.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode Sections of this template were taken directly from the Nova spec template at: https://github.com/openstack/nova-specs/blob/master/specs/juno-template.rst ========================================= Limit volume types for database instances ========================================= Different volume types have different cost and performance characteristics. Operators would like the flexibility to limit specific databases to specific volume types similar to the way in which databases can be limited to specific Nova flavors. Launchpad Blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/trove/+spec/associate-volume-type-datastore Problem Description =================== Operators can create different volume types and a user can specify a volume type on a create instance request. Operators would like the ability to limit the volume types that can be used for a specific datastore-version in the same way that they can limit Nova flavors. Proposed Change =============== The implentation that associated flavors with datastores [1]_ [2]_ created a generic framework that provided for the specification of datastore-version-metadata. This metadata was stored into a table in the database called datastore_version_metadata. .. code-block:: sql CREATE TABLE `datastore_version_metadata` ( `id` varchar(36) NOT NULL, `datastore_version_id` varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL, `key` varchar(128) NOT NULL, `value` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL, `deleted` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, `deleted_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `updated_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `UQ_datastore_version_metadata_datastore_version_id_key_value` ( `datastore_version_id`,`key`,`value`), CONSTRAINT `datastore_version_metadata_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`datastore_version_id`) REFERENCES `datastore_versions` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) CREATE TABLE `datastore_versions` ( `id` varchar(36) NOT NULL, `datastore_id` varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `image_id` varchar(36) NOT NULL, `packages` varchar(511) DEFAULT NULL, `active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, `manager` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `ds_versions` (`datastore_id`,`name`), CONSTRAINT `datastore_versions_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`datastore_id`) REFERENCES `datastores` (`id`)) CREATE TABLE `datastores` ( `id` varchar(36) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `default_version_id` varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`)) The code populates flavor to datastore-version mappings by using a key of 'flavor' in the table datastore_version_metadata. We propose to extend this capability by using a key of 'volume-type' in the same table. We extend the trove-manage command and provide two new commands to add and delete a volume-type mapping. In addition it is proposed that two new commands be added to list existing associations. These list commands will exploit an existing method (list datastore version flavor associations). Changes will be made to add a new mapping, see the section below on Public API for details. The endpoint will provide a list of all volume types allowed for a given tenant_id, datastore, and datastore version. Suitable error messages will be provided by adding new exception classes. One error will be for a missing mapping between a given datastore-version and a volume-type, and the other will be for a situation where a mapping already exists. The datastore version metadata model (trove/datastore/models.py) has code for handling the existing flavor mappings. This code will be refactored to extend the metadata mappings to also support volume type. The service class that will be referenced in the WSGI endpoint will be added. As we will be extending the existing metadata capability, no new database tables will be required. During instance creation, a check will be added for the volme type being specified. If the volume type provided is not found to be a valid volume type for the specified datastore version, an error will be reported. Currently volume type support does not extend to the cluster create API. Since this change will return volume type information, service, model and view for VolumeType and VolumeTypes will be added. If no datastore/version/volume-type has been configured then all volume-types known to cinder are allowed. A python-troveclient command to list datastore/version/volume-type associations will be provided. It will call the new public API and show the results. A trove-manage command to list datastore/version/volume-type associations will be provided. It will list only the associations in the database and not intersect with valid cinder volume-types. The trove-manage command performs no validations, it does not check with cinder whether a volume-type being specified is actually a volume-type known to cinder or not. And the volume-type, once defined in trove could be deleted by cinder at a later time. It is therefore possible that the volume type association in the trove metadata table could become stale. Therefore, the implementation relies on the concept of defined mappings and allowed mappings. A defined mapping is something specified by the user in the metadata table. An allowed mapping is the intersection of the defined mapping and valid cinder volume types. If a datastore does not support volumes, all of the checking described in this specification is moot. When the user has defined mappings for a particular datastore and version, (and volume support is enabled), we look to see whether any allowed mappings exist. If not, a distinct error message is generated indicating that no valid volume types could be found. If there are defined volume types, we ensure that volume type is specified and is one of the allowed volume types. New APIs will also be added to list all volume types available in cinder and also to show the details of a specified volume type. Tests will be added to exercise the new code paths. Issues ------ 1. In the present flavor implementation (that is used as the template for this volume_type) implementation, there is a discrepancy between the values returned by the list_datastore_version_flavor_associations (datastore/models.py) method, and the flavors that will be accepted in the check found in the create() call. This has been addressed in the code for volume type by instead calling the datastore/models method to list valid volume type associations. 2. The volume type was never stored with the instance and therefore when you show an instance, you can't tell what volume_type was specified on create. 3. volume_type is not required in the create call. If an association is present for datastore/version/volume_type and no volume_type is specified for the create, then the cinder default is used. The option would be to make the volume_type required which would be a change to the API. As implemented, if a volume_type is specified in create, it must be in the list of allowed volume types. Guessing the volume type is the alternative, and if more than one is allowed, a default would have to be provided. This has not been implemented. Configuration ------------- None Database -------- No database changes will be required. Public API ---------- This change will add the following Public APIs: List all volume types ..................... This API will return all volume types as reported by cinder. Request:: GET /{tenant_id}/volume-types Response:: { "volume_types": [ { "is_public": true, "description": "Example volume type", "id": , "name": "example_volume_type" } ] } Show volume type details ........................ This API will return the specified volume type's details as reported by cinder. Request:: GET /{tenant_id}/volume-types/{id} Response:: { "volume_type": { "is_public": true, "description": null, "id": "53c71e3d-ef8f-4967-8b16-8a0ee6380d66", "name": "lvmdriver-1" } } List allowed datastore version volume types ........................................... This API will return all supported volume-types for the given combination of tenant_id, datastore, and datastore vesion. If no association has been configured then all volume types known to cinder are returned. Request:: GET /{tenant_id}/datastores/{datastore}/versions/{version_id}/volume-types Response:: { "volume_types": [ { "is_public": true, "description": "Example volume type", "id": , "name": "example_volume_type" } ] } Public API Security ------------------- There are no API security issues associated with this change. Python API ---------- No changes. CLI (python-troveclient) ------------------------ The trove-manage command will be the only affected as described above. Internal API ------------ None. Guest Agent ----------- None Alternatives ------------ One alternative that was considered was to associate datastores with supported volume types (not datastore-versions). This would have resulted in almost completely reimplementing the metadata linking scheme that was created for flavors. Dashboard Impact (UX) ===================== The create dialog volume type dropdown will be filtered to show only valid values based on the selected datastore version. Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: mvandijk Milestones ---------- Target Milestone for completion: N-Release-1 Work Items ---------- As described above in detail in the "Proposed Change" section. Upgrade Implications ==================== There are no upgrade implications. We aren't adding or changing the structure of any existing tables. The existing code can't create mappings that could conflict with this proposed feature (all existing code creates mappings with a key of 'flavor'). Dependencies ============ None Testing ======= New tests will be added. Documentation Impact ==================== Yes, documentation of the mechanism to add, delete and list mappings will be provided. References ========== .. [1] http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/trove-specs/specs/kilo/associate-flavors-datastores.html .. [2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/109824/ Appendix ======== None