# Deploy an Openstack environment with a containerized overcloud # using scenario001 undercloud_setup: true network_isolation: false overcloud_ipv6: false # pacemaker settings are configured in the scenario template # do not set `enable_pacemaker` in the featureset enable_opstools_repo: true containerized_overcloud: true undercloud_generate_service_certificate: false ssl_overcloud: false step_introspect: false composable_scenario: scenario001-multinode-containers.yaml validate_template: scenario001-multinode.yaml deployed_server: true containerized_undercloud: >- {% if release not in ['newton','ocata','pike','queens'] -%} true {%- else -%} false {%- endif -%} undercloud_install_cli_options: >- {% if release not in ['newton','ocata','pike','queens'] -%} --use-heat {%- endif -%} undercloud_custom_env_files: "{{ working_dir }}/undercloud-parameter-defaults.yaml" undercloud_cloud_domain: "localdomain" undercloud_undercloud_hostname: "undercloud.{{ undercloud_cloud_domain }}" undercloud_resource_registry_args: "OS::TripleO::Undercloud::Net::SoftwareConfig": "{{ overcloud_templates_path }}/ci/common/net-config-simple-bridge.yaml" undercloud_enable_tempest: >- {% if release not in ['newton', 'ocata', 'pike', 'queens'] -%} true {%- else -%} false {%- endif -%} # options below direct automatic doc generation by tripleo-collect-logs artcl_gen_docs: true artcl_create_docs_payload: included_deployment_scripts: - undercloud-install - overcloud-custom-tht-script - overcloud-prep-containers - overcloud-prep-flavors - overcloud-prep-images - overcloud-prep-network - overcloud-deploy - overcloud-deploy-post - overcloud-upgrade - overcloud-validate included_static_docs: - env-setup-virt table_of_contents: - env-setup-virt - undercloud-install - overcloud-custom-tht-script - overcloud-prep-containers - overcloud-prep-flavors - overcloud-prep-images - overcloud-prep-network - overcloud-deploy - overcloud-deploy-post - overcloud-upgrade - overcloud-validate composable_roles: true overcloud_roles: - name: Controller CountDefault: 1 tags: - primary - controller networks: - External - InternalApi - Storage - StorageMgmt - Tenant # Use the traditional ping test in newton and ocata # Run tempest in pike+ test_ping: >- {% if release in ['newton', 'ocata'] -%} true {%- else -%} false {%- endif -%} run_tempest: >- {% if release in ['newton', 'ocata'] -%} false {%- else -%} true {%- endif -%} test_white_regex: '' # Run containerized tempest from master and ongoing tempest_format: >- {% if release not in ['newton', 'ocata', 'pike', 'queens'] -%} container {%- else -%} packages {%- endif -%} tempest_whitelist_old: - 'tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern.TestVolumeBootPattern.test_volume_boot_pattern' - 'ceilometer.tests.tempest.scenario.test_telemetry_integration.TestTelemetryIntegration' tempest_whitelist_new: - 'tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern.TestVolumeBootPattern.test_volume_boot_pattern' - 'telemetry_tempest_plugin.scenario.test_telemetry_integration.TestTelemetryIntegration' tempest_whitelist: >- {% if release not in ['newton', 'ocata', 'pike'] -%}{{ tempest_whitelist_new }} {%- else -%}{{ tempest_whitelist_old }} {%- endif -%} tempest_plugins_old: - python-aodh-tests - python-ceilometer-tests - python-gnocchi-tests - python-panko-tests tempest_plugins_new: - python-telemetry-tests-tempest - python-heat-tests-tempest tempest_plugins: >- {% if release not in ['newton', 'ocata', 'pike'] -%}{{ tempest_plugins_new }} {%- else -%}{{ tempest_plugins_old }} {%- endif -%} tempest_extra_config: {'telemetry.alarm_granularity': '60'} # This is a workaround to have test_volume_boot_pattern passing, it's failing # due a concurrency, for more information, check lp #1742936 tempest_workers: 1 deployed_server: >- {% if release in ['newton','ocata','pike','queens'] -%} true {%- else -%} false {%- endif -%} deploy_steps_ansible_workflow: >- {% if release not in ['newton','ocata','pike','queens'] -%} true {%- else -%} false {%- endif -%} config_download_args: >- {% if release not in ['newton','ocata','pike','queens'] -%} -e {{ working_dir }}/config-download.yaml --disable-validations --verbose {%- endif -%}