):
"""Given the name of a variable, creates VariableObject
:param str var: name of the variable in meta.json
:rtype: :class:`syntribos.clients.http.parser.VariableObject`
:returns: VariableObject holding the attributes defined in the JSON
object read in from meta.json
if var not in cls.meta_vars:
msg = _("Expected to find %s in meta.json, but didn't. "
"Check your templates") % var
raise TemplateParseException(msg)
var_dict = cls.meta_vars[var]
if "type" in var_dict:
var_dict["var_type"] = var_dict.pop("type")
var_obj = VariableObject(var, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix, **var_dict)
return var_obj
def replace_one_variable(cls, var_obj):
"""Evaluate a VariableObject according to its type
A meta variable's type is optional. If a type is given, the parser will
interpret the variable in one of 3 ways according to its type, and
returns that value.
* Type config: The parser will attempt to read the config value
specified by the "val" attribute and returns that value.
* Type function: The parser will call the function named in the "val"
attribute with arguments given in the "args" attribute, and returns
the value from calling the function. This value is cached, and
will be returned on subsequent calls.
* Type generator: works the same way as the function type, but its
results are not cached and the function will be called every time.
Otherwise, the parser will interpret the variable as a static variable,
and will return whatever is in the "val" attribute.
:param var_obj: A :class:`syntribos.clients.http.parser.VariableObject`
:returns: The evaluated value according to its meta variable type
if var_obj.var_type == 'config':
return reduce(getattr, var_obj.val.split("."), CONF)
except AttributeError:
msg = _("Meta json file contains reference to the config "
"option %s, which does not appear to"
"exist.") % var_obj.val
raise TemplateParseException(msg)
elif var_obj.var_type == 'function':
if var_obj.function_return_value:
return var_obj.function_return_value
if not var_obj.val:
msg = _("The type of variable %s is function, but there is no "
"reference to the function.") %
raise TemplateParseException(msg)
var_obj.function_return_value = cls.call_one_external_function(
var_obj.val, var_obj.args)
return var_obj.function_return_value
elif var_obj.var_type == 'generator':
if not var_obj.val:
msg = _("The type of variable %s is generator, but there is no"
" reference to the function.") %
raise TemplateParseException(msg)
return cls.call_one_external_function(var_obj.val, var_obj.args)
return str(var_obj.val)
def _replace_dict_variables(cls, dic):
"""Recursively evaluates all meta variables in a given dict."""
for (key, value) in dic.items():
# Keys dont get fuzzed, so can handle them here
match =, key)
if match:
replaced_key ="|")
key_obj = cls._create_var_obj(replaced_key)
replaced_key = cls.replace_one_variable(key_obj)
new_key = re.sub(cls.METAVAR, replaced_key, key)
del dic[key]
dic[new_key] = value
# Vals are fuzzed so they need to be passed to datagen as an object
if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
match =, value)
if match:
start, end = match.span()
prefix = value[:start]
suffix = value[end:]
var_str ="|")
val_obj = cls._create_var_obj(var_str, prefix, suffix)
if key in dic:
dic[key] = val_obj
elif new_key in dic:
dic[new_key] = val_obj
elif isinstance(value, dict):
return dic
def _replace_str_variables(cls, string):
"""Replaces all meta variable references in the string
For every meta variable reference found in the string, it generates
a VariableObject. It then associates each VariableObject with a uuid,
as a key value pair, which is storedin the global dict variable
`_str_var_obs`. It then replaces all meta variable references in the
string with the uuid key to the VariableObject
:param str string: String to be evaluated
:returns: string with all metavariable references replaced
while True:
match =, string)
if not match:
obj_ref_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", "")
var_name ="|")
var_obj = cls._create_var_obj(var_name)
_string_var_objs[obj_ref_uuid] = var_obj
string = re.sub(cls.METAVAR, obj_ref_uuid, string, count=1)
return string
def _parse_url_line(cls, line, endpoint):
"""Split first line of an HTTP request into its components
:param str line: the first line of the HTTP request
:param str endpoint: the full URL of the endpoint to test
:rtype: tuple
:returns: HTTP method, URL, request parameters, HTTP version
valid_methods = ["GET", "POST", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PUT", "DELETE",
