--- driver: name: docker log: true platforms: - name: centos7 hostname: centos7 image: centos:7 dockerfile: Dockerfile pkg_extras: python-setuptools easy_install: - pip environment: &env http_proxy: "{{ lookup('env', 'http_proxy') }}" https_proxy: "{{ lookup('env', 'https_proxy') }}" command: /sbin/init privileged: true tmpfs: - /run - /tmp capabilities: - ALL # CENT7 requires all due to the age of the software volumes: - /run/udev:/run/udev:ro - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro - /etc/ci/mirror_info.sh:/etc/ci/mirror_info.sh:ro - name: centos8 hostname: centos8 image: centos:8 dockerfile: Dockerfile pkg_extras: python*-setuptools environment: http_proxy: "{{ lookup('env', 'http_proxy') }}" https_proxy: "{{ lookup('env', 'https_proxy') }}" command: /sbin/init privileged: true tmpfs: - /run - /tmp capabilities: - SYS_ADMIN volumes: - /run/udev:/run/udev:ro - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro - /etc/ci/mirror_info.sh:/etc/ci/mirror_info.sh:ro provisioner: name: ansible log: true env: ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK: yaml ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH: "${ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH}:${HOME}/zuul-jobs/roles" ANSIBLE_LIBRARY: "${ANSIBLE_LIBRARY}:/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules" ANSIBLE_FILTER_PLUGINS: "${ANSIBLE_FILTER_PLUGINS}:/usr/share/ansible/plugins/filter" scenario: test_sequence: - destroy - create - prepare - converge - verify - destroy verifier: name: testinfra