
367 lines
13 KiB

- name: create Undercloud ffu prepare scripts
include_tasks: create-undercloud-ffu-scripts.yaml
tags: create_ffu_prepare_scripts
when: >
ffu_noop|bool or
ffu_undercloud_upgrade|bool or
- block:
- name: apply pre FFU undercloud OS upgrade workarounds
shell: |
set -o pipefail
./ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >> pre_ffu_undercloud_os_upgrade_workarounds.log
chdir: "{{ working_dir }}"
executable: /usr/bin/bash
when: ffu_upgrade_workarounds|bool
# At this stage we are running the source OSP version (OSP13), which does not
# support the new tripleo-validations framework.
- name: run pre-upgrade validation before upgrading RHEL
shell: |
set -o pipefail
{{ working_dir }}/ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >> validation-pre-upgrade.log
when: run_validations|bool
- upgrades_validations
- name: Check that all validations succeeded
path: "{{ working_dir }}/validation-pre-upgrade.log"
regexp: "^.*Failure! The validation failed for all hosts:.*$"
state: absent
check_mode: true
register: validation_results
failed_when: validation_results is changed
- upgrades_validations
when: run_validations|bool
- name: Clean up httpd folder
become: true
become_user: root
path: /etc/httpd
state: absent
- name: Upgrade operating system
become: true
become_user: root
import_tasks: ../common/undercloud_os_upgrade.yaml
when: not use_oooq|bool
- name: apply post FFU undercloud OS upgrade workarounds
shell: |
set -o pipefail
./ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >> post_ffu_undercloud_os_upgrade_workarounds.log
chdir: "{{ working_dir }}"
executable: /usr/bin/bash
when: ffu_upgrade_workarounds|bool
when: ffu_undercloud_os_upgrade|bool
tags: ffu_undercloud_os_upgrade
- block:
- name: apply pre ffu undercloud upgrade workarounds
shell: |
set -o pipefail
./ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >> pre_ffu_undercloud_upgrade_workarounds.log
chdir: "{{ working_dir }}"
executable: /usr/bin/bash
when: ffu_upgrade_workarounds|bool
- name: configure container specific parameters
import_tasks: ../common/configure_uc_containers.yml
- name: install/update required packages before upgrading the undercloud
become: true
become_user: root
import_tasks: ../common/undercloud_prerequisites.yaml
- name: ffu undercloud upgrade
shell: |
set -o pipefail
./ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >> ffu_undercloud_upgrade.log
chdir: "{{ working_dir }}"
executable: /usr/bin/bash
- name: apply post ffu undercloud upgrade workarounds
shell: |
set -o pipefail
./ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >> post_ffu_undercloud_upgrade_workarounds.log
chdir: "{{ working_dir }}"
executable: /usr/bin/bash
when: ffu_upgrade_workarounds|bool
when: ffu_undercloud_upgrade|bool
- name: create overcloud FFU prepare scripts
include_tasks: create-overcloud-ffu-scripts.yaml
- create_ffu_prepare_scripts
tags: create_ffu_prepare_scripts
when: >
ffu_noop|bool or
- block:
- name: Ensure ansible-pacemaker module is present in CI.
name: ansible-pacemaker
state: latest
when: tripleo_ci|default(false)|bool
tags: ffu_upgrade_playbook
become: true
- name: launch workload
shell: |
set -o pipefail
{{ workload_launch_script }} 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >> workload_launch.log
chdir: "{{ working_dir }}"
executable: /usr/bin/bash
when: workload_launch|bool
- name: start L3 verification scripts
include_tasks: "{{ item }}"
tags: ffu_overcloud_prepare
- '../common/l3_agent_connectivity_check_start_script.yml'
- '../common/l3_agent_failover_check_pre_script.yml'
tags: ffu_overcloud_prepare
# At this stage, the Undercloud is in targe version and the overcloud
# in source version. Therefore we can use the tripleo-validation new
# framework, but it is required to pass the python-interpreter
- name: run pre-upgrade validation for the overcloud nodes
import_tasks: ../common/validation_group_run.yaml
validation_group: "pre-upgrade"
validation_allowed_groups: "{{ upgrades_validations_groups }}"
when: run_validations|bool
- overcloud_upgrade_prepare
- upgrades_validations
- name: convert tls templates
import_tasks: convert_tls_templates.yaml
tags: ffu_overcloud_prepare
- name: replace environment files
import_tasks: ../common/replace_environment_files.yaml
tags: ffu_overcloud_prepare
- name: adjust role-data for upgrade
include_tasks: ../common/adjust-roles-data.yaml
when: custom_roles_used|bool
tags: ffu_overcloud_prepare
- name: check customized {{ uc_containers_prepare_file }} exists
path: "{{ working_dir }}/{{ uc_containers_prepare_file }}"
register: custom_uc_containers
tags: ffu_overcloud_prepare
- name: Set the neutron_driver to ovn for the Overcloud upgrade if deployed with OVN
path: "{{ working_dir }}/{{ uc_containers_prepare_file }}"
regexp: '^(\s*neutron_driver\s*:)(.*)'
replace: '\1 ovn'
- custom_uc_containers.stat.exists
- deployment_with_ovn
tags: ffu_overcloud_prepare
- name: apply pre ffu overcloud prepare workarounds
shell: |
set -o pipefail
./ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >> pre_ffu_overcloud_upgrade_prepare_workarounds.log
chdir: "{{ working_dir }}"
executable: /usr/bin/bash
when: ffu_upgrade_workarounds|bool
tags: ffu_overcloud_prepare
- name: run overcloud upgrade prepare
import_tasks: ../upgrade/overcloud_upgrade_prepare.yml
tags: ffu_overcloud_prepare
- name: apply post ffu overcloud prepare workarounds
shell: |
set -o pipefail
./ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >> post_ffu_overcloud_upgrade_prepare_workarounds.log
chdir: "{{ working_dir }}"
executable: /usr/bin/bash
when: ffu_upgrade_workarounds|bool
tags: ffu_overcloud_prepare
- name: prepare containers for overcloud upgrade
chdir: "{{ working_dir }}"
executable: /usr/bin/bash
shell: |
set -o pipefail
./ {{ timestamper_cmd }} >> overcloud_upgrade_prepare_containers.log
tags: ffu_overcloud_prepare
- name: stop L3 verification scripts
include_tasks: "{{ item }}"
tags: ffu_overcloud_prepare
- '../common/l3_agent_connectivity_check_stop_script.yml'
- '../common/l3_agent_failover_check_post_script.yml'
