
1039 lines
39 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Implements MongoDB the storage controller for messages.
Field Mappings:
In order to reduce the disk / memory space used,
field names will be, most of the time, the first
letter of their long name.
import datetime
import time
from bson import objectid
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import timeutils
import pymongo.errors
import pymongo.read_preferences
from zaqar.i18n import _
from zaqar import storage
from import errors
from import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# NOTE(kgriffs): This value, in seconds, should be at least less than the
# minimum allowed TTL for messages (60 seconds). Make it 45 to allow for
# some fudge room.
# NOTE(kgriffs): It is extremely unlikely that all workers would somehow hang
# for more than 5 seconds, without a single one being able to succeed in
# posting some messages and incrementing the counter, thus allowing the other
# producers to succeed in turn.
# For hinting
ID_INDEX_FIELDS = [('_id', 1)]
# For removing expired messages
('e', 1),
# NOTE(cpp-cabrera): to unify use of project/queue across mongodb
# storage impls.
# NOTE(kgriffs): This index is for listing messages, usually
# filtering out claimed ones.
(PROJ_QUEUE, 1), # Project will be unique, so put first
('k', 1), # Used for sorting and paging, must come before range queries
('c.e', 1), # Used for filtering out claimed messages
# NOTE(kgriffs): We do not include 'u' and 'tx' here on
# purpose. It was found experimentally that adding 'u' did
# not improve performance, and so it was left out in order
# to reduce index size and make updating the index
# faster. When 'tx' was added, it was assumed that it would
# follow a similar performance pattern to 'u', since by
# the time you traverse the index down past the fields
# listed above, there is very little left to scan, esp.
# considering all queries are limited (limit=) to a fairly
# small number.
# TODO(kgriffs): The extrapolation wrt 'tx' needs to be
# proven empirically.
# For counting
(PROJ_QUEUE, 1), # Project will be unique, so put first
('c.e', 1), # Used for filtering out claimed messages
# Index used for claims
('', 1),
('k', 1),
('c.e', 1),
# This index is meant to be used as a shard-key and to ensure
# uniqueness for markers.
# As for other compound indexes, order matters. The marker `k`
# gives enough cardinality to ensure chunks are evenly distributed,
# whereas the `p_q` field helps keeping chunks from the same project
# and queue together.
# In a sharded environment, uniqueness of this index is still guaranteed
# because it's used as a shard key.
('k', 1),
('tx', 1),
class MessageController(storage.Message):
"""Implements message resource operations using MongoDB.
Messages are scoped by project + queue.
Name Field
scope -> p_q
ttl -> t
expires -> e
marker -> k
body -> b
claim -> c
client uuid -> u
transaction -> tx
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MessageController, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Cache for convenience and performance
self._num_partitions = self.driver.mongodb_conf.partitions
self._queue_ctrl = self.driver.queue_controller
self._retry_range = range(self.driver.mongodb_conf.max_attempts)
# Create a list of 'messages' collections, one for each database
# partition, ordered by partition number.
# NOTE(kgriffs): Order matters, since it is used to lookup the
# collection by partition number. For example, self._collections[2]
# would provide access to zaqar_p2.messages (partition numbers are
# zero-based).
self._collections = [db.messages
for db in self.driver.message_databases]
# Ensure indexes are initialized before any queries are performed
for collection in self._collections:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helpers
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def _ensure_indexes(self, collection):
"""Ensures that all indexes are created."""
def _collection(self, queue_name, project=None):
"""Get a partitioned collection instance."""
return self._collections[utils.get_partition(self._num_partitions,
queue_name, project)]
def _backoff_sleep(self, attempt):
"""Sleep between retries using a jitter algorithm.
Mitigates thrashing between multiple parallel requests, and
creates backpressure on clients to slow down the rate
at which they submit requests.
:param attempt: current attempt number, zero-based
conf = self.driver.mongodb_conf
seconds = utils.calculate_backoff(attempt, conf.max_attempts,
def _purge_queue(self, queue_name, project=None):
"""Removes all messages from the queue.
