
139 lines
5.2 KiB

- name: Ensure gather_facts has been run against localhost
delegate_to: localhost
delegate_facts: True
when: hostvars['localhost'].ansible_user_dir is not defined
- when: inventory == 'all'
#required for liberty based deployments
- name: copy to undercloud
src: ''
dest: '{{ working_dir }}/'
mode: 0755
#required for liberty based deployments
- name: fetch overcloud node names and IPs
shell: >
source {{ working_dir }}/stackrc;
python {{ working_dir }}/
register: registered_overcloud_nodes
- name: list the overcloud nodes
debug: var=registered_overcloud_nodes.stdout
- name: fetch the undercloud ssh key
src: '{{ working_dir }}/.ssh/id_rsa'
dest: '{{ local_working_dir }}/id_rsa_overcloud'
flat: yes
mode: 0400
# add host to the ansible group formed from its type
# novacompute nodes are added as compute for backwards compatibility
- name: add overcloud node to ansible
with_dict: '{{ registered_overcloud_nodes.stdout | default({}) }}'
name: '{{ item.key }}'
groups: "overcloud,{{ item.key | regex_replace('overcloud-(?:nova)?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)-[0-9]+$', '\\1') }}"
ansible_host: '{{ item.key }}'
ansible_fqdn: '{{ item.value }}'
ansible_user: 'heat-admin'
ansible_private_key_file: "{{ local_working_dir }}/id_rsa_overcloud"
ansible_ssh_extra_args: '-F "{{ local_working_dir }}/ssh.config.ansible"'
- when: inventory == 'multinode'
- name: Get subnodes
command: cat /etc/nodepool/sub_nodes_private
register: nodes
- name: Add subnode to ansible inventory
with_indexed_items: '{{ nodes.stdout | default([]) }}'
name: 'subnode-{{ item.0 + 1 }}'
groups: "overcloud"
ansible_host: '{{ item.1 }}'
ansible_fqdn: '{{ item.1 }}'
ansible_user: 'jenkins'
ansible_private_key_file: "/etc/nodepool/id_rsa"
#required for regeneration of ssh.config.ansible
- name: set_fact for undercloud ip
set_fact: undercloud_ip={{ hostvars['undercloud'].undercloud_ip }}
when: hostvars['undercloud'] is defined and hostvars['undercloud'].undercloud_ip is defined
#readd the undercloud to reset the ansible_ssh parameters set in quickstart
- name: Add undercloud vm to inventory
name: undercloud
groups: undercloud
ansible_host: undercloud
ansible_fqdn: undercloud
ansible_user: '{{ undercloud_user }}'
ansible_private_key_file: '{{ local_working_dir }}/id_rsa_undercloud'
ansible_ssh_extra_args: '-F "{{ local_working_dir }}/ssh.config.local.ansible"'
undercloud_ip: "{{ undercloud_ip }}"
when: hostvars[groups['virthost'][0]].ansible_private_key_file is not defined and undercloud_ip is defined
#required for regeneration of ssh.config.ansible
- name: set undercloud ssh proxy command
set_fact: undercloud_ssh_proxy_command="ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
-o ConnectTimeout=60 -i {{ hostvars[groups['virthost'][0]].ansible_private_key_file }}
{{ ssh_user }}@{{ hostvars[groups['virthost'][0]].ansible_host }}
-W {{ undercloud_ip }}:22"
when: hostvars[groups['virthost'][0]].ansible_private_key_file is defined and undercloud_ip is defined
#required for regeneration of ssh.config.ansible
- name: set undercloud ssh proxy command
set_fact: undercloud_ssh_proxy_command="ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
-o ConnectTimeout=60 -i {{ hostvars['localhost'].ansible_user_dir }}/.quickstart/id_rsa_virt_power
{{ ssh_user }}@{{ hostvars['localhost'].ansible_default_ipv4.address }}
-W {{ undercloud_ip }}:22"
when: hostvars[groups['virthost'][0]].ansible_private_key_file is not defined and undercloud_ip is defined
- name: create inventory from template
delegate_to: localhost
src: 'inventory.j2'
dest: '{{ local_working_dir }}/hosts'
- name: regenerate ssh config
delegate_to: localhost
src: 'ssh_config.j2'
dest: '{{ local_working_dir }}/ssh.config.ansible'
mode: 0755
when: undercloud_ip is defined
- name: regenerate ssh config for ssh connections from the virthost
delegate_to: localhost
src: 'ssh_config_localhost.j2'
dest: '{{ local_working_dir }}/ssh.config.local.ansible'
mode: 0755
when: undercloud_ip is defined
# just setup the ssh.config.ansible and hosts file for the virthost
- name: check for existence of identity key
delegate_to: localhost
stat: path="{{ local_working_dir }}/id_rsa_virt_power"
when: undercloud_ip is not defined
register: result_stat_id_rsa_virt_power
- name: set fact used in ssh_config_no_undercloud.j2 to determine if IdentityFile should be included
id_rsa_virt_power_exists: true
when: undercloud_ip is not defined and result_stat_id_rsa_virt_power.stat.exists == True
- name: regenerate ssh config, if no undercloud has been launched.
delegate_to: localhost
src: 'ssh_config_no_undercloud.j2'
dest: '{{ local_working_dir }}/ssh.config.ansible'
mode: 0755
when: undercloud_ip is not defined