
61 lines
2.5 KiB

### --start_docs
## Run tempest
## -----------
## ::
{% if tempest_format == "venv" %}
export TEMPESTCLI='{{ working_dir }}/tempest_git/tools/ tempest'
export OSTESTR='{{ working_dir }}/tempest_git/tools/ ostestr'
{% else %}
export OSTESTR='ostestr'
export TEMPESTCLI='/usr/bin/tempest'
{% endif %}
## List tempest plugins
$TEMPESTCLI list-plugins
## Save the resources before running tempest tests
## It will create saved_state.json in tempest workspace.
{% if tempest_track_resources|bool %}
$TEMPESTCLI cleanup --init-saved-state
{% endif %}
{% if release not in ["master", "queens"] %} $OSTESTR {% else %} $TEMPESTCLI run {% endif %}{% if test_regex != '' %} --regex '({{ test_regex }})' {% endif %}
{% if tempest_whitelist|length > 0 %} --whitelist_file={{ working_dir }}/{{ tempest_whitelist_file }} {% endif %}
{% if release not in ["newton", "ocata", "pike"] %} {% if test_black_regex|length > 0 %} --black-regex='{{ test_black_regex|join('|') }}' {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if skip_file_src != '' %} --blacklist_file={{ working_dir }}/{{ skip_file }} {% endif %}
{% if tempest_workers is defined %} --concurrency {{ tempest_workers }} {% endif %}
{% if tempest_until_failure|bool %} --until-failure {% endif %}
## Check which all tenants would be modified in the tempest run
## It will create dry_run.json in tempest workspace.
{% if tempest_track_resources|bool %}
$TEMPESTCLI cleanup --dry-run
{% endif %}
{% if tempest_format == "container" %}
chmod +x {{ working_dir }}/
# Run tempest container using docker mouting required files
sudo docker run -i -v $RCFILE:$RCFILE \
{% if skip_file_src != '' %}
-v {{ working_dir }}/{{ skip_file }}:{{ working_dir }}/{{ skip_file }} \
{% endif %}
{% if tempest_whitelist|length > 0 %}
-v {{ working_dir }}/{{ tempest_whitelist_file }}:{{ working_dir }}/{{ tempest_whitelist_file }} \
-v {{ working_dir }}/{{ tempest_deployer_input_file }}:{{ working_dir }}/{{ tempest_deployer_input_file }} \
{% endif %}
-v {{ tempest_dir }}:{{ tempest_dir }} \
-v {{ working_dir }}/{{ working_dir }}/ \
{% if not 'http' in tempest_test_image_path %}
-v {{ tempest_test_image_path }}:{{ tempest_test_image_path }} \
{% endif %}
{{ tempest_container_registry }}/{{ tempest_container_namespace }}:{{ tempest_container_tag }} \
/usr/bin/bash -c 'set -e; {{ working_dir }}/'
{% endif %}
### --stop_docs