Warning: Only use this when deleting the queue; otherwise
you can cause a side-effect of reseting the marker counter
which can cause clients to miss tons of messages.
If the queue does not exist, this method fails silently.
:param queue_name: name of the queue to purge
:param project: ID of the project to which the queue belongs
scope = utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project)
collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
collection.delete_many({PROJ_QUEUE: scope})
def _list(self, queue_name, project=None, marker=None,
echo=False, client_uuid=None, projection=None,
include_claimed=False, sort=1, limit=None):
"""Message document listing helper.
:param queue_name: Name of the queue to list
:param project: (Default None) Project `queue_name` belongs to. If
not specified, queries the "global" namespace/project.
:param marker: (Default None) Message marker from which to start
iterating. If not specified, starts with the first message
available in the queue.
:param echo: (Default False) Whether to return messages that match
:param client_uuid: (Default None) UUID for the client that
originated this request
:param projection: (Default None) a list of field names that should be
returned in the result set or a dict specifying the fields to
include or exclude
:param include_claimed: (Default False) Whether to include
claimed messages, not just active ones
:param sort: (Default 1) Sort order for the listing. Pass 1 for
ascending (oldest message first), or -1 for descending (newest
message first).
:param limit: (Default None) The maximum number of messages
to list. The results may include fewer messages than the
requested `limit` if not enough are available. If limit is
not specified
:returns: Generator yielding up to `limit` messages.
if sort not in (1, -1):
raise ValueError(u'sort must be either 1 (ascending) '
u'or -1 (descending)')
now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
query = {
# Messages must belong to this queue and project.
PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),
# NOTE(kgriffs): Messages must be finalized (i.e., must not
# be part of an unfinalized transaction).
# See also the note wrt 'tx' within the definition
'tx': None,
if not echo:
query['u'] = {'$ne': client_uuid}
if marker is not None:
query['k'] = {'$gt': marker}
collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
if not include_claimed:
# Only include messages that are not part of
# any claim, or are part of an expired claim.
query['c.e'] = {'$lte': now}
# Construct the request
cursor = collection.find(query,
sort=[('k', sort)])
if limit is not None:
# NOTE(flaper87): Suggest the index to use for this query to
# ensure the most performant one is chosen.
return cursor.hint(ACTIVE_INDEX_FIELDS)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# "Friends" interface
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def _count(self, queue_name, project=None, include_claimed=False):
"""Return total number of messages in a queue.
This method is designed to very quickly count the number
of messages in a given queue. Expired messages are not
counted, of course. If the queue does not exist, the
count will always be 0.
Note: Some expired messages may be included in the count if
they haven't been GC'd yet. This is done for performance.
query = {
# Messages must belong to this queue and project.
PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),
# NOTE(kgriffs): Messages must be finalized (i.e., must not
# be part of an unfinalized transaction).
# See also the note wrt 'tx' within the definition
'tx': None,
if not include_claimed:
# Exclude messages that are claimed
query['c.e'] = {'$lte': timeutils.utcnow_ts()}
collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
return collection.count(filter=query, hint=COUNTING_INDEX_FIELDS)
def _active(self, queue_name, marker=None, echo=False,
client_uuid=None, projection=None, project=None,
return self._list(queue_name, project=project, marker=marker,
echo=echo, client_uuid=client_uuid,
projection=projection, include_claimed=False,
def _claimed(self, queue_name, claim_id,
expires=None, limit=None, project=None):
if claim_id is None:
