#!/bin/bash set -x -e clean_exit () { local error_code="$?" kill $(jobs -p) rm -rf ${MYSQL_DATA} return $error_code } wait_for_line () { while read line do echo "$line" | grep -q "$1" && break done < "$2" # Read the fifo for ever otherwise process would block cat "$2" >/dev/null & } get_random_port () { PORT=13306 while netstat -atwn | grep "^.*:${PORT}.*:\*\s*LISTEN\s*$" do PORT=$(( ${PORT} + 1 )) done } trap "clean_exit" EXIT # On systems like Fedora here's where mysqld can be found export PATH=$PATH:/usr/libexec # Start MySQL process for tests MYSQL_DATA=`mktemp -d /tmp/tooz-mysql-XXXXX` mkfifo ${MYSQL_DATA}/out # Initialize MySQL Data Directory mysql_install_db --user=${USER} --ldata=${MYSQL_DATA} # Get random unused port for mysql get_random_port # Start mysqld with networking (i.e. - allow connection with TCP/IP) mysqld --no-defaults --datadir=${MYSQL_DATA} --port=${PORT} --pid-file=${MYSQL_DATA}/mysql.pid --socket=${MYSQL_DATA}/mysql.socket --slow-query-log-file=${MYSQL_DATA}/mysql-slow.log --skip-grant-tables &> ${MYSQL_DATA}/out & # Wait for MySQL to start listening to connections wait_for_line "mysqld: ready for connections." ${MYSQL_DATA}/out # The default root password is blank mysql --host=localhost -S ${MYSQL_DATA}/mysql.socket -e 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test;' export TOOZ_TEST_MYSQL_URL="mysql://root@localhost:${PORT}/test" # Yield execution to venv command $*