WARNING - WIP - NOT FOR GENERAL USE - How to reproduce a job result using the Zuul-based reproducer playbooks and script

Check the top-level logs directory for a tar file reproducer-zuul-based-quickstart.tar. This tar archive contains three files:

Running these playbooks will set up Zuul, Gerrit, and related services in containers on the local system, and will then create a reproducer job which can be run on a cloud personal tenant or via libvirt on the local system. If no reproducer-zuul-based-quickstart.tar file is found, that usually means an infra failure before Quickstart could start or a problem in collecting logs. Check on IRC Freenode channel #tripleo to see if there's an ongoing infra issue.

Prior to running the Zuul-based reproducer, the following setup steps are needed - ( only need to be done once per local system):

The Bash script is not required although it is the supported path. The playbooks can be run directly using ansible-playbook. The Bash script contains some package installation and Docker user/group setup that you will need to cover prior to running the playbooks directly. Please see the Bash scripts for details, especially if you are running the reproducer for the first time on teh local environment. The playbooks can be run as follows:

The launcher-playbook.yaml includes comments on how to run the playbook with the same options listed in the Bash script section above.

The launcher-playbook.yaml will create and push a job to a test1 testproject repo in a temp directory. This job will start and the related Zuul infrastructure logs can be viewed in:

cd ~/tripleo-ci-reproducer
docker-compose logs --tail=10 -f
# Just view the scheduler and executor logs:
docker-compose logs --tail=10 -f scheduler executor

To see the job progress, you can access the web consoles of: If you are accessing a remote machine, replace localhost with the ip address.