claim_id = {'$ne': None}
query = {
PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),
'': claim_id,
'c.e': {'$gt': expires or timeutils.utcnow_ts()},
kwargs = {}
collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
# NOTE(kgriffs): Claimed messages bust be queried from
# the primary to avoid a race condition caused by the
# multi-phased "create claim" algorithm.
# NOTE(flaper87): In pymongo 3.0 PRIMARY is the default and
# `read_preference` is read only. We'd need to set it when the
# client is created.
msgs = collection.find(query, sort=[('k', 1)], **kwargs).hint(
if limit is not None:
msgs = msgs.limit(limit)
now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
def denormalizer(msg):
doc = _basic_message(msg, now)
doc['claim'] = msg['c']
return doc
return utils.HookedCursor(msgs, denormalizer)
def _unclaim(self, queue_name, claim_id, project=None):
cid = utils.to_oid(claim_id)
# NOTE(cpp-cabrera): early abort - avoid a DB query if we're handling
# an invalid ID
if cid is None:
# NOTE(cpp-cabrera): unclaim by setting the claim ID to None
# and the claim expiration time to now
now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
scope = utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project)
collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
collection.update({PROJ_QUEUE: scope, '': cid},
{'$set': {'c': {'id': None, 'e': now}}},
upsert=False, multi=True)
def _inc_counter(self, queue_name, project=None, amount=1, window=None):
"""Increments the message counter and returns the new value.
:param queue_name: Name of the queue to which the counter is scoped
:param project: Queue's project name
:param amount: (Default 1) Amount by which to increment the counter
:param window: (Default None) A time window, in seconds, that
must have elapsed since the counter was last updated, in
order to increment the counter.
:returns: Updated message counter value, or None if window
was specified, and the counter has already been updated
within the specified time period.
:raises QueueDoesNotExist: if not found
# NOTE(flaper87): If this `if` is True, it means we're
# using a mongodb in the control plane. To avoid breaking
# environments doing so already, we'll keep using the counter
# in the mongodb queue_controller rather than the one in the
# message_controller. This should go away, eventually
if hasattr(self._queue_ctrl, '_inc_counter'):
return self._queue_ctrl._inc_counter(queue_name, project,
amount, window)
now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
update = {'$inc': {'c.v': amount}, '$set': {'c.t': now}}
query = _get_scoped_query(queue_name, project)
if window is not None:
threshold = now - window
query['c.t'] = {'$lt': threshold}
while True:
collection = self._collection(queue_name, project).stats
doc = collection.find_one_and_update(
query, update,
projection={'c.v': 1, '_id': 0})
except pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect as ex:
if doc is None:
if window is None:
# NOTE(kgriffs): Since we did not filter by a time window,
# the queue should have been found and updated. Perhaps
# the queue has been deleted?
message = (u'Failed to increment the message '
u'counter for queue %(name)s and '
u'project %(project)s')
message %= dict(name=queue_name, project=project)
raise errors.QueueDoesNotExist(queue_name, project)
# NOTE(kgriffs): Assume the queue existed, but the counter
# was recently updated, causing the range query on 'c.t' to
# exclude the record.
return None
return doc['c']['v']
def _get_counter(self, queue_name, project=None):
"""Retrieves the current message counter value for a given queue.
This helper is used to generate monotonic pagination
markers that are saved as part of the message
Note 1: Markers are scoped per-queue and so are *not*
globally unique or globally ordered.
Note 2: If two or more requests to this method are made
in parallel, this method will return the same counter
value. This is done intentionally so that the caller
can detect a parallel message post, allowing it to
mitigate race conditions between producer and
observer clients.
:param queue_name: Name of the queue to which the counter is scoped
:param project: Queue's project
:returns: current message counter as an integer
# NOTE(flaper87): If this `if` is True, it means we're
# using a mongodb in the control plane. To avoid breaking
# environments doing so already, we'll keep using the counter
# in the mongodb queue_controller rather than the one in the
# message_controller. This should go away, eventually
if hasattr(self._queue_ctrl, '_get_counter'):
return self._queue_ctrl._get_counter(queue_name, project)
update = {'$inc': {'c.v': 0, 'c.t': 0}}
query = _get_scoped_query(queue_name, project)
collection = self._collection(queue_name, project).stats
doc = collection.find_one_and_update(
query, update, upsert=True,
projection={'c.v': 1, '_id': 0})
return doc['c']['v']
except pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect as ex:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public interface
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def list(self, queue_name, project=None, marker=None,
echo=False, client_uuid=None, include_claimed=False):
if marker is not None:
marker = int(marker)
except ValueError:
yield iter([])
messages = self._list(queue_name, project=project, marker=marker,
client_uuid=client_uuid, echo=echo,
include_claimed=include_claimed, limit=limit)
