### --start_docs ## Run tempest ## ----------- ## :: ## FIXME(chkumar246): Tempest run interface is unstable till that use ostestr for ## running tests: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/1669455 {% if tempest_format == "venv" %} export OSTESTR='{{ working_dir }}/tempest_git/tools/with_venv.sh ostestr' export S2JXML='{{ working_dir }}/tempest_git/tools/with_venv.sh subunit2junitxml --output-to=tempest.xml' export SUBUNIT='{{ working_dir }}/tempest_git/tools/with_venv.sh subunit-trace --no-failure-debug -f' export TEMPESTCLI='{{ working_dir }}/tempest_git/tools/with_venv.sh tempest' ## List Tests {{ working_dir }}/tempest_git/tools/with_venv.sh ostestr -l {% elif tempest_format == "packages" %} export OSTESTR='ostestr' export S2JXML='subunit2junitxml --output-to=tempest.xml' export SUBUNIT='subunit-trace --no-failure-debug -f' export TEMPESTCLI='/usr/bin/tempest' ostestr -l {% endif %} ## List tempest plugins $TEMPESTCLI list-plugins ## Save the resources before running tempest tests ## It will create saved_state.json in tempest workspace. {% if tempest_track_resources|bool %} $TEMPESTCLI cleanup --init-saved-state {% endif %} ( $OSTESTR --no-pretty --subunit \ {% if test_regex != '' %} --regex '({{ test_regex }})' {% endif %} {% if tempest_whitelist|length > 0 %} --whitelist_file={{ working_dir }}/{{ tempest_whitelist_file }} {% endif %} {% if skip_file_src != '' %} --blacklist_file={{ working_dir }}/{{ skip_file }} {% endif %} {% if tempest_workers is defined %} --concurrency {{ tempest_workers }} {% endif %} {% if tempest_until_failure|bool %} --until-failure {% endif %} ) | tee >( $S2JXML ) | $SUBUNIT ## Check which all tenants would be modified in the tempest run ## It will create dry_run.json in tempest workspace. {% if tempest_track_resources|bool %} $TEMPESTCLI cleanup --dry-run {% endif %} ### --stop_docs