
137 lines
3.9 KiB

# Script and log locations used during the deploy process.
deploy_log: "{{ working_dir }}/overcloud_deploy.log"
post_deploy_log: "{{ working_dir }}/overcloud_deploy_post.log"
# Deploy a specific scenario THT to the Overcloud
deploy_composable_scenario: false
composable_scenario: ""
# `floating_ip_cidr` controls the address range used in the network
# created for tempest tests. We use Ansible's [ipaddr][] filter to
# calculate addresses within this range so that you can provide a
# different value for `floating_ip_cidr` and in many cases not need to
# change any of the related variables.
# [ipaddr]:
floating_ip_cidr: "{{ undercloud_network_cidr|default('') }}"
floating_ip_start: "{{ floating_ip_cidr|nthhost(100) }}"
floating_ip_end: "{{ floating_ip_cidr|nthhost(120) }}"
external_network_gateway: "{{ floating_ip_cidr|nthhost(1) }}"
# Minutes to wait before giving up on the deploy.
deploy_timeout: 90
# Disable cinder backup by default
enable_cinder_backup: false
# Deployment variations
extra_args: ""
ssl_overcloud: false
libvirt_args: "--libvirt-type qemu"
use_git_tht_repo: false
tht_branch: master
overcloud_release: "{{ release }}"
# we generally assume that the argument to --control-flavor will
# always be the `oooq_control` that we create from the flavors: key.
# If the deployer needs to use a different name, she can configure a
# `flavor_map` key that will map overcloud roles to specific flavor
# names, like:
# flavor_map:
# control: my_special_control_flavor
# This is to avoid having to replace the flavor_args key wholesale for
# a single change.
flavor_args: >-
--control-flavor {{flavor_map.control
if flavor_map is defined and 'control' in flavor_map else 'oooq_control'}}
--compute-flavor {{flavor_map.compute
if flavor_map is defined and 'compute' in flavor_map else 'oooq_compute'}}
--ceph-storage-flavor {{flavor_map.ceph
if flavor_map is defined and 'ceph' in flavor_map else 'oooq_ceph'}}
--block-storage-flavor {{flavor_map.block
if flavor_map is defined and 'blockstorage' in flavor_map else 'oooq_blockstorage'}}
--swift-storage-flavor {{flavor_map.swift
if flavor_map is defined and 'objectstorage' in flavor_map else 'oooq_objectstorage'}}
timeout_args: "--timeout {{deploy_timeout}}"
set_overcloud_workers: true
cloud_name_args: ""
network_args: ""
pacemaker_args: ""
workers_args: ""
backup_args: ""
ssl_args: ""
tls_everywhere_args: ""
validation_args: "--validation-warnings-fatal"
enable_swap: false
swap_type: "file"
swap_args: ""
deployed_server: false
deployed_server_prepare_log: "{{ working_dir }}/deployed_server_prepare.txt"
container_args: ""
scenario_args: ""
deploy_args: >-
{{ libvirt_args }}
{{ flavor_args }}
{{ timeout_args }}
{{ cloud_name_args }}
{{ container_args }}
{{ scenario_args }}
{{ network_args }}
{{ pacemaker_args }}
{{ workers_args }}
{{ backup_args }}
{{ ssl_args }}
{{ tls_everywhere_args }}
{{ extra_tht_config_args|default('') }}
{{ validation_args }}
{{ swap_args }}
{{ extra_args }}
composable_services: false
step_deploy_overcloud: true
step_validate_overcloud: true
prepare_tempest: false
# If `test_tempest` is `true`, run tempests tests, otherwise do not
# run them.
test_tempest: false
tempest_regex: smoke
tempest_workers: 2
# If `test_ping` is `true`, run a simple ping test to validate the
# overcloud.
test_ping: true
# Path to tripleo-heat-templates
overcloud_templates_path: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
# enable IPv6 on overcloud deployment
overcloud_ipv6: false
# Wait for hypervisor in the deployment script
hypervisor_wait: true
- name: 'ControllerServices:'
- OS::TripleO::Services::Kernel