marker_id = {}
now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
# NOTE (kgriffs) @utils.raises_conn_error not needed on this
# function, since utils.HookedCursor already has it.
def denormalizer(msg):
marker_id['next'] = msg['k']
return _basic_message(msg, now)
yield utils.HookedCursor(messages, denormalizer)
yield str(marker_id['next'])
def first(self, queue_name, project=None, sort=1):
cursor = self._list(queue_name, project=project,
include_claimed=True, sort=sort,
message = next(cursor)
except StopIteration:
raise errors.QueueIsEmpty(queue_name, project)
now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
return _basic_message(message, now)
def get(self, queue_name, message_id, project=None):
mid = utils.to_oid(message_id)
if mid is None:
raise errors.MessageDoesNotExist(message_id, queue_name,
now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
query = {
'_id': mid,
PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),
collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
message = list(collection.find(query).limit(1).hint(ID_INDEX_FIELDS))
if not message:
raise errors.MessageDoesNotExist(message_id, queue_name,
return _basic_message(message[0], now)
def bulk_get(self, queue_name, message_ids, project=None):
message_ids = [mid for mid in map(utils.to_oid, message_ids) if mid]
if not message_ids:
return iter([])
now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
# Base query, always check expire time
query = {
'_id': {'$in': message_ids},
PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),
collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
# NOTE(flaper87): Should this query
# be sorted?
messages = collection.find(query).hint(ID_INDEX_FIELDS)
def denormalizer(msg):
return _basic_message(msg, now)
return utils.HookedCursor(messages, denormalizer)
def post(self, queue_name, messages, client_uuid, project=None):
# NOTE(flaper87): This method should be safe to retry on
# autoreconnect, since we've a 2-step insert for messages.
# The worst-case scenario is that we'll increase the counter
# several times and we'd end up with some non-active messages.
if not self._queue_ctrl.exists(queue_name, project):
raise errors.QueueDoesNotExist(queue_name, project)
# NOTE(flaper87): Make sure the counter exists. This method
# is an upsert.
self._get_counter(queue_name, project)
now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
now_dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(now)
collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
messages = list(messages)
msgs_n = len(messages)
next_marker = self._inc_counter(queue_name,
amount=msgs_n) - msgs_n
prepared_messages = [
PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),
't': message['ttl'],
'e': now_dt + datetime.timedelta(seconds=message['ttl']),
'u': client_uuid,
'c': {'id': None, 'e': now, 'c': 0},
'b': message['body'] if 'body' in message else {},
'k': next_marker + index,
'tx': None,
for index, message in enumerate(messages)
ids = collection.insert(prepared_messages, check_keys=False)
return [str(id_) for id_ in ids]
def delete(self, queue_name, message_id, project=None, claim=None):
# NOTE(cpp-cabrera): return early - this is an invalid message
# id so we won't be able to find it any way
mid = utils.to_oid(message_id)
if mid is None:
collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
query = {
'_id': mid,
PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),
cid = utils.to_oid(claim)
if cid is None:
raise errors.ClaimDoesNotExist(claim, queue_name, project)
now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
cursor = collection.find(query).hint(ID_INDEX_FIELDS)
message = next(cursor)
except StopIteration:
if claim is None:
if _is_claimed(message, now):
raise errors.MessageIsClaimed(message_id)
if message['c']['id'] != cid:
