
65 lines
2.0 KiB

- name: Set VBMC command string
# vbmcd should already be running, so --no-daemon stops vbmc from spawning
# another instance of the daemon.
vbmc_cmd: >-
'{{ vbmc_virtualenv_path }}/bin/vbmc'
{% if vbmc_log_directory is not none %}
--log-file '{{ vbmc_log_directory }}/vbmc-{{ domain }}.log'
{% endif %}
# Even if the domain is present in VBMC, we can't guarantee that it's
# configured correctly. It's easiest to delete and re-add it; this should
# involve minimal downtime.
- name: Ensure domain is stopped and deleted in VBMC
command: >-
{{ vbmc_cmd }} {{ item }} '{{ domain }}'
- stop
- delete
register: res
changed_when: res.rc == 0
- res.rc != 0
- "'No domain with matching name' not in res.stderr"
become: true
# The commands above tend to return before the daemon has completed the action.
# Check here to be safe.
- name: Wait to ensure socket is closed
host: "{{ vbmc_ipmi_address }}"
port: "{{ vbmc_ipmi_port }}"
state: stopped
timeout: 15
# These tasks will trigger ansible lint rule ANSIBLE0012 because they are not
# idempotent (we always delete and recreate the domain). Use a tag to suppress
# the checks.
- name: Ensure domain is added to VBMC
command: >-
{{ vbmc_cmd }} add '{{ domain }}'
--port {{ vbmc_ipmi_port }}
--username '{{ vbmc_ipmi_username }}'
--password '{{ vbmc_ipmi_password }}'
--address {{ vbmc_ipmi_address }}
{% if vbmc_libvirt_uri %} --libvirt-uri '{{ vbmc_libvirt_uri }}'{% endif %}
when: vbmc_state == 'present'
become: true
- skip_ansible_lint
- name: Ensure domain is started in VBMC
command: >
{{ vbmc_cmd }} start '{{ domain }}'
register: res
# Retry a few times in case the VBMC daemon has been slow to process the last
# few commands.
until: res is succeeded
when: vbmc_state == 'present'
become: true
- skip_ansible_lint