tags: ffu_overcloud_prepare
# This l3 check code is for now commented out for two reasons:
# 1) There is separate ping test in overcloud upgrade run which
# will be running at the same time, but the cleanup script runs
# kill -s INT $(pidof ping) which will kill them both and than
# we will fail on the final cleanup.
# 2) The workload creation and cleanup scripts work in simillar
# way. The workload cleanup does not check which workload we
# are cleaning specifically but it just removes first one on
# the list which in our case will be the host we are pinging
# here.
# - name: start L3 verification scripts
# include_tasks: "{{ item }}"
# args:
# apply:
# tags: ffu_overcloud_run
# loop:
# - '../common/l3_agent_connectivity_check_start_script.yml'
# - '../common/l3_agent_failover_check_pre_script.yml'
# tags: ffu_overcloud_run
############## OS upgrade + Overcloud node upgrade run ##############
- name: Start overcloud upgrade run with outage for all roles.
import_tasks: overcloud_upgrade_fast_and_furious.yaml
tags: ffu_overcloud_run
when: fast_and_furious|bool
############## OS upgrade + Overcloud node upgrade run ##############
- name: Start overcloud upgrade run for all roles.
import_tasks: overcloud_upgrade_roles.yaml
tags: ffu_overcloud_run
when: not fast_and_furious|bool
# - name: stop L3 verification scripts
# include_tasks: "{{ item }}"
# args:
# apply:
# tags: ffu_overcloud_run
# loop:
# - '../common/l3_agent_connectivity_check_stop_script.yml'
# - '../common/l3_agent_failover_check_post_script.yml'
# tags: ffu_overcloud_run
################ UPGRADE CONVERGE ###############
- name: apply pre ffu overcloud converge workarounds
shell: |
set -o pipefail
./ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >> pre_ffu_overcloud_converge_workarounds.log
chdir: "{{ working_dir }}"
executable: /usr/bin/bash
when: ffu_upgrade_workarounds|bool
tags: ffu_overcloud_converge
- name: import overcloud upgrade converge tasks
import_tasks: ../upgrade/overcloud_upgrade_converge.yml
tags: ffu_overcloud_converge
- name: apply post ffu overcloud converge workarounds
shell: |
set -o pipefail
./ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >> post_ffu_overcloud_converge_workarounds.log
chdir: "{{ working_dir }}"
executable: /usr/bin/bash
when: ffu_upgrade_workarounds|bool
tags: ffu_overcloud_converge
############## CEPH upgrade ######################
- when: ceph_osd_enabled|bool
- name: apply pre ffu ceph upgrade workarounds
shell: |
set -o pipefail
./ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >> pre_ffu_overcloud_ceph_workarounds.log
chdir: "{{ working_dir }}"
executable: /usr/bin/bash
when: ffu_upgrade_workarounds|bool
tags: ffu_overcloud_ceph
- name: import ceph upgrade tasks
import_tasks: ../upgrade/ceph_upgrade_run.yml
tags: ffu_overcloud_ceph
# This l3 check code is for now commented out for two reasons:
# 1) There is separate ping test in overcloud upgrade run which
# will be running at the same time, but the cleanup script runs
# kill -s INT $(pidof ping) which will kill them both and than
# we will fail on the final cleanup.
# 2) The workload creation and cleanup scripts work in simillar
# way. The workload cleanup does not check which workload we
# are cleaning specifically but it just removes first one on
# the list which in our case will be the host we are pinging
# here.
# - name: start L3 verification scripts
# include_tasks: "{{ item }}"
# args:
# apply:
# tags: ffu_overcloud_ceph
# loop:
# - '../common/l3_agent_connectivity_check_start_script.yml'
# - '../common/l3_agent_failover_check_pre_script.yml'
# tags: ffu_overcloud_ceph
- name: apply post ffu ceph upgrade workarounds
shell: |
set -o pipefail
./ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >> post_ffu_overcloud_ceph_workarounds.log
chdir: "{{ working_dir }}"
executable: /usr/bin/bash
when: ffu_upgrade_workarounds|bool
tags: ffu_overcloud_ceph
# - name: stop L3 verification scripts
# include_tasks: "{{ item }}"
# args:
# apply:
# tags: ffu_overcloud_ceph
# loop:
# - '../common/l3_agent_connectivity_check_stop_script.yml'
# - '../common/l3_agent_failover_check_post_script.yml'
# tags: ffu_overcloud_ceph
############## POST UPGRADE ##############
- name: run controller post upgrade steps
include_tasks: ../upgrade/controller_post_upgrade.yml
- ffu_overcloud_post
tags: ffu_overcloud_post
when: controller_upgrade_post|bool
- name: run post upgrade nova actions
import_tasks: ../common/nova_actions_check.yml
tags: ffu_overcloud_post
when: ffu_overcloud_upgrade|bool