kwargs = {}
# NOTE(flaper87): In pymongo 3.0 PRIMARY is the default and
# `read_preference` is read only. We'd need to set it when the
# client is created.
# NOTE(kgriffs): Read from primary in case the message
# was just barely claimed, and claim hasn't made it to
# the secondary.
message = collection.find_one(query, **kwargs)
if message['c']['id'] != cid:
if _is_claimed(message, now):
raise errors.MessageNotClaimedBy(message_id, claim)
raise errors.MessageNotClaimed(message_id)
def bulk_delete(self, queue_name, message_ids, project=None):
message_ids = [mid for mid in map(utils.to_oid, message_ids) if mid]
query = {
'_id': {'$in': message_ids},
PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),
collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
def pop(self, queue_name, limit, project=None):
query = {
PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),
# Only include messages that are not part of
# any claim, or are part of an expired claim.
now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
query['c.e'] = {'$lte': now}
collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
projection = {'_id': 1, 't': 1, 'b': 1, '': 1}
messages = (collection.find_and_modify(query,
for _ in range(limit))
final_messages = [_basic_message(message, now)
for message in messages
if message]
return final_messages
class FIFOMessageController(MessageController):
def _ensure_indexes(self, collection):
"""Ensures that all indexes are created."""
# NOTE(kgriffs): This index must be unique so that
# inserting a message with the same marker to the
# same queue will fail; this is used to detect a
# race condition which can cause an observer client
# to miss a message when there is more than one
# producer posting messages to the same queue, in
# parallel.
def post(self, queue_name, messages, client_uuid, project=None):
# NOTE(flaper87): This method should be safe to retry on
# autoreconnect, since we've a 2-step insert for messages.
# The worst-case scenario is that we'll increase the counter
# several times and we'd end up with some non-active messages.
if not self._queue_ctrl.exists(queue_name, project):
raise errors.QueueDoesNotExist(queue_name, project)
# NOTE(flaper87): Make sure the counter exists. This method
# is an upsert.
self._get_counter(queue_name, project)
now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
now_dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(now)
collection = self._collection(queue_name, project)
# Set the next basis marker for the first attempt.
# Note that we don't increment the counter right away because
# if 2 concurrent posts happen and the one with the higher counter
# ends before the one with the lower counter, there's a window
# where a client paging through the queue may get the messages
# with the higher counter and skip the previous ones. This would
# make our FIFO guarantee unsound.
next_marker = self._get_counter(queue_name, project)
# Unique transaction ID to facilitate atomic batch inserts
transaction = objectid.ObjectId()
prepared_messages = [
PROJ_QUEUE: utils.scope_queue_name(queue_name, project),
't': message['ttl'],
'e': now_dt + datetime.timedelta(seconds=message['ttl']),
'u': client_uuid,
'c': {'id': None, 'e': now, 'c': 0},
'b': message['body'] if 'body' in message else {},
'k': next_marker + index,
'tx': transaction,
for index, message in enumerate(messages)
# NOTE(kgriffs): Don't take the time to do a 2-phase insert
# if there is no way for it to partially succeed.
if len(prepared_messages) == 1:
transaction = None
prepared_messages[0]['tx'] = None
# Use a retry range for sanity, although we expect
# to rarely, if ever, reach the maximum number of
# retries.
# NOTE(kgriffs): With the default configuration (100 ms
# max sleep, 1000 max attempts), the max stall time
# before the operation is abandoned is 49.95 seconds.
for attempt in self._retry_range:
ids = collection.insert(prepared_messages, check_keys=False)
# Log a message if we retried, for debugging perf issues
if attempt != 0:
msgtmpl = _(u'%(attempts)d attempt(s) required to post '
u'%(num_messages)d messages to queue '
u'"%(queue)s" under project %(project)s')
attempts=attempt + 1,
# Update the counter in preparation for the next batch
# NOTE(kgriffs): Due to the unique index on the messages
# collection, competing inserts will fail as a whole,
# and keep retrying until the counter is incremented
# such that the competing marker's will start at a
# unique number, 1 past the max of the messages just
# inserted above.
self._inc_counter(queue_name, project, amount=len(ids))
# NOTE(kgriffs): Finalize the insert once we can say that
# all the messages made it. This makes bulk inserts
# atomic, assuming queries filter out any non-finalized
# messages.
if transaction is not None:
collection.update({'tx': transaction},
{'$set': {'tx': None}},
upsert=False, multi=True)
return [str(id_) for id_ in ids]
except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as ex:
