--- - include: quickstart.yml - name: Add the overcloud nodes to the generated inventory hosts: undercloud gather_facts: yes tags: - overcloud-deploy vars: inventory: multinode roles: - tripleo-inventory - name: Create configs on subnodes hosts: overcloud roles: # When doing mixed upgrade, we need different repos on undercloud # vs. overcloud. Rely on $UPGRADE_RELEASE together with # bootstrap-overcloud-full-minimal.sh to setup overcloud. - role: repo-setup when: not mixed_upgrade|default(false)|bool tasks: - name: Create a clean hosts file on subnodes copy: dest: /etc/hosts content: | localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 become: true tags: - undercloud-setup - name: Prepare the undercloud for installation hosts: undercloud roles: - undercloud-setup tags: - undercloud-setup - name: Run DLRN gate role and install repo hosts: undercloud vars: artg_compressed_gating_repo: "${HOME}/gating_repo.tar.gz" roles: - build-test-packages - { role: install-built-repo, when: compressed_gating_repo is defined } tags: - build - name: Install built packages on subnodes hosts: overcloud vars: ib_repo_host: undercloud roles: - role: repo-setup when: not mixed_upgrade|default(false)|bool - role: install-built-repo when: hostvars['undercloud']['compressed_gating_repo'] is defined and not mixed_upgrade|default(false)|bool tags: - build - name: Install the undercloud hosts: undercloud roles: - undercloud-deploy - name: Configure tripleo-validations hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no tags: - tripleo-validations vars: run_tripleo_validations_setup: True roles: - { role: tripleo-validations, when: run_tripleo_validations|bool or run_tripleo_validations_negative_tests|bool} - name: Validate the undercloud hosts: undercloud roles: - validate-undercloud - name: Run overcloud prep config hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no roles: - role: overcloud-prep-config # only run when we know we have to, save time otherwise when: mixed_upgrade|default(false)|bool tags: - overcloud-prep-config - name: Run overcloud prep roles hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no roles: - { role: overcloud-prep-images, step_overcloud_image: false, step_glance_upload: true, step_register: false } - name: Run tripleo-validations pre-introspection tests hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no tags: - tripleo-validations vars: validations_group: ['pre-introspection'] roles: - { role: tripleo-validations, when: run_tripleo_validations|bool or run_tripleo_validations_negative_tests|bool} - name: Prepare for containerized deployment hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no tags: - overcloud-prep-containers roles: - role: overcloud-prep-containers when: containerized_overcloud|bool or containerized_overcloud_upgrade|bool - name: Run tripleo-validations pre-deployment tests hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no tags: - tripleo-validations vars: validations_group: ['pre-deployment'] roles: - { role: tripleo-validations, when: run_tripleo_validations|bool or run_tripleo_validations_negative_tests|bool} - name: Deploy the overcloud hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no roles: - overcloud-deploy environment: TRIPLEO_ROOT: "{{ lookup('env','TRIPLEO_ROOT') }}" - name: Check the result of the deployment hosts: localhost tags: - overcloud-deploy tasks: - name: ensure the deployment result has been read into memory include_vars: "{{ local_working_dir }}/overcloud_deployment_result.json" # overcloud_deploy_result = ["failed", "passed"] - name: did the deployment pass or fail? debug: var=overcloud_deploy_result failed_when: overcloud_deploy_result == "failed" - name: Run tripleo-validations post-deployment tests hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no tags: - tripleo-validations vars: validations_group: ['post-deployment'] roles: - { role: tripleo-validations, when: run_tripleo_validations|bool or run_tripleo_validations_negative_tests|bool} - name: Set up repos on subnodes for upgrading hosts: overcloud vars: ib_repo_host: undercloud roles: - role: repo-setup when: mixed_upgrade|default(false)|bool - role: install-built-repo when: hostvars['undercloud']['compressed_gating_repo'] is defined and mixed_upgrade|default(false)|bool - name: Upgrade Tripleo hosts: undercloud tags: - overcloud-upgrade gather_facts: no roles: - role: overcloud-upgrade when: containerized_overcloud_upgrade|bool # Validate the deployment - name: validate the overcloud hosts: undercloud tags: - overcloud-validate gather_facts: no roles: - { role: validate-simple, when: test_ping|bool } - { role: validate-tempest, when: run_tempest|bool }