
233 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import io
from requests_mock.contrib import fixture as req_fixture
import testscenarios
from tuning_box import cli
from tuning_box.cli import base as cli_base
from tuning_box import client as tb_client
from tuning_box.tests import base
class TestLevelsConverter(testscenarios.WithScenarios, base.TestCase):
scenarios = [
(s[0], dict(zip(('input', 'expected_result', 'expected_error'), s[1])))
for s in [
('empty', ('', None, TypeError)),
('one', ('lvl=val', [('lvl', 'val')])),
('two', ('lvl1=val1,lvl2=val2', [('lvl1', 'val1'),
('lvl2', 'val2')])),
('no_eq', ('val', None, TypeError)),
('no_eq2', ('lvl1=val2,val', None, TypeError)),
('two_eq', ('lvl1=foo=baz', [('lvl1', 'foo=baz')])),
input = None
expected_result = None
expected_error = None
def test_levels(self):
if self.expected_error:
self.expected_error, cli_base.level_converter, self.input)
res = cli_base.level_converter(self.input)
self.assertEqual(self.expected_result, res)
class FormatOutputTest(testscenarios.WithScenarios, base.TestCase):
scenarios = [
(s[0], dict(zip(('output', 'format_', 'expected_result'), s[1])))
for s in [
('none,plain', (None, 'plain', '')),
('none,json', (None, 'json', 'null')),
# TODO(yorik-sar): look into why YAML return those elipsis
('none,yaml', (None, 'yaml', 'null\n...\n')),
('str,plain', (u"a string", 'plain', 'a string')),
('str,json', (u"a string", 'json', '"a string"')),
('str,yaml', (u"a string", 'yaml', 'a string\n...\n')),
('int,plain', (42, 'plain', '42')),
('int,json', (42, 'json', '42')),
('int,yaml', (42, 'yaml', '42\n...\n')),
('float,plain', (1.2, 'plain', '1.2')),
('float,json', (1.2, 'json', '1.2')),
('float,yaml', (1.2, 'yaml', '1.2\n...\n')),
('list,plain', ([1, 2], 'plain', '[1, 2]')),
('list,json', ([1, 2], 'json', '[1, 2]')),
('list,yaml', ([1, 2], 'yaml', '- 1\n- 2\n')),
('dict,plain', ({'a': 1}, 'plain', '{"a": 1}')),
('dict,json', ({'a': 1}, 'json', '{"a": 1}')),
('dict,yaml', ({'a': 1}, 'yaml', 'a: 1\n')),
output = None
format_ = None
expected_result = None
def test_format_output(self):
res = cli_base.format_output(self.output, self.format_)
self.assertEqual(self.expected_result, res)
class SafeTuningBoxApp(cli.TuningBoxApp):
def __init__(self, client):
super(SafeTuningBoxApp, self).__init__(
def get_std_streams():
if bytes is str:
io_cls = io.BytesIO
io_cls = io.StringIO
return {k: io_cls() for k in ('stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr')}
def build_option_parser(self, description, version, argparse_kwargs=None):
parser = super(SafeTuningBoxApp, self).build_option_parser(
description, version, argparse_kwargs)
return parser
def get_fuzzy_matches(self, cmd):
# Turn off guessing, we need exact failures in tests
return []
def run(self, argv):
exit_code = super(SafeTuningBoxApp, self).run(argv)
except SystemExit as e:
exit_code = e.code
assert exit_code == 0
class _BaseCLITest(base.TestCase):
BASE_URL = 'http://somehost/prefix'
def setUp(self):
super(_BaseCLITest, self).setUp()
client = tb_client.HTTPClient(self.BASE_URL)
self.req_mock = self.useFixture(req_fixture.Fixture())
self.cli = SafeTuningBoxApp(client=client)
class TestApp(_BaseCLITest):
def test_help(self):
self.assertEqual('', self.cli.stderr.getvalue())
self.assertNotIn('Could not', self.cli.stdout.getvalue())
class TestGet(testscenarios.WithScenarios, _BaseCLITest):
scenarios = [
(s[0], dict(zip(('mock_url', 'args', 'expected_result'), s[1])))
for s in [
('global,json', (
'get --env 1 --resource 1',
'{"hello": "world"}',
('lowlevel,json', (
'get --env 1 --level lvl1=value1 --resource 1',
'{"hello": "world"}',
('global,yaml', (
'get --env 1 --resource 1 --format yaml',
'hello: world\n',
('lowlevel,yaml', (
'get --env 1 --level lvl1=value1 --resource 1 --format yaml',
'hello: world\n',
('key,plain', (
'get --env 1 --resource 1 --key hello --format plain',
('key,json', (
'get --env 1 --resource 1 --key hello --format json',
'{"hello": "world"}',
('key,yaml', (
'get --env 1 --resource 1 --key hello --format yaml',
'hello: world\n',
mock_url = None
args = None
expected_result = None
def test_get(self):
self.BASE_URL + self.mock_url,
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
json={'hello': 'world'},
self.assertEqual(self.expected_result, self.cli.stdout.getvalue())
class TestSet(testscenarios.WithScenarios, _BaseCLITest):
scenarios = [
dict(zip(('args', 'expected_body', 'should_get', 'stdin'), s[1])))
for s in [
('json', ('--format json', {'a': 3}, False, '{"a": 3}')),
('yaml', ('--format yaml', {'a': 3}, False, 'a: 3')),
('key,json', ('--key b --format json', {'a': 1, 'b': {'a': 3}},
True, '{"a": 3}')),
('key,yaml', ('--key b --format yaml', {'a': 1, 'b': {'a': 3}},
True, 'a: 3')),
('key,null', ('--key b --type null', {'a': 1, 'b': None})),
('key,str', ('--key b --type str --value 4', {'a': 1, 'b': '4'})),
args = None
expected_body = None
should_get = True
stdin = None
def test_set(self):
url = self.BASE_URL + '/environments/1/lvl1/value1/resources/1/values'
if self.should_get:
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
json={'a': 1, 'b': True},
args = ("set --env 1 --level lvl1=value1 --resource 1 " +
if self.stdin:
req_history = self.req_mock.request_history
if self.should_get:
self.assertEqual('GET', req_history[0].method)
self.assertEqual('PUT', req_history[-1].method)
self.assertEqual(self.expected_body, req_history[-1].json())