params = {}
method, url, version = line.split()
url = url.split("?", 1)
if len(url) == 2:
for param in url[1].split("&"):
param = param.split("=", 1)
if len(param) > 1:
params[param[0]] = param[1]
params[param[0]] = ""
url = url[0]
url = urlparse.urljoin(endpoint, url)
if method not in valid_methods:
raise ValueError(_("Invalid HTTP method: %s") % method)
return (method, cls._replace_str_variables(url),
cls._replace_dict_variables(params), version)
def _parse_headers(cls, lines):
"""Find and return headers in HTTP request
:param str lines: All but the first line of the HTTP request (list)
:rtype: dict
:returns: headers as key:value pairs
headers = {}
for line in lines:
key, value = line.split(":", 1)
headers[key] = value.strip()
return cls._replace_dict_variables(headers)
def _parse_data(cls, lines):
"""Parse the body of the HTTP request (e.g. POST variables)
:param list lines: lines of the HTTP body
:returns: object representation of body data (JSON or XML)
postdat_regex = r"([\w%]+=[\w%]+&?)+"
data = "\n".join(lines).strip()
if not data:
return ""
data = json.loads(data)
# TODO(cneill): Make this less hacky
if isinstance(data, list):
data = json.dumps(data)
if isinstance(data, dict):
return cls._replace_dict_variables(data)
return cls._replace_str_variables(data)
except TemplateParseException:
except (TypeError, ValueError):
data = ElementTree.fromstring(data)
except Exception:
if not re.match(postdat_regex, data):
raise TypeError(_("Unknown data format"))
except Exception:
return data
def call_external_functions(cls, string):
"""Parse external function calls in the body of request templates
:param str string: full HTTP request template as a string
:rtype: str
:returns: the request, with EXTERNAL calls filled in with their values
or UUIDs
if not isinstance(string, six.string_types):
return string
while True:
match =, string)
if not match:
dot_path =
func_name =
arg_list =
mod = importlib.import_module(dot_path)
func = getattr(mod, func_name)
args = json.loads(arg_list)
val = func(*args)
if isinstance(val, types.GeneratorType):
local_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", "")
string = re.sub(cls.EXTERNAL, local_uuid, string, count=1)
_iterators[local_uuid] = val
string = re.sub(cls.EXTERNAL, str(val), string, count=1)
return string
def call_one_external_function(cls, string, args):
"""Calls one function read in from templates and returns the result."""
if not isinstance(string, six.string_types):
return string
match =, string)
func_string_has_args = False
if not match:
match =, string)
func_string_has_args = True
if match:
dot_path =
func_name =
mod = importlib.import_module(dot_path)
func = getattr(mod, func_name)
if func_string_has_args and not args:
arg_list =
args = json.loads(arg_list)
val = func(*args)
except Exception:
msg = _("The reference to the function %s failed to parse "
"correctly, please check the documentation to ensure "
"your function import string adheres to the proper "
"format") % string
raise TemplateParseException(msg)
func_lst = string.split(":")
if len(func_lst) == 2:
args = func_lst[1]
func_str = func_lst[0]
dot_path = ".".join(func_str.split(".")[:-1])
func_name = func_str.split(".")[-1]
mod = importlib.import_module(dot_path)
func = getattr(mod, func_name)
val = func(*args)
except Exception:
msg = _("The reference to the function %s failed to parse "
"correctly, please check the documentation to ensure "
"your function import string adheres to the proper "
"format") % string
raise TemplateParseException(msg)
if isinstance(val, types.GeneratorType):
return str(
return str(val)
class VariableObject(object):
VAR_TYPES = ["function", "generator", "config"]
FUZZ_TYPES = ["int", "ascii", "url"]
def __init__(self, name, var_type="", args=[], val="", fuzz=True,
fuzz_types=[], min_length=0, max_length=sys.maxsize,
url_encode=False, prefix="", suffix="", **kwargs):
if var_type and var_type.lower() not in self.VAR_TYPES:
msg = _("The meta variable %(name)s has a type of %(var)s which "
"syntribos does not"
"recognize") % {'name': name, 'var': var_type}
raise TemplateParseException(msg) = name
self.var_type = var_type.lower()
self.val = val
self.args = args
self.fuzz_types = fuzz_types
self.fuzz = fuzz
self.min_length = min_length
self.max_length = max_length
self.url_encode = url_encode
self.prefix = prefix
self.suffix = suffix
self.function_return_value = None
def __repr__(self):
return str(vars(self))
class TemplateParseException(Exception):
class RequestHelperMixin(object):
"""Class that helps with fuzzing requests."""
