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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import timeutils
from tacker.db.common_services import common_services_db
from tacker.plugins.common import constants
from tacker.vnfm.infra_drivers.openstack import heat_client as hc
from tacker.vnfm.policy_actions import abstract_action
from tacker.vnfm import vim_client
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _log_monitor_events(context, vnf_dict, evt_details):
_cos_db_plg = common_services_db.CommonServicesPluginDb()
_cos_db_plg.create_event(context, res_id=vnf_dict['id'],
class VNFActionRespawn(abstract_action.AbstractPolicyAction):
def get_type(self):
return 'respawn'
def get_name(self):
return 'respawn'
def get_description(self):
return 'Tacker VNF respawning policy'
def execute_action(self, plugin, context, vnf_dict, args):
vnf_id = vnf_dict['id']
LOG.info(_('vnf %s is dead and needs to be respawned'), vnf_id)
attributes = vnf_dict['attributes']
vim_id = vnf_dict['vim_id']
def _update_failure_count():
failure_count = int(attributes.get('failure_count', '0')) + 1
failure_count_str = str(failure_count)
LOG.debug(_("vnf %(vnf_id)s failure count %(failure_count)s"),
{'vnf_id': vnf_id, 'failure_count': failure_count_str})
attributes['failure_count'] = failure_count_str
attributes['dead_instance_id_' + failure_count_str] = vnf_dict[
def _fetch_vim(vim_uuid):
return vim_client.VimClient().get_vim(context, vim_uuid)
def _delete_heat_stack(vim_auth):
placement_attr = vnf_dict.get('placement_attr', {})
region_name = placement_attr.get('region_name')
heatclient = hc.HeatClient(auth_attr=vim_auth,
LOG.debug(_("Heat stack %s delete initiated"), vnf_dict[
_log_monitor_events(context, vnf_dict, "ActionRespawnHeat invoked")
def _respin_vnf():
update_vnf_dict = plugin.create_vnf_sync(context, vnf_dict)
LOG.info(_('respawned new vnf %s'), update_vnf_dict['id'])
plugin.config_vnf(context, update_vnf_dict)
return update_vnf_dict
if plugin._mark_vnf_dead(vnf_dict['id']):
vim_res = _fetch_vim(vim_id)
if vnf_dict['attributes'].get('monitoring_policy'):
updated_vnf = _respin_vnf()
plugin.add_vnf_to_monitor(context, updated_vnf)
LOG.debug(_("VNF %s added to monitor thread"), updated_vnf[
if vnf_dict['attributes'].get('alarming_policy'):