
347 lines
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# Copyright 2015 Tesora Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import ast
import csv
import six
import StringIO
import yaml
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
from trove.common import utils as trove_utils
class StringConverter(object):
"""A passthrough string-to-object converter.
def __init__(self, object_mappings):
:param object_mappings: string-to-object mappings
:type object_mappings: dict
self._object_mappings = object_mappings
def to_strings(self, items):
"""Recursively convert collection items to strings.
:returns: Copy of the input collection with all items converted.
if trove_utils.is_collection(items):
return map(self.to_strings, items)
return self._to_string(items)
def to_objects(self, items):
"""Recursively convert collection string to objects.
:returns: Copy of the input collection with all items converted.
if trove_utils.is_collection(items):
return map(self.to_objects, items)
return self._to_object(items)
def _to_string(self, value):
for k, v in self._object_mappings.items():
if v is value:
return k
return str(value)
def _to_object(self, value):
if value in self._object_mappings:
return self._object_mappings[value]
return ast.literal_eval(value)
except Exception:
return value
class StreamCodec(object):
def serialize(self, data):
"""Serialize a Python object into a stream.
def deserialize(self, stream):
"""Deserialize stream data into a Python structure.
class IdentityCodec(StreamCodec):
A basic passthrough codec.
Does not modify the data in any way.
def serialize(self, data):
return data
def deserialize(self, stream):
return stream
class YamlCodec(StreamCodec):
Read/write data from/into a YAML config file.
a: 1
b: {c: 3, d: 4}
The above file content (flow-style) would be represented as:
{'a': 1,
'b': {'c': 3, 'd': 4,}
def __init__(self, default_flow_style=False):
:param default_flow_style: Use flow-style (inline) formatting of
nested collections.
:type default_flow_style: boolean
self._default_flow_style = default_flow_style
def serialize(self, dict_data):
return yaml.dump(dict_data, Dumper=self.dumper,
def deserialize(self, stream):
return yaml.load(stream, Loader=self.loader)
def loader(self):
return yaml.loader.Loader
def dumper(self):
return yaml.dumper.Dumper
class SafeYamlCodec(YamlCodec):
Same as YamlCodec except that it uses safe Loader and Dumper which
encode Unicode strings and produce only basic YAML tags.
def __init__(self, default_flow_style=False):
super(SafeYamlCodec, self).__init__(
def loader(self):
return yaml.loader.SafeLoader
def dumper(self):
return yaml.dumper.SafeDumper
class IniCodec(StreamCodec):
Read/write data from/into an ini-style config file.
key = value
key = value
key = value
key = value
The above file content would be represented as:
{'section_1': {'key': 'value', 'key': 'value', ...},
'section_2': {'key': 'value', 'key': 'value', ...}
def __init__(self, default_value=None, comment_markers=('#', ';')):
:param default_value: Default value for keys with no value.
If set, all keys are written as 'key = value'.
The key is written without trailing '=' if None.
:type default_value: string
self._default_value = default_value
self._comment_markers = comment_markers
def serialize(self, dict_data):
parser = self._init_config_parser(dict_data)
output = StringIO.StringIO()
return output.getvalue()
def deserialize(self, stream):
parser = self._init_config_parser()
return {s: {k: v if v is not None else self._default_value
for k, v in parser.items(s, raw=True)}
for s in parser.sections()}
def _pre_parse(self, stream):
buf = StringIO.StringIO()
for line in StringIO.StringIO(stream):
# Ignore commented lines.
if not line.startswith(self._comment_markers):
# Strip leading and trailing whitespaces from each line.
buf.write(line.strip() + '\n')
# Rewind the output buffer.
return buf
def _init_config_parser(self, sections=None):
parser = SafeConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
if sections:
for section in sections:
for key, value in sections[section].items():
parser.set(section, key, value
if value is not None else self._default_value)
return parser
class PropertiesCodec(StreamCodec):
Read/write data from/into a property-style config file.
key1 k1arg1 k1arg2 ... k1argN
key2 k2arg1 k2arg2 ... k2argN
key3 k3arg1 k3arg2 ...
key3 k3arg3 k3arg4 ...
The above file content would be represented as:
{'key1': [k1arg1, k1arg2 ... k1argN],
'key2': [k2arg1, k2arg2 ... k2argN]
'key3': [[k3arg1, k3arg2, ...], [k3arg3, k3arg4, ...]]
def __init__(self, delimiter=' ', comment_markers=('#'),
unpack_singletons=True, string_mappings={}):
:param delimiter: A one-character used to separate fields.
:type delimiter: string
:param empty_value: Value to represent None in the output.
:type empty_value: object
:param comment_markers: List of comment markers.
:type comment_markers: list
:param unpack_singletons: Whether to unpack singleton collections
(collections with only a single value).
:type unpack_singletons: boolean
:param string_mappings: User-defined string representations of
Python objects.
:type string_mappings: dict
self._delimiter = delimiter
self._comment_markers = comment_markers
self._string_converter = StringConverter(string_mappings)
self._unpack_singletons = unpack_singletons
def serialize(self, dict_data):
output = StringIO.StringIO()
writer = csv.writer(output, delimiter=self._delimiter,
for key, value in sorted(dict_data.items()):
writer.writerows(self._to_rows(key, value))
return output.getvalue()
def deserialize(self, stream):
reader = csv.reader(StringIO.StringIO(stream),
return self._to_dict(reader)
def _to_dict(self, reader):
data_dict = {}
for row in reader:
# Ignore comment lines.
if row and not row[0].startswith(self._comment_markers):
items = self._string_converter.to_objects(
[v if v else None for v in row[1:]])
current = data_dict.get(row[0])
if current is not None:
if self._unpack_singletons else items)
data_dict.update({row[0]: [items]})
if self._unpack_singletons:
# Unpack singleton values.
for k, v in data_dict.items():
data_dict.update({k: trove_utils.unpack_singleton(v)})
return data_dict
def _to_rows(self, header, items):
rows = []
if trove_utils.is_collection(items):
if any(trove_utils.is_collection(item) for item in items):
# This is multi-row property.
for item in items:
rows.extend(self._to_rows(header, item))
# This is a single-row property with multiple arguments.
header, self._string_converter.to_strings(items)))
# This is a single-row property with only one argument.
rows.append(self._to_list(header, items))
return rows
def _to_list(self, *items):
container = []
for item in items:
if trove_utils.is_collection(item):
# This item is a nested collection - unpack it.
# This item is not a collection - append it to the list.
return container