# TODO(kgriffs): Record stats of how often retries happen,
# and how many attempts, on average, are required to insert
# messages.
# NOTE(kgriffs): This can be used in conjunction with the
# log line, above, that is emitted after all messages have
# been posted, to gauge how long it is taking for messages
# to be posted to a given queue, or overall.
# TODO(kgriffs): Add transaction ID to help match up loglines
if attempt == 0:
msgtmpl = _(u'First attempt failed while '
u'adding messages to queue '
u'"%(queue)s" under project %(project)s')
LOG.debug(msgtmpl, dict(queue=queue_name, project=project))
# NOTE(kgriffs): Never retry past the point that competing
# messages expire and are GC'd, since once they are gone,
# the unique index no longer protects us from getting out
# of order, which could cause an observer to miss this
# message. The code below provides a sanity-check to ensure
# this situation can not happen.
elapsed = timeutils.utcnow_ts() - now
msgtmpl = (u'Exceeded maximum retry duration for queue '
u'"%(queue)s" under project %(project)s')
dict(queue=queue_name, project=project))
# Chill out for a moment to mitigate thrashing/thundering
# NOTE(kgriffs): Perhaps we failed because a worker crashed
# after inserting messages, but before incrementing the
# counter; that would cause all future requests to stall,
# since they would keep getting the same base marker that is
# conflicting with existing messages, until the messages that
# "won" expire, at which time we would end up reusing markers,
# and that could make some messages invisible to an observer
# that is querying with a marker that is large than the ones
# being reused.
# To mitigate this, we apply a heuristic to determine whether
# a counter has stalled. We attempt to increment the counter,
# but only if it hasn't been updated for a few seconds, which
# should mean that nobody is left to update it!
# Note that we increment one at a time until the logjam is
# broken, since we don't know how many messages were posted
# by the worker before it crashed.
next_marker = self._inc_counter(
queue_name, project, window=COUNTER_STALL_WINDOW)
# Retry the entire batch with a new sequence of markers.
# NOTE(kgriffs): Due to the unique index, and how
# MongoDB works with batch requests, we will never
# end up with a partially-successful update. The first
# document in the batch will fail to insert, and the
# remainder of the documents will not be attempted.
if next_marker is None:
# NOTE(kgriffs): Usually we will end up here, since
# it should be rare that a counter becomes stalled.
next_marker = self._get_counter(
queue_name, project)
msgtmpl = (u'Detected a stalled message counter '
u'for queue "%(queue)s" under '
u'project %(project)s.'
u'The counter was incremented to %(value)d.')
for index, message in enumerate(prepared_messages):
message['k'] = next_marker + index
except Exception as ex:
msgtmpl = (u'Hit maximum number of attempts (%(max)s) for queue '
u'"%(queue)s" under project %(project)s')
raise errors.MessageConflict(queue_name, project)
def _is_claimed(msg, now):
return (msg['c']['id'] is not None and
msg['c']['e'] > now)
def _basic_message(msg, now):
oid = msg['_id']
age = now - utils.oid_ts(oid)
return {
'id': str(oid),
'age': int(age),
'ttl': msg['t'],
'body': msg['b'],
'claim_id': str(msg['c']['id']) if msg['c']['id'] else None
class MessageQueueHandler(object):
def __init__(self, driver, control_driver):
self.driver = driver
self._cache = self.driver.cache
self.queue_controller = self.driver.queue_controller
self.message_controller = self.driver.message_controller
def delete(self, queue_name, project=None):
self.message_controller._purge_queue(queue_name, project)
def stats(self, name, project=None):
if not self.queue_controller.exists(name, project=project):
raise errors.QueueDoesNotExist(name, project)
controller = self.message_controller
active = controller._count(name, project=project,
total = controller._count(name, project=project,
message_stats = {
'claimed': total - active,
'free': active,
'total': total,
oldest = controller.first(name, project=project, sort=1)
newest = controller.first(name, project=project, sort=-1)
except errors.QueueIsEmpty:
now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
message_stats['oldest'] = utils.stat_message(oldest, now)
message_stats['newest'] = utils.stat_message(newest, now)
return {'messages': message_stats}
def _get_scoped_query(name, project):
return {'p_q': utils.scope_queue_name(name, project)}