def __init__(self): = ""
self.headers = ""
self.params = "" = ""
self.url = ""
self.url = ""
def _run_iters(cls, data, action_field):
"""Recursively fuzz variables in `data` and its children
:param data: The request data to be modified
:param action_field: The name of the field to be replaced
:returns: object or string with action_field fuzzed
:rtype: `dict` OR `str` OR :class:`ElementTree.Element`
if isinstance(data, dict):
return cls._run_iters_dict(data, action_field)
elif isinstance(data, ElementTree.Element):
return cls._run_iters_xml(data, action_field)
elif isinstance(data, VariableObject):
return RequestCreator.replace_one_variable(data)
elif isinstance(data, six.string_types):
data = data.replace(action_field, "")
return cls._replace_iter(data)
return data
def _run_iters_dict(cls, dic, action_field=""):
"""Run fuzz iterators for a dict type."""
for key, val in dic.items():
dic[key] = val = cls._replace_iter(val)
if isinstance(key, six.string_types):
new_key = cls._replace_iter(key).replace(action_field, "")
if new_key != key:
del dic[key]
dic[new_key] = val
if isinstance(val, VariableObject):
if key in dic:
repl_val = RequestCreator.replace_one_variable(val)
dic[key] = val.prefix + repl_val + val.suffix
elif new_key in dic:
repl_val = RequestCreator.replace_one_variable(val)
dic[new_key] = val.prefix + repl_val + val.suffix
if isinstance(val, dict):
cls._run_iters_dict(val, action_field)
elif isinstance(val, list):
cls._run_iters_list(val, action_field)
return dic
def _run_iters_list(cls, val, action_field=""):
"""Run fuzz iterators for a list type."""
for i, v in enumerate(val):
if isinstance(v, six.string_types):
val[i] = v = cls._replace_iter(v).replace(action_field, "")
if isinstance(v, VariableObject):
val[i] = v = RequestCreator.replace_one_variable(v)
elif isinstance(v, dict):
val[i] = cls._run_iters_dict(v, action_field)
elif isinstance(v, list):
cls._run_iters_list(v, action_field)
def _run_iters_xml(cls, ele, action_field=""):
"""Run fuzz iterators for an XML element type."""
if isinstance(ele.text, six.string_types):
ele.text = cls._replace_iter(ele.text).replace(action_field, "")
cls._run_iters_dict(ele.attrib, action_field)
for i, v in enumerate(list(ele)):
ele[i] = cls._run_iters_xml(v, action_field)
return ele
def _string_data(data):
"""Replace various objects types with string representations."""
if isinstance(data, dict):
return json.dumps(data)
elif isinstance(data, ElementTree.Element):
str_data = ElementTree.tostring(data)
# No way to stop tostring from HTML escaping even if we wanted
h = html_parser.HTMLParser()
return h.unescape(str_data.decode())
return data
def _replace_iter(string):
"""Fuzz a string."""
if not isinstance(string, six.string_types):
return string
for k, v in list(_iterators.items()):
if k in string:
string = string.replace(k,
for k, v in _string_var_objs.items():
if k in string:
str_val = str(RequestCreator.replace_one_variable(v))
string = string.replace(k, str_val)
return string
def _remove_braces(string):
"""Remove braces from strings (in request templates)."""
return re.sub(r"{([^}]*)}", "\\1", string)
def _remove_attr_names(string):
"""removes identifiers from string substitution
If we are fuzzing{userid:123}, this method removes the
identifier name so that the client only sees{123} when
it sends the request
return re.sub(r"{[\w]+:", "{", string)
def prepare_request(self):
"""Prepare a request for sending off
It should be noted this function does not make a request copy,
destroying iterators in request. A copy should be made if making
multiple requests.
""" = self._run_iters(, self.action_field)
self.headers = self._run_iters(self.headers, self.action_field)
self.params = self._run_iters(self.params, self.action_field) = self._string_data(
self.url = self._run_iters(self.url, self.action_field)
self.url = self._remove_braces(self._remove_attr_names(self.url))
def get_prepared_copy(self):
"""Create a copy of `self`, and prepare it for use by a fuzzer
:returns: Copy of request object that has been prepared for sending
:rtype: :class:`RequestHelperMixin`
local_copy = copy.deepcopy(self)
return local_copy
def get_copy(self):
return copy.deepcopy(self)
class RequestObject(RequestHelperMixin):
"""An object that holds information about an HTTP request.
:ivar str method: Request method
:ivar str url: URL to request
:ivar dict action_field: Action Fields
:ivar dict headers: Dictionary of headers in name:value format
:ivar dict params: Dictionary of params in name:value format
:ivar data: Data to send as part of request body
:ivar bool sanitize: Boolean variable used to filter secrets
def __init__(self,
self.method = method
self.url = url
self.action_field = action_field
self.headers = headers
self.params = params = data
self.sanitize = sanitize