
103 lines
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# Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# "tripleo_puppet_cache" will search for and load any operating system variable file
# found within the "vars/" path. If no OS files are found the task will skip.
- name: Gather variables for each operating system
include_vars: "{{ item }}"
- skip: true
- "{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}-{{ ansible_distribution_version | lower }}.yml"
- "{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version | lower }}.yml"
- "{{ ansible_os_family | lower }}-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version | lower }}.yml"
- "{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}.yml"
- "{{ ansible_os_family | lower }}-{{ ansible_distribution_version.split('.')[0] }}.yml"
- "{{ ansible_os_family | lower }}.yml"
- always
- name: Create puppet caching structures
become: true
check_mode: false
path: "{{ tripleo_puppet_cache_base_dir }}"
state: directory
setype: svirt_sandbox_file_t
selevel: s0
recurse: true
- name: Check for facter.conf
check_mode: false
path: "{{ tripleo_puppet_cache_base_dir }}/facter.conf"
register: _facter_conf_file
# See LP#1852606 for context
- name: Remove facter.conf if directory
check_mode: false
become: true
path: "{{ tripleo_puppet_cache_base_dir }}/facter.conf"
state: absent
force: true
- _facter_conf_file.stat.isdir is defined
- _facter_conf_file.stat.isdir
- name: Write facter cache config
become: true
check_mode: false
dest: "{{ tripleo_puppet_cache_base_dir }}/facter.conf"
content: "{{ tripleo_puppet_cache_config }}"
setype: svirt_sandbox_file_t
selevel: s0
- name: Cleanup facter cache if exists
become: true
check_mode: false
path: /opt/puppetlabs/facter
state: absent
- name: Pre-cache facts
become: true
check_mode: false
shell: facter --config "{{ tripleo_puppet_cache_base_dir }}/facter.conf"
retries: 5
delay: 5
no_log: "{{ tripleo_puppet_hide_sensitive_logs | bool }}"
failed_when: false
register: _facter_cache_run
- name: Failed deployment if facter fails
check_mode: false
msg: "{{ _facter_cache_run.stderr }}"
when: _facter_cache_run.rc != 0
- name: Sync cached facts
become: true
check_mode: false
src: "/opt/puppetlabs/"
dest: "{{ tripleo_puppet_cache_base_dir }}/"
delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
when: _facter_cache_run.rc == 0