
54 lines
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- name: Get Ironic port UUID
command: >-
'{{ ironic_virtualenv_path }}/bin/openstack' baremetal port list
--format value
--column UUID
--address {{ mac }}
register: uuid
changed_when: false
- name: Fail if port is not found
msg: Ironic port with MAC address {{ mac }} not found
when: not uuid.stdout
- name: Get physical network name
physnet: "{{ source_interface | source_link_to_physnet_name(
inventory_hostname=ironic_hypervisor) }}"
- name: Get bridge name
bridge: "{{ physnet | bridge_name }}"
- name: Get existing Ironic port attributes
command: >-
{{ ironic_virtualenv_path }}/bin/openstack baremetal port show
{{ uuid.stdout }} -f json
register: port_attributes_output
changed_when: false
- name: Set Ironic port attributes
port_attributes: "{{ port_attributes_output.stdout | from_json }}"
switch_id: "{{ hostvars[ironic_hypervisor].ansible_facts[bridge].macaddress }}"
switch_info: "{{ bridge }}"
port_id: >-
{{ source_interface
| source_to_peer_link_name(inventory_hostname=ironic_hypervisor) }}
command: >-
'{{ ironic_virtualenv_path }}/bin/openstack' baremetal port set
{{ uuid.stdout }}
{% if supports_port_physnet %}
--physical-network '{{ physnet }}'
{% endif %}
--local-link-connection switch_id='{{ switch_id }}'
--local-link-connection switch_info='{{ bridge }}'
--local-link-connection port_id='{{ port_id }}'
when: >-
(supports_port_physnet and port_attributes.physical_network != physnet) or
port_attributes.local_link_connection.get('switch_id') != switch_id or
port_attributes.local_link_connection.get('switch_info') != switch_info or
port_attributes.local_link_connection.get('